I bought it when I started last week. I thought it was helpful in kickstarting some activity. You don't NEED it by any means...but early in the game it helps to either get some extra floors or buy up an elevator. I bought some floors so that I could have more to do earlier on. Plus - it seemed only right to toss a few bucks to a developer that made a game I love (since I've dumped plenty of $$$ on games I ended up hating.) ___ GC: sooooz
It would be neat if there was a Donate button, since I don't want to get Bux from real money, but would be happy to give a few $$ to the developers. When I compare towers with my friends, I like my tower to have no IAP.
lol yea when I exit out of the app and realize the elevator was waiting for me, i re-open it and make sure the bitizen reaches his/her destinatiion xD. I need gamecenter friends! If anyone could add me on gamecenter that would be great! GC: VanillaCupkake
I'd like a donate button actually, then your tower could have a little badge icon to show you've supported the devs. Make it visible on the friends page as well
She is what we refer to in the business world and an underachiever, or lazy. . I'd suggest getting the 3 bux from her then dropping her as quickly as you can.
Donate bucks to add balconies to all your residentials and advertising bill boards to your shops . That should make the tower look extra cool!
Yup, I suggested this in an earlier post too. Actually, what I think would be best is if they got rid of the "store closed" notifications and added a "store can be restocked" notification. This would solve the problem of not knowing when a store w/ >= 2 items ran out of one, and it would solve the problem of the persistent notification for a dead store (ie. no workers).
I finally got my Gamecenter to work...I had to backup and restore my iphone, but now it works. Everyone is welcome to add me, my name is Pinworms Currently at 34 floors, 42 dream jobs, no IAP
Guys I have a few questions 1) It it possible to get a certain store type or is it random or according to the level of the floor? 2) my friends list takes a long time to load and when I click the x button during the "loading friends" the game glitches out and moves slightly off screen. 3) what's a good layout? Mine is currently lobby> app > food> creative > app > retail> app> arcade > soon to be service
Luck of the draw. The higher the tower, the larger the pool of choices, but it's always random from the total eligible pool of choices. Whatever works for *you* in terms of keeping everything straight. What floor visitor's go to is completely random and there are no game effects from placement of the floor types. Myself, all residential floors on top, then service, then creative, the retail, then recreation, then food. Make it easy for me to find everything and see that things are stocked.
As soon as I am done stocking and checking I quickly try to exit the game before I see the icon to say someone is waiting in the elevator. I feel bad otherwise if they are there and I just leave them. We should be able to kick people out who dont go to high number floors .. since the tips are