I've moved all my residences down to the bottom for easier management, which means I can just build a residence when I need it, rather than doing the 2 bus per 1 res I was doing before. I think it'll be easier this way, since I spent a whole bunch of bux getting 50 out of 55 dream jobs filled and I don't feel like doing that again for awhile. x_x
In terms of floor types in the aggregate that's always been a given. However, how you've arranged your floors, what names you give your shops (coming in the next update) how you've painted them, dressed the bitizens, how personal or uncaring you've been toward your bitizens, all make it *your* tower, and we still haven't seen where Nimblebit will be taking this (based upon the precedent of how they supported PF, there's at least two more big things coming due to empty slots on the menu interface). For example, in spite of all the number crunching you've seen from me, I'm still reasonably whimsical toward many of my bitizens. I have some that have been there since the very first days and even if it's another 5 months before I can finally put them in their dream jobs they're not going anywhere. For all the time and trouble some have gone to in terms matching dream jobs and aptitude, a store staffed by all unhappy bitizens with 0 aptitude and with dream jobs in unrelated types are only about 20% less profitable (in the true use of the word profit ) than a store staffed by all dream jobbers with 9 aptitude. I'd rather follow the struggles of A. Mitchell who dreams of working in a coffee shop but has to make a buck working at the pub than just sit there cycling bitizens for an hour to optimize businesses in a game where you can't actually lose money. Then there's L. Stevens who wears a pirate hat and works in Women's Fashion, his dream but had to pretend for a while that he preferred selling men's clothing. Or Terry Diaz who did eventually get the boot, but he was clearly a stoner who wasn't producing (had like 3 pizzas and a mysterious soggy package delivered to him in the space of 90 minutes once ). If nothing else, consider the reality is that it's going be be a very small percentage among non-cheaters that will ever reach the point of having all or even nearly all of the floors. In spite of the odd claims I keep seeing about dream job farming, etc., there just isn't enough micro to keep up with the floor prices for all but the most intense OCD sufferers out there. After about floor 100, the price of each new floor more and more outstrips the maximum theoretical income from businesses. For example, going from floor 120 to 121, if you stayed up 24/7 keeping on top of things, it would still take you at least a day and a half to buy the new floor, and if you wanted to, say, just shorten that to 18 hours of constant microing, well, you could do that by dream job farming about 300 bitizens, but, yeesh, that's painful to even contemplate - I got bored just trying to fill a new apartment floor this morning, evicting the chaff and placing the matches - think I moved in 8 bitizens in all before I moved onto more interesting things. I'm sure there are those who will do it, just like I've got one GC neighbor who based upon her general profile I'm inclined to think might have actually dream job farmed her way to 94 floors already instead of cheating her way there (which is why she's still my GC neighbor, reasonable doubt). If you're serious about sticking with the game, I'm pretty sure you're going to have no trouble distinguishing your 131 floor tower from mine
I would like to possibly see In a very soon upate, the ability to pay a flat amount for a Bitizen with the dream job of your choice. No promise on stats, just that they'll have the dream job. The time I just wasted trying to get my last Fashion Studio filled before the end of the night (giving me 99/99 dream jobs) took forever, especially because I accidentally screwed up and booted one that I already had. I was playing the gambling game and I was over 100 tb (after being 0 at the start of the day) and if I was willing to put in more time, I would have gotten them filled and have probably been around 130 tb. But I got tired of doing the shuffling, I just filling and booting until I got the 2. I don't care their stats, because why? But if I could more easily place dream jobs, yes it might take away from the excitement, but I know for my OCD as my tower grows, being able to buy a DJ is possibly going to be the one thing to extend the life of the game. That's my thought behind it. Having a drs office and fashion studio are really nice. I'm finally getting some really good stores, I was tickled pink when I got my Mapple store (even though I'd never seen that episode of the Simpsons ) as that was one of my biggest desires. Anyway, my goal is to make the game easier to manage. The effort it takes to sort and scroll through the bitizen list was fine early on, but with 100+ bitizens? It's not good enough.
