Oh, please launch to this link: https://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/tiny-tower-vegas/id871899103?mt=8. It releases in NZ, but I don't know why I can download it with my US account.
Why don't you touch to the link I've sent? You can download the game. My friends have downloaded it when they did that.
I have the new fishing slots event! 111J or add me on Tiny Tower Vegas by tapping this link! http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/vegas/111J
My Fishing Slots are HAWT! Many have you have been experiencing it for yourselves. Come one, come all. 1167.
I'm nowhere near as developed as others, but I've got slots and poker. The Candy Slots are paying out HUGE. 26BJ
Now adding everyone who posted their code and joined the toucharcade club. My code is 287N if you want to add me.
#toucharcade club is the best! Decent game so far. However, if you want to move applicants, do you have to remove themfrom the tower? (If no spaces in other jobs?) There is no unemployed button like in Tiny Tower. Add me: 28G3