Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Shadow Vanguard by Gameloft

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by LBG, Jan 19, 2011.

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  1. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    Uhm, no, that was the demo. You could download the map for free or buy it, but with the free version the match ended at round 5.
  2. LBG

    LBG Señor Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    nada ilegal
    31.560499, -111.904128
    * in your opinion.

    I'd much rather have a good, long singleplayer campaign than multiplayer.
  3. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

    In my Eyes Gameloft should split the Singleplayer Modus from the Multiplayer Modus and keep one Team working on the Singleplayer Campaign and the second Team handle the Rest.

    Maybe if Gameloft would sell those two Parts separate, let`s say each for 3-4 Bucks, everyone of us could get what he Wants.

    An epic Singleplayer Campaign that is worth the Time and let you beg for More and our Multiplayer Community an Online slaughter festival with many Server, ranked/unranked Games, Tournaments with InGame Prices likes different Medals, Online InGame Chat(!), each few Months new Weapons, Maps and through IAP Gameloft could still sell anything else.

    I know it won`t Happen but what do you Guys think about that Idea? Am i just a Dreamer who wants for all of us the Best or am i already talking about the next Gameloft Franchise?
  4. Ted-stickel

    Ted-stickel Active Member

    Mar 28, 2009
    #104 Ted-stickel, Feb 20, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2011
    Me too.
    Not everyone prefers multiplayer over singleplayer.
  5. goldglover411

    goldglover411 Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2009
    ipod touch game reviewer
    its just me.....but i would like to see a total gameloft multiplayer game for 6.99.....including like 15-20 maps that are all fairly big, and 16-20 player multiplayer with a great leveling up system complete with perks and a ton of things to unlock

    i can tell you that so far, in MCBP 2 and NOVA 2, i have not yet touched the single player campaign (even though at some point i will dive into nova 2)
  6. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    That is a bad idea, they should split up their time, not thier team. Otherwise the single player and multiplayer will be two completeley different games that have nothing to do with each other.

    Your expectations for the multiplayer are wayy(...)y to high. Come on, even big titles like CoD don't come with 15-20 maps and they aren't all big and the game costs ALOT more than 6.99$
  7. goldglover411

    goldglover411 Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2009
    ipod touch game reviewer
    like nova maps.....nova has 10

    and if they can afford to put in a nova like multiplayer and a nova campaign they can do a full multiplayer game
  8. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    Of the 10 maps in NOVA 2 are from NOVA 1, also, most are rather small or simple. I mean, in Modern Combat there is more attention to detail in the maps.
  9. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

    HUNTERS: Episode One

    The Point is that the first two Rainbox Six Games weren`t FPS. And i really hope that Gameloft will make a Game similar to the first One and not a Game similar to the One we got from Ubisoft...

    Yes, there will be.

    Der-Kleine already mentioned. If you pay less for the License a Unity Logo will be Shown at the Start of your App.

    Unity isn`t really the Problem. It`s just that not many Developer have the Manpower to create something great with Unity, some are even using the default Models and changing just the Textures :(

    The Team behind Unity have already shown us many Times what you could do with Unity if you take the Time and start playing around with the Gameengine.

    I am pretty sure your Friend will stop loughing when his UDID gets Banned sooner or later...

    The IAP Files are very Small, normally it doesn`t take a Minute to Download those so you should be Fine if you have found some Wifi Hotspot to use for less then 30 Seconds.

    Sorry but that`s Wrong. I have bought already a lot of DLCs ( EA, Gameloft,... ) and can only tell you that it never took longer then a Second to Download it, even while i was moving in my Car on the Highway very Fast.

    Nope, it`s the Strategic Part of the Games. And Sorry to tell you but the only true Rainbox Six Games where the first two from Red Storm Entertainment, and not those where Ubisoft was Onboard.

    Why should be the Single Player Part similar to the Multiplayer Part? Isn`t that currently the Problem we are having on the iDevices. That you are getting 50%/50% and not 100%/100%.

    If the Mainconcept of a Game is the Same, it doesn`t matter if the Single Player Game is similar to a Multiplayer Game as long as the Gamebackground is the Same.

    Titles like Call of Duty doesn`t come with 15-20 Maps because Activision is Greedy and selling those as DLCs, even they are already "added" in the Gamecode. You should recheck your Sources about that Topic since it`s only pure $$$ Activision is taking Care about and not the Community itself.

  10. thethinice

    thethinice Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2010
    For the people that don't understand, when you download a game that is free with iap, say for example Sacred Odyssey or Starfront, you are downloading the entire, full game. You just have to pay to unlock it. The only reason you need wifi is to make the money transaction. So there's basically nothing extra that you need to download. I believe this works the same way wne buying iap like credits, for example a freemium game or something like Dead Space or Wild Frontier. The reason you need wifi is to make the transaction, not to download what you bought with the iap.
  11. Vinny554

    Vinny554 Well-Known Member

    dude dont scare me like that....old rainbow six games were ass...i want this to be like Vegas. If its not like rainbow six vegas, its gonna be stupid
  12. thethinice

    thethinice Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2010
    I'm guessing this is going to be like the Ubisoft version, as Gameloft is the sister company of Ubisoft.
  13. KiddToKmart

    KiddToKmart Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    I think this is Gameloft's entry into "non ripped off games" for the iOS - looks great and I hope to play it soon!
  14. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    They do also make original titles (like that Spiderman game), not all their games are rip offs, and does it really matter if they rip off other gmaes?
  15. thethinice

    thethinice Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2010
    They don't always rip off other games you know. Good examples are Spiderman, Splinter Cell: Conviction, and Driver.
  16. beggeltron

    beggeltron New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
    Im bored of thE same old cod rip offs... If its gonna be rainbow six it better be proper. iphone version of the xbox, maybe? At least the same control style ( order your team-mates about)
  17. kileriukaslektuviukas

    kileriukaslektuviukas Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    Yeah if its going to be like the first rainbow six then NO one will buy it! Except for 99 cents... Still I'm hopping for good story good gameplay and good graphics
  18. WunDaii

    WunDaii Well-Known Member

    This will probably be previewed at GDC next week.
  19. DaTa

    DaTa Active Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Really? The old R6s to me were special and challenging. They made the player think before making their next move, being strategical to find the best entry into a room.The newer R6s(Vegas,Vegas 2) are Gears Of War minus the aliens. It is pretty much Call of Duty with a cover system.

    Rainbow Six Vegas , Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Splinter Cell Conviction.

    The games above were simplified and made more fast paced. Why? To cater to casual players like you guys.

    These games were originally super realistic and challenging.
    My favourite series was Splinter Cell. After Conviction, I can no longer look forward to SC6. RIP SC, GR, R6.
  20. LBG

    LBG Señor Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    nada ilegal
    31.560499, -111.904128
    And Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia and Rayman.

    If it's anything like the first or second games then I'd easily pay $30 for it. The early R6 games were the best. In fact Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear is probably my favourite shooter of all time. The new Vegas games are good, but they don't feel like rainbow six games, and as the guy above me said, they were dumbed down to suit the casual players.

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