GameClub Toki Tori (by TwoTribes)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by VoodooVyper, May 21, 2009.

  1. freedog

    freedog Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    Its a fantastic game, one of the best puzzle platformers of all time. But you cant knock the DPAD when you havent tried it that way. It worked really well on the GBC and even wii with the analog stick. If anyone is interested in how well the older version's DPAD worked, if you have a PSP and GB emulator just get the rom and play. Or if you have a PC emulator and a Playstation-like controller/USB DL a GB PC emulator and rom and play. If you are a Two Tribes kissup and are going to support only what they decided and not what many consumers asked for as an additional control option, then dont bother.
  2. Albtraum

    Albtraum Active Member

    May 2, 2009
    Freedog dude let it go - So an iphone game released in 2009 doesn't have pretend virtual versions of the NES control buttons from 1985. You'll be OK. You'll survive.

    Am I the only person who can't stand iPhone games where you have to keep your thumbs physically mashed down on the screen the entire time? It upsets me. It's a touch screen, not a button you press and hold down for a half hour at a time. I don't like Sway for this reason, even though it's a cute game, and I don't like virtual d-pads. I couldn't be happier with the control system for Toki Tori. I think it's perfect.
  3. freedog

    freedog Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    Good for you "dude." But you don't speak for everyone and if people want to talk about the controls they will. Or have already. I don't expect or hope for any update at this point, the game is what it is. I'd be surprised if Two Tribes made an update with other controls. I'll be happy with the GBC Dpad version which I played earlier and ran flawlessly. -The end bye now.
  4. don_k

    don_k Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2008
    IF it only includes virtual d-pad and not point-and-click, would you let it go easily? ;)

    That's more or less how we feel –*unable to enjoy this game as much as we would love to.
  5. Prab

    Prab Moderator
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    Dec 17, 2008
    CS student
    Finished world 1. Only 10 levels. Thats interesting. I thought they would split the 80 levels an even 20 each. Anyone knows how the remaining levels are divided among the 3 worlds?
  6. rIcHrAnDoM

    rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 17, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    Prab, after world 1 it tells you you've unlocked the "hard" levels for world 1.

    So I'm assuming 10 more hard levels per world after the 4 worlds are complete.
  7. Prab

    Prab Moderator
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    Dec 17, 2008
    CS student
    Oooohh. I must have missed that message. I just saw that I was taken to a different world, so I thought that was it for world 1. Thanks for the tip.

    But hmm... so how are we supposed to play this? Finish the hard levels for world 1 first or go on to world 2?
  8. Albtraum

    Albtraum Active Member

    May 2, 2009
    I guess I'm just trying to point out that not every game developed in history is going to be its "best" on the iphone.

    I love old-school gaming. I've been mashing buttons since the early 80s.

    But, for example, I can't stand to play pac-man on the iphone, because there's no joystick, and EVEN THOUGH the developers clearly spent a lot of time and effort and included three or four control schemes, they all kind of suck compared to the original joystick. It's just a fact of life that iphones are not the optimal place to have a pac-man gaming experience.

    Or, to give a more recent example, I hope we can all agree that Super Mario 64 DS was a headache to control compared to the original with the N64 controller. They tried to shoehorn in a bunch of control options, but they all resulted in headache.

    So, in a similar way, I think that iphones are just plain not the greatest for old-school platform gaming with d-pads. I think Assassin's Creed is a nightmare to control. Just my opinion.

    Toki Tori happened to be a game that could overcome that problem because the developers realized they could skip past the virtual d-pad problem and implement touch control. It was an elegant solution, and I applaud it.
  9. theone1007

    theone1007 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009

    Gameplay of this game is addictingly fun. It's so good, it's almost bad ;) I really love this game, and if you haven't gotten it is really good. Gameplay-wise, this is a wonderful game with a lot of content. 80 levels of pure puzzle fun is a lot even though it may not sound like much. I've only beaten the first world, which is consisted of 10 levels, and that took me maybe 1 - 1.5 hours. The gameplay goes something like this: eggs are spread out across the map and you have to get your little chicken and collect all the eggs. You also have enemies to deal with and obstacles to overcome using the "powerups" given to you at the beginning of the level. In the beginning, it is a little easy, but once you progress, it gets harder. This game has very fun gameplay with a lot of content.

    Graphics are also another big plus in this game. They are wonderfully animated in 2.5D, and the chicken is beautifully rendered in 3D, while the background is 2D. It isn't the best graphics I've seen on the iPhone like it states in the description, but they are really nice. They're smooth, wonderfully animated, and "cute". The cute little graphics thing may not appeal to you, but seriously, Two Tribes did a wonderful job with the graphics in gameplay.

