The floor glitch was/is a very real thing, but given that your 1Zxxx user name wasn't allocated more than a month ago, you must have thrown a huge amount of coins around to build 98 floors; and I don't know how many bux to speed it along! There's others in this forum far more inclined to do the maths, but I suspect it would take a considerable outlay of real money to have reached so high, so quick.
Thanks for the update mojocuervo. I went through the exercice of purging a lot of 'deadwood' from my friends list last night, that is players that clearly aren't playing anymore (easily identified by the fact their bux/level status hasn;t changed in a number of days) I still have a bunch of random people that have tipped me that I can't seem to put a name to, can anyone help me identify: YXG9 1JDWC 29VM 28BR 17VVZ 1V6WZ 1QJSL 1TGBT 1DKGD 40RY Thanks in advance Very welcome ps. I believe 34V0 in your list is Ghosthack.
Hello! I've just recently started playing TTV. I've just joined the #toucharcade players club. Not really sure what the benefits of joining a club or adding friends is yet, but my username is 1X3L1 if that helps!
Then let me add Eudyptes to my list of people I very much appreciate as a gifter. Thanks for the info, frownface! Don't know how I missed that but I've been gifting ghost anyway, just under the Unknown 8 alias. Maybe I'll post a list about every month or so (while I'm an active player). It's my minor way of saying "Thanks" & I do mean "Thanks!"
Precisely. NOBODY here believes that "TinyTowerGuru" got to 98 floors simply by grinding. You need to spend about 654 million coins to get to level 98. That's 9 months of constantly earning 2000 coins per minute. Or perhaps he spent bux to build the floors right away. You need about 15.7 million bux to do that, which is an awful lot of 100,000 bux packs at $29.99 each (or even on sale at $14.99). Or perhaps he used about 700,000 chips to earn that many bux. Does anybody here think he spent over $2000 (even $1000 when the sale was on) to get that many chips? The lack of gold stars (level 9 dream jobs) is one clear tell that he didn't do any grinding at all. The other is that his lifetime bux earnings (as seen on the friends page) is 893,505, nowhere near enough for that many floors.
Exactly. I'm glad you did the math because I was too lazy lol. Another tell was his wording, "Catch me if you can, haha!". That tells me it's a kid and/or troll.
I've been noticing that I seem to be getting fewer missions than I use to. For instance, last night I noted that despite playing actively I went for a period of 40 minutes without receiving any sort of mission, even right now it must've been at least 20 minutes since receiving my last one. It use to be that I would receive a mission every 5-10 minutes. I did note that since updating to 1.1.1 there appeared to be a bug with video ads, that is I didn't receive a single video offer for 6 days following the update (i had video offers checked) it wasn't until i enabled notifactions and bitbook alerts that i finally saw a video offer. I would doubt this is related but seems odd. edit : received a mission at 12:16, 21 minutes after posting this post.
Me too. Just lately, I'll only get 1-2 missions in a 30-45 minute play spell whereas before it was more than I bothered to count. Seemed like the average wait between missions was in 3-5 minutes and now it's at least double or triple that. My only theory is that the Halloween missions overlapped with normal missions and maybe I've "run out" of Halloween missions or seen all the new ones or something like that. Or it's all in our heads. lol
Since you never got a proper answer, I thought I'd suggest a deletion/reinstall on the iPad. Since you're playing on multiple devices, you've obviously already got the sync setup so you shouldn't have any risk of losing your tower. I had a similar issue within the first day or two of play and that worked for me. I lost my tower because I hadn't enabled sync yet. Also on an iPad coincidentally. Haven't had a glitch since the reinstall however.
I'm probably not the best judge of this given that I rarely play without doing something else (reading a book, surfing, watching TV, texting, email, typing this message (!), etc.) but, even so, very recently (within the last couple of days?) it seems like the missions are fewer. If so, this may be a simple "winding down" of the "Hallowe'en Special" or a general diminishing of missions which might carry over to after the holiday, although I hope not. On a related note, I have stopped building floors at 42 since finding anything, even with fewer missions, is doable at this level but is perilously close to tedious, for me at least. Plus, there would be no gain in bux earned for found person/item (just floors to search) until a MUCH higher level. What is it, level 59?
Do think it's due to the winding down of the Halloween special. Admittedly i've been enjoying the missions as they're generally quite easy. Though i do agree that it's getting more difficult to find things with more levels. I'm finding that I skip missions more frequently now. Welcome, can finally put a name to the face
Aw man. I saw that The original tiny tower Had an update today. I was hoping for more floors, but was disappointed to see it was only an ad for the Vegas tower.
Known Issue This is a known issue described on the NB site: "iOS Version 1.1.1 Video Ads Crashing: We apologize for the delay and this issue. We are working with the video ad developer to resolve the crashing and will have it fixed asap. Reinstalling the app may resolve the issue. Please be sure your game is backed up before reinstalling. See our FAQ on backups and syncing for more info here." Check out the NB site if you have additional problems: .
[ I've added all the people in this list and will be tipping daily. Is it possible for me to be added to this list? My code is: 173PS
Up to 27 members! New folks are in bold. Code: [URL=""]2FPS[/URL] Amy [URL=""]2FKS[/URL] Andrwsc [URL=""]1BH5[/URL] ArchStanton [URL=""]2F94[/URL] AWalrus [B][URL=""]173PS[/URL] !BigTicket![/B] [URL=""]1MC0J[/URL] Corky McButterpants [URL=""]1VSHZ[/URL] Eitsch [URL=""]1W6QG[/URL] Elemdee [B][URL=""]1R0N0[/URL] Forellentee[/B] [URL=""]10GF[/URL] FourtyOneNY [URL=""]1CNYY[/URL] Frownface [URL=""]34V0[/URL] Ghosthack [B][URL=""]5BK9[/URL] Grdawg[/B] [URL=""]NKFB[/URL] Jlgolson [URL=""]444B[/URL] Jmacjmac [URL=""]4TFL[/URL] Lisianne [URL=""]10FR[/URL] Lorena [URL=""]28DQ[/URL] Moelskinegurl [URL=""]2BYJ[/URL] MoelskinegurlSO [URL=""]1XHX[/URL] MojoCuervo [URL=""]2B98[/URL] Pei31112 [URL=""]4YKJ[/URL] Prof815 [URL=""]10G4[/URL] Rebartsch [URL=""]1F06B[/URL] Relharn [URL=""]WDNZ[/URL] Roboroboto [URL=""]1TR7[/URL] Slightlynorth [URL=""]190XK[/URL] Turakm Added: Forellentee, !Bigticket!, and Grdawg
Can I get added to that list - 5BK9 - I probably have some from this list on my list but will add everyone I don't have and start tipping daily. I am very actively playing. I've noticed with Halloween over that the amount of missions has greatly increased. I am really racking up chips the past few days. Thanks
Definitely plenty more missions now. For those that have the bit boxing level. Does Ty Bison stand around like the other characters? He doesn't appear on mine.