It would be nice to be able to sort this list, by employment status (happiness), dream job, skill level in dream job. Also I saw the 'happiness' number/rating in the pre-beta screenshots, are there any plans to put this back in? Like a rating to reflect how many Bitzens are in their dream job, variety of stores maybe, maybe other things could effect it too.
Happiness definitely should have remained in the game in some form. As it now stands, it's only about a 20% increase in profit between a shop staffed by all unhappy people versus one with 3 dream jobbers with 9s. I appreciate the lack of punishment in general, but we should have either suffered more for ignoring bitizen happiness or gained more for paying attention to it.
Anyone did the same like me in dressing up your bitzens to be the same colour as the businesses they are assigned to? E.g. Green clothes for all who works in the Food Section, etc? Makes finding them easier I think...
I tried that, but you can't really select the colours yourself... or can you? Tapping on the Bitizen and then "Dress Up" only allows you to cycle through some randomized preselections... and you can't choose a previous one either! I gave up after trying to match 6 Bitizens....
I'm also looking forward to having more customizing options for Bitizens. Its just too random and time consuming to keep cycling looks before i get a combo that is close to what i want.
I have dressed up all 100 of the people I have with little problem. They don't always look amazing, but it's really not that difficult to at the very least match them based on color. Getting 2x the high end quantity of a high end building keeps you from having to worry about the business, allowing it to net you more in the long run with half the effort. Spending 15 hours to get double the quantity is a huge benefit to me. That said, the cost discount is negligible even once you pass the first 15 floors. At that point the only thing that's worthwhile is if it is their dream job or not, unless you're really OCD and are dying to have all 9s.
I'm at 44 floors. I hope backtothis doesn't think I'm cheating, because I can't see his tower anymore. Anyway, I thought after I got to my 30th floor, I'd be done, but I'm still going. I really want the Mapple Store, but no bones, yet. Is there like a GameFlop, or something?
The Hearts were never for happiness Nor was happiness ever in the beta (hearts were only in alpha), read the following quote. Just keep in mind this is a Time Management game with IAP, NOT a Sim by any means No there is a generic "Game Store" that sells: Used Games, Controllers, and Game Systems.
Under more real world conditions the gain isn't nearly what you're imagining. It only becomes a big deal under some very ideal timing scenarios. The rub is that you can't sell through stock any faster regardless of source and so unless you're hitting your restock/stock cycles on target more than twice as much for your dream job shops as your mere plebeian shops, the gains wash out pretty quickly. As an example, consider the optometrist I used earlier - your total net profits from selling through a single set of stock is about 2.5X greater for the perfect store vs. the unhappy 0s, but it takes you pretty much a full day to do that. So in the real world in the time it takes you to make about 24,000 coins in profit from the perfect version of that store, for only 9 clicks more, you could be making close to 19,000 coins in profit from the one staffed by all unhappy workers with 0 aptitude. The store with dream jobbers does perform better, never argued otherwise, but my point is that the time, luck, effort, etc. that goes into getting the perfect shops doesn't amount to that much in real world gains when compared to just ignoring it altogether. There should have been an actual penalty for having unhappy workers is all I was saying.
Then let's remove the bonus from dream jobbers As far as your balance sheet at the end of the day goes, a worker who wants to be swimming with Shamu at the Aquarium and has a 0 in Food is effectively just as good a worker at your Fancy Cuisine as the worker with a 9 in Food and dreams of working at the Sky Burger. You get bonuses for matching dream jobs but suffer nothing whatsoever for making workers unhappy, nor gain anything for at least getting them in the ballpark of their dream job. I understand very much the lightness of the game, 90% of why I post the results of my number crunching is to demonstrate the futility of going to a lot of effort to min-max a game with these straight forward mechanics. That doesn't change the fact that there being no effect from bitizen unhappiness AT ALL is a big miss.
Green lines while restocking Hi! Lovely game. One problem though.. While restocking 4 floors a green line has appeared on all of them + a 24 hour restocking time.. :-( should i delete the game or just wait for the bug to fix itself ? Thank you.