The weapon class is fixed. Take the third mech, Nox (mobility focused) for example. Always will have shotgun and magnetic grenades, can’t mount the energy beam or the minelayer on it. Also can’t swap or sub defensive items. Can’t change out a shield for a boost or energy upgrade. All just very linear, there are twelve mechs with fixed equipment and each mech has five upgrade areas with five points in each area. A small nitpick, the fonts and typography are also just ugly. For instance, check out the character spacing/kerning on “Nox.” It’s fun enough even with these many downsides. Feels good and is fun to play, especially if you change the camera to first person. Just really wish there was more customization and that matchmaking wasn’t total balls.
Sorry for basically making this thread my blog, but for all my complaints, this is all I’ve played today. Gone through most of the charge on my 11 Pro! Unlocked the first five mechs, almost maxed out Nox, completed the first two SP tourneys, even played a few more MP matches. Spawning in MP is pretty broken. Really easy to spawn camp, basically inadvertently. MP is just a mess, honestly. Needs the mentioned fixes to matchmaking and spawning, and really needs some more customization, clans, chat, etc. Here’s hoping Atypical gives this some support and polish.
I watched a review of the Switch version and they basically said the same thing. The MP is basically broken, and the SP isn't deep; the AI is weak with no strategy, just run at you. That's a shame. I'll keep an eye on it and see if it improves, but for now I'm holding off.
I haven’t been back to it in a week, but even for five bucks I got an easy $1/hour worth of fun with it. I wouldn’t pay Switch prices for it, but it’s worth five bucks.
Anyone played this on ipad 6th gen (or the similarly specced iphone 7)? If yes does it at least work with the 30 fps mode on with the rest of the effects enabled? Dev only mentions ios 13 as a requirement and I couldn't find any videos showing the game on these devices. *** In the meantime I bought it. Runs well with all effects turned on and capped to 30fps. To my eye it ran well without being capped too, just warmed up the device more ofc. Some level of detail popping is present but still the whole picture is decent. Certainly better than how mudrunner mobile looks...paved road popping in 20m infront of the car regardless of device sky detail at all. Mainly interested in offline play, so I'm not bothered by multiplayer shortcomings. Ohh, and enviromental noises were missing for me on first run in freeroam but after restart or maybe toggling the setting they turned on.