Universal Tomb of the Mask - endless arcade (by Happymagenta)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by YuliYuli, Feb 9, 2016.

  1. neca

    neca Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2010
    How do I know which version I have? I'm afraid to update and lose everything...
  2. sobriquet

    sobriquet Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2015
    It really doesn't matter. The version 1.1.13 claim is B.S. I update my apps daily and would have had whichever version was in the store before this update.
  3. Deckard74

    Deckard74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    This game has been turned into an absolute sham, the update has fully reset all the progress I'd made as other people have pointed out earlier in this thread. You would think that the developers would have prewarned us on the version update notes, one could almost think that they wanted our progress reset so we may end up purchasing more coins to get back on track but hey that would be exceedingly cynical of me #

    On top of this there is now an energy system on the arcade section as well as constant nags for you to purchase more coins, pure FTP hell in one game. This would be borderline acceptable if it also wasn't obvious that they've limited the coins you can pick up on bonus levels (compare coins collected on the tunnel stage to the original version) to further impede your progress and get you reaching for your wallet.

    Don't get me wrong, FTP definitely works when applied correctly with the recent Galaga Wars being a prime example. However this way of engineering a game system is a total stab in the back for people who spent money on the initial game and have now lost all progress, nice going devs! Oh and the new version crashed on me three times before I eventually deleted it. Thanks for selling out on a once fine game Happy Magenta!
  4. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    This just took over my gaming time so I'm going to be playing until I beat all levels. I've unlocked al masks and deleted , annupdate came out so I did it again , and now another update that is huge
  5. neca

    neca Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2010
    Did anyone manage to keep their your previous stats after updating?
  6. Oats

    Oats Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2011
    Accounting Monkey
    Sunny California
    I have all my previous stats; updated with no problem
  7. sobriquet

    sobriquet Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2015
    With the aid of iMazing I was able to restore all of my lost progress and content. Fortunately I had a back up. So now I'm far less upset about the situation and had a go at the new additions to the game. I must admit it's pretty freaken awesome. I like the way the wheel works now with watching ads to double your prize. The achievements are awesome and the level mode is perfect for this game. Not sure about the energy system but at least you only loss energy if you die. I haven't even seen energy refills or anything like it for sale anywhere, for real money or in game coins. Not sure what the point of adding it was if not to make money.
  8. sweetdiss

    sweetdiss Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Ughhh lost all my progress as well. I always keep automatic updates on, too. No way I missed one.

    Still a great game, and I'm not too bummed about coins/scores. Losing all the masks hurts though.
  9. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    This game is more amazing than before.
    You have the entire previous game attached and now it's like they have added a 2nd game that is so different and just as good
  10. Happybyte

    Happybyte Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Mar 1, 2011
    #270 Happybyte, Dec 7, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2016
    Hi guys,

    First, thank you so much for your support that’s very important for indies such as we are. Thanks for loving our games. Thank you for staying loyal when our failures are as epic as this. And, however it is, thank you for the criticism. It helps improve, although may be demotivating, as, not being a huge corporation, we take it too close to our hearts.

    With that update, to our shame, somehow we missed important things that is not typical to us, who are quality and polish addicts.

    The data loss for some of you has happened due to multiple changes in data store formats across previous game updates. Apparently, for proper data migration it was expected that on each update the game will run and convert the data properly. However, as it turns out, in some cases the game wasn’t open on a few (intermediate) updates, thus the old data was never converted and has become unreadable in the latest versions. That’s why automatic updates did not help – the data wasn’t upgraded because the game wasn’t opened. I hope, there is still a way to read the old data and bring it back with an update, although it may be that it’s not so and the data is lost forever. Whatever it will be, it’s a harsh lesson learned. We’re adjusting our checklists to avoid such failures in the future.

    Hard to comment on the lag and freeze issues right now. Investigating. If you’re having these issues, it’ll help much if you would submit more details about your device model, free space, iOS version to our support web form.

    We do apologize for it and in hope of getting back some of our karma we are rushing to releasing updates that should fix the current issues.

    Second, I understand that some people are concerned about energy for the new game mode. One can think of it as a negative, but it should rise the worth/value of the effort put into passing levels/stages, thus creating more enjoyment after a level/stage is finally beaten. There’s also no hard currency used for energy/lives as in other F2P games and it doesn’t limit the classic endless mode – neither there is a paywall. You can pass it all completely for free and without ads that are entirely opt-in. So, giving it a one star review just because of that even without playing is a kind of unfair.