    Length of the game is atleast 6-8 hours. I've played 10 levels or so which took me 1 hour. There are a total of 80. I'm really not sure how the replayability of this game is going to work, not sure if it'll be too high. All I have to say is this, 80 levels will give you 4.99 worth of fun. This shouldn't be a worry for you when purchasing this game because the length is just fine. Should last a long time on your iDevice homescreen.

    Overall, this is a wonderful game. Beautiful graphics, great gameplay, and lots of content. This game is recommended to all, even those people who just like blood and gore. I think people of that sort will start to love these types of games once they start playing this. There is no reason not to like this game.

    My only complaint in this game are the menu designs. Are you kidding me??!!!??! They're HORRIBLE. The only thing that Two Tribes designed right were the loading screens and intro screen. Other than that, the menu, level select screen, and beginning loading screen are all horrible. I thought Assassin's Creed had really bad menu designs, but this one just beat it. I cannot believe a company such as Two Tribes with such skill and experience would set out a game with such HORRIBLE menu designs. Really, for a 4.99 game, the menus are horribly designed. Right now, I'm in a state of shock of how ugly the menus are.

    Gameplay: 5/5
    Graphics: 5/5
    Menu Designs: 1/5
    Length: 5/5
    Replayability: 3/5

    OVERALL: 4/5

    This is a wonderful game, no reason to not get it. The only thing that bothers me is that Two Tribes didn't take the time to actually make all the loading screens, menus, and level select screens look nice. I'm sure they've worked a lot on this but please, improve them in an update or something. Other than that, this is a wonderful game with wonderful graphics and gameplay. Length of this game is really long and should keep you busy for a few days/weeks.
  10. Prab

    Prab Moderator
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    Dec 17, 2008
    CS student
    Some of the greatest solutions are the radical ones. But like all radical things, some people would love it. Others would hate it :p

    PS: I personally love the Toki Tori controls and I think its pretty elegant too :D
  11. freedog

    freedog Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2009

    If you've ever played Toki Tori with the DPADS, which I can tell you havent, you would see how great the DPAD worked for the game. Toki can't move or shoot diagnally, can only move left-right or down-up(ladders). Toki doesnt really jump either. With that being said, most of the control issues that affect other DPAD iphone games would not apply. Obvious the developer had this attitude of "off with the old and on with the new". But if something isn't broke then why try to fix it? Usually when a dev changes from a previous control scheme its because people were complaining about it and there was something wrong with it, not because they just wanted something new. Just because something new is available that doesn't guarantee that its better. Its kinda like they said "oh well I like the new thing so everyone has to and will" Kind of cocky and selfish on the part of the dev not to listen to the many telling them they prefer other control options while the game was still being created. Nothing wrong with trying new stuff but multiple schemes should've been included to keep everyone content. This reminds me of all the devs that insisted on putting stuff like "shaking your iphone to play" or "tilt your iphone all around to play" , not necessarily because it worked the best, but because it was more of the novelty at the time. In this case the iphone gimmick-novelty is "tap on the screen and watch the comp do it for you." Sorry, but I thought I was playing a 2D puzzle platformer not The Longest Journey for the PC. Oh and the lack of sales from the previous Toki Tori versions weren't because of the controls, it was because of poor marketing. Nothing was wrong with the game or the style.
  12. eggzbacon

    eggzbacon Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2009
    The Golden State
    I need help on Level 5 World 2
  13. Prab

    Prab Moderator
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    Dec 17, 2008
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    #193 Prab, May 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2009
    Edit: In the mean time, you can use the wild card to skip that level. You can always regain the wild card once you can complete world 2 level 5 properly. No harm done.

    Patience. And I think just use the other thread. There is no need to create a new thread for each level.
  14. gscal

    gscal Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2009
    SF Bay Area
    I found this online.

  15. ITrocks

    ITrocks Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2008
  16. MartiNZ

    MartiNZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    It seems there are 7 hard levels for each world - unless more unlock when you have finished all 4 worlds, à la the last three levels in Edge. If not, so far I'm reading 17x4 = 68, so there must be 12 somewhere - better look behind the fridge.
  17. russiaone

    russiaone Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    San Francisco
    Only one complaint: why the hell isn't there an iPhone orientation? Cmon, devs. This should be commonplace now. Add it, please.
  18. powersurge

    powersurge Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Pensacola, FL
    Its not a big deal but I agree every game should include this and its annoying when its not there. The case I have makes me prefer holding my iPod with the volume buttons up rather than down.
  19. don_k

    don_k Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2008
    Hi Two Tribes,
    what about a lite version to prove us wrong?
    2 levels would be enough.

    Really, anything to convince me re the controls. I'm loving the game, but not convinced with the controls.
  20. jack000

    jack000 Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2009
    HAHA forest falls hard 6, took me a long time to realise how to manage to get the last egg where you couln't just teleport..
    really i love the fact that the difficulty increases very soon, unlike other games where you basically just finish one level after another, so for the price i can recommend it at all!:D

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