finally the perfect game Hi everybody, after 305 days of continous gaming and waiting, I have finished the game with a perfect game. Alle levels built, upgraded to 10 and all slots filled up with dreamjob skill 9. Nothing to do anymore for me. Eitsch
Well done! You've certainly done better than me. I've been playing for 315 days and I only have 75 floors (and finally got all floors so far to Level 10 a couple of days ago). It's hard to see the end game of all 9 dream jobbers. Of my 177 available jobs, I have 167 dream jobs, of which 111 are 9ers. It's a long road.
Thanks guys. The hardest part was to get the last three 9er dreamjobber. I needed around 6 weeks (!) playing "hard" every day. My office job allowed it to me to have the game open all the day and have an eye on the lobby. I didn´t do any search tasks or transportations of the bitizens. No need for that. hang on in there!
Add me # or code #5K5B3 Don't be fooled by what little i have atm. I've had to start over but am a daily player Look forward to meeting daily ... Kez #