    Other than that, you’ve, probably, seen not that much of our new releases for quite a while, but this doesn’t mean that we have vanished. That means that we have a whole number of new cool games currently on final stages of development and to be released in Q1 2017. I would be very happy to share info about them with you right now, but we must run in stealth mode for some more time – get ready for betas after the NY.

    Best regards,
    Happybyte @ Happymagenta
  11. Deckard74

    Deckard74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    Hi Happybyte,

    Well your response was appreciated. Now that you've explained the rationale behind why our progress was lost it makes more sense. It would have been far easier for you to disregard the negative feedback so kudos to you for taking the time to reply.

    How would you reinstate our progress if we've updated to the latest version though, I'm at a loss as to how that works but I'll leave that in your far more technical hands. Also it's not strictly true that there is no hard currency in place for the energy system, you still have the ability to purchase more coins if you don't want to grind for them. After all that's why the energy system's there in the first place, I mean why else would it be there!

    Anyway I'm not one of those who gives a knee-jerk reaction and leaves a one-star review as I kept some faith that you would address these problems and move forward which seems to be the case now.

    Good luck with your updates and I've reinstalled the game now as I did love the style and vibe of it. Being an older player it gave me some nostalgic chills so keep up the good work and keep it balanced! I'll submit the bug report too as there's no point in complaining and not helping out to improve the issue.

    Best regards,

  12. Randyrules1

    Randyrules1 New Member

    Dec 7, 2016

    So I have the latest version of iOS on an iPhone 6, and every time I beat the intro level with the new update, it crashes. It worked fine before the update but now it can't play it, anyway how to fix this?
  13. DayDreamer1

    DayDreamer1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2015
    Hey Randyrules1! We're working double tides now to localize and solve all the issues with crashing!
    We apologize profusely for all the problems you guys facing with this update, but we'll do our best to fix them as soon as possible.
  14. BlackEyedGamer

    BlackEyedGamer Active Member

    Sep 15, 2016
    Well - here's another one for you. When trying to restore purchases, the game goes on a one-way journey to Infinite Loop - just hanging there and I have to force quit the game, restart, trying again, rinse and repeat...

    Can't restore, and thus losing the impetus to play any more. Anyone else having this problem???
  15. DayDreamer1

    DayDreamer1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2015
    Thanks, BlackEyedGamer! We seem to detect this problem and it will be fixed!
    We really appreciate your help and support, guys!
  16. sweetdiss

    sweetdiss Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Thanks for filling us in Happybyte. I'm bummed about losing my masks, but the game is super fun and I don't really mind earning them again. As you said, the data wipe is probably from people not opening the app in a while (guilty) so it'll be kinda fun to go through it again. : )

    The new mode is great, and the freemium stuff is fine. I'll be in the classic mode earning my masks back while the energy is re-filling. Good luck!
  17. Happybyte

    Happybyte Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Mar 1, 2011
    #277 Happybyte, Dec 7, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2016
    A quick note on the current data loss issue.

    If the app was not deleted the old data should remain where it was saved before (user defaults store on iOS).

    According to devs the new game engine based on Unity has no simple ways to fetch it - that's why the data was migrated in one of the versions.

    However, there is an unsimple way.

    So we are going to make an update that will fetch the data from the old data store and apply it to the new data store - the update should be the next after the current urgent fix that should deal with crash/freeze issue.


    Regarding the energy/lives system I did mean that there is no hard currency because the coins that may be used to refill it without waiting can be earned by playing or by watching ads without spending real money.

    In other games, like in Candy Crash as a most obvious example, lives are only accessibe though hard currency, what means you can not earn it in game, so it can only be bought for real money.
  18. Mrbestapps

    Mrbestapps Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2015
    Energy system should have not been added into the game. Games like candy crush are fine because each level takes 5-10 minutes, but each level here takes 20-30 seconds and you'll most likely die before that.

    Timer for 1 energy should be reduced to 10 minutes, or make the maximum amount of energy 10.

    Also in normal mode, my iphone 6 gets bad fps after reaching the 2nd zone. Not sure why, this is the only game which lags on my iphone 6...

    Cool update but it needs some work.
  19. sapphirinedreams

    Apr 28, 2013
    Energy system

    Totally agree with the dev on the energy system. I love how it paces progression and makes death meaningful.
  20. sobriquet

    sobriquet Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2015
    I'm not sure if it was a glitch or something but yesterday before I restored my progress I had 7 energy. Started at 5 and went up to 7 by the time I was done. Is there a way to build up more then 5 energy?

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