Hi there, I love this game. It's really addicting and it doesn't really require you to spend money... I've got more than 200 bux in two days without paying a cent! Anyway, I've just got one question: if I delete a building what happens? I get a free space to build whatever I want again? And does it take the time it took the first time or the time it would take as if it would be a completely new floor?
Y If you delete a floor, and it shows up as a empty floor. You can build any of the class class floors. The time it takes is the same as the last floor.
The developer Eeenmachine posted last night - Quote: "I think I finally figured it out, should be fixed in the next update sorry!"
Wait...stop the presses, do you mean to tell me the hundreds of people who have well over 100 floors already, DIDN'T spend thousands of dollars on Bux??? My world is shattered.
So apparently telling the developers to check their PMs constitutes a one-day ban here despite it not being ANYWHERE in the rules. Well, guess I'll have to grab their attention here. I still have the same question regarding what happens when you switch time BACKWARDS. I know going forward will mean I will have some unwanted advantages in the game, but I'm worried shifting time backwards will cause some major glitches that will make the game unplayable. I already know that it will cause excessively long wait times. And if you're wondering, no, I don't plan on cheating or anything. I'm going on vacation that will pass through MANY time zones, and when I return I need to make sure nothing happens to my game.
I've never heard of it causing glitches either here or on Pocket Frogs, it's all related to stuff with timers.
Oh. I was thinking something might happen because if I stock a product, and then go back in time, I was wondering if the stock would go into negative quantity or something else like it that would jack up my game.
Yes, but on a more serious note: isn't it more than a little disappointing that not even a token effort was made to prevent people from spoofing the *one* source of revenue for the developers? You should need more than a text editor and 10 minutes to print unlimited money in a game with leaderboards and IAP based money.
Valid point, but I suppose the hard fact is that this game is already doing twice as well as Pocket Frogs, and with more in-app purchases being made. Nimblebit should be making some nice cash out of this and I'm guessing the majority of players aren't even going to bother researching such things. I don't particularly care if people cheat, provided the devs are happy with their income, but there should definitely be an easier and faster way of kicking them off the leaderboards.
You might as well just ask for the world to be eliminated of stupid people Obviously there's gonna be those people that go great lengths to cheat at trivial things like this. There's nothing stopping how they think, and I think the developers know that. From my experiences with Nimblebit's games, they simply just want to make cheap, quality games for all to enjoy, with their revenue relying on satisfied consumers.
There are people who will figure out how to cheat at the best protected games, no doubt. That doesn't mean you don't make an effort. They didn't make an effort. It's literally a plain .txt file that people are editing to cheat the bux.
... ... ... ... ... ...tempted... ... ... ... ... ...but no... ... ... ... I admit that I have a very strong desire to run/manage a very tall tower, though cheating my way through it isn't going to give me *as much satisfaction then building it up from scratch. Can I have a build a new tower separate to my existing one on the same device? I really want a 100+ floor tower...