So then the strategy to slow down the demand for food businesses is to have more food than other types of stores?
What the hell? 125 bux to 499 bux? How odd... Anyway, I have a fix for anyone who crashes on the loading screen even with lots of RAM available and after multiple tries. All you have to do is wait 10 seconds on the loading screen, and quit the app yourself. Immediately re-open it (and I mean IMMEDIATELY), and the app will load.
Hire? Seriously? I guarantee you'd have an overwhelming response for a free intern. With the NB lovers out there, you would have to beat them away with stick, and you'd have to offer nothing other than them being able to say they represent you. But if you took the time to copy/paste these updates at least to the SA and TA forums, it would easily pay off. We must not be talking about the same SA forums. Their $10 entry fee seems to be the virtual swear jar. The posts in the TT thread there have no more merit and do not have significantly less whining than here. It's just more colorful since they have the added bonus of being able to make it terribly NSFW. Well it is 5x as fast....=\
I still don't completely understand. The more of one business I have the slower the stock goes? Sorry it's just a little confusing and want to make sure my stock is selling as fast as possible.
Then build balanced (one of each type). If you have more food businesses than any other type, the demand for any one particular food business drops somewhat so long as it's only one more, but if you do something like create a building with 10 food, 6 service, 6 recreation, 6 service, and 6 retail, well then the food demand will drop to something like 60% and it will take nearly twice as long to clear the stock at a food business.
But I don't want the food floors because they sell so slow so I have 0 food floors and 26 floors of the other shop floors. Hopefully stock sells just as fast?
This is currently how my 'demands' look. If I were to make 6 food shops now would the stock for all of my other shops sell faster???
No I am thinking you are thinking the opposite - food for me actually sells quickly because it has lower stock than some of the other businesses. So I am thinking of doing the opposite of what you are doing and have more food floors than other floors. Then the demand for food will slow down somewhat and the demand for others will remain higher. Least that is how I am interpreting the posts by eeen and Channum but as usual I could be looking at this completely wrong!
Ok currently I have 36 floors 3.5million in coins and 375 bux (I know I could have many more floors but I told myself Im not buying anything until I hit the 5 million coins and 500 bux mark).I never updated to the newest version in fear of losing my statistics.Question,(probably already answered but theres just way to many posts to try and go back to read them all in search of my answer) if I do update will I lose current status? and what are the pros and cons of update.By the way great game,I play daily.
Sorry, you are right, I meant to say that the stock is so low that I don't like having food shops. It sells out so fast and needs constant stocking. If it had more stock it would be good but it doesn't
I never really LOOKED for dream jobbers except for my food shops. That doubles the stock at least. It doesn't make it HUGE but double is double. Other dream jobbers that came along were great but I actively made sure the food shops had them - I even have a level 6 in one of my shops JUST cuz she is a dream jobber! Of course I have more shops now so it is easier to just have dream jobbers floating around in other shops I can move around. Maybe try that? At least you can keep the balance. I am sure your other stores are selling product but keeping demand high will sell them faster. I am not sure if it is a huge difference or a negligible difference but at least you will be even. I don't even know if my method I am thinking about will work!
Thanks for your reply NEG, all I wanted was confirmation from the dev that that keeping demand equal will result in stock being sold faster in other stores. I wouldn't mind getting the 'Scoops', 'Bakery' and 'BBQ Place' as the stocks for those 3 are half decent but things like the 'Pub' which has a stock of 15 for 1 minute build time is just beyond ridiculous.
I have a quick question that I must have missed the answer to. Is there a limit to the number of floors a tower can have? Like 100? Or is it only limited by the number of shops and apartments available?
It was shared to me; so I thought I'd share to those that wanted to see... Infini-Lift Lightspeed (The words from a friend who shared it with me: for 500 t.bux you can buy a elevator 5x faster than the current gold one. Its called Infini-Lift Lightspeed and is gray with blue highlights. Look tron-ish to me heh. And it stops on a dime so no more overshooting your floors assuming you can actually keep an eye on the floor numbers as they blur past. update : taping the up and down arrow moves it one floor exactly, very nice!) More Costumes (even ninjas!!!)
-wink- Question, what happens once you have one of every residental and business? Do you start receiving doubles or does it just not let you build any more?
Wow so... those folks with over 1k floors have a crap load of empty floors huh? Suddenly my desire to chase the leaderboards is diminished.