I believe rank is determined by the combined amount of Bucks earned through gambling (not the amount currently held) by all members in whatever the current "establishment of the week" is. Right now it's Snorkel Slots. So it's a bit of a paradox. More members mean a higher position on the leaderboard, but only the Top 30 members in each club will earn prizes (coins and a roof) during each of the events. That's why "branch" clubs already exist (#TouchArcade / #TouchArcade2, etc) for players who want to be able to be in a Top 30. If all of the clubs united, they'd be higher in the rankings, but less players would earn prizes. ( 29YH )
Wouldn't it make more sense to buy Chips, instead? Unless the casino games stop giving out Bucks or the early gambling is "rigged" to make you think you'll win more often than you typically do, you'd get a better ROI buying Chips and using them all on the games. (Of course, you could have meant to spend real bucks to buy Chips instead of bucks 4 Bucks ...)
Played the original Tiny Towers and had a lot of fun with it for awhile, now having fun with this too. Nice to see the changes/additions made. But I can't figure out how to fire a bitizen from their job. I know you can't change employees around when the store's restocking, but even when that's not happening and I tap on a bitizen, then on the "Job" button, I don't see an option to fire or make them unemployed. In fact I get mostly a black screen and the bitizen's name at the bottom. I must be missing something but I've tapped on everything tappable, searched through all the pages in this thread and the other thread for this game in the Upcoming Games area, and googled for a bit, and couldn't find any answers. Thanks to anyone who can help!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you can fire a Bitizen in this version, because there's no "unemployed" status to put them into (just the five 'pending new arrivals' in the lobby). Since you can't put Bitizens back into the lobby, your options seem limited to: * Swapping them into another available job slot in a different job (both establishments have to not be stocking) * Kicking them out of the tower altogether Of course, I can't confirm you can even swap between jobs, because I haven't needed to do that yet, and don't have an empty position available to verify.
Ah okay, makes sense. Thanks for your help! I was starting to worry that I was missing the obvious. Guess that's another new thing to get used to, but like I said before I'm enjoying the changes, especially the slots and the miniquests you get to do.
Add me on Tiny Tower Vegas by tapping this link! http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/vegas/2CXJ Decided to start a new Tower after the beta version
So this is my first tiny tower Game. Im just tapping things and upgrade stuft but can you do something wrong or is there a certain strategy in this game? Greetings and add me if you want thx 2FBF
Is there anyone who has a tower with Snorkel Slots? Anyway, my friend code is 2CC1. Edit: nevermind, found this
I have the Snorkle Slots. My friends code is 10FR. Add me on Tiny Tower Vegas by tapping this link! http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/vegas/10FR
For the Pocket Planes TouchArcade1 crew veterans, I started a Toucharcade1 players club in Tiny Tower vegas. Not sure how it works yet lol My friend code there is 2HJH Feel free to join
I am in love with this game. Loving the different gambling games, Dragon Poker is paying out huge tho made a little fortune lol My friend code is 281H add me if you want guys, cheers.
I hope the devs read this, but I'm living in China and there seems to be a lot of connection issues. I can't visit friends towers, and I also can't send my activation code to my email address. Also, sometimes I can't open the player's club. I'll test if it's my connection or not but my friend is also having the same problem using a different internet connection so I doubt it's on my end.
In that sense, it might be nice to "organize" the different main and sub-branches so people know who is in #TouchArcade, #TouchArcade2, etc, as well as which gambling locations they have. (Probably a bit TOO number-crunchy, especially to try to do in forums, and with everyone's towers and gambling options continually 'evolving.')
Haha! I started again with the NZ soft launch and it's happily transferred to the official version - but it means I lost all my early adopter friends. I'll be sure to add you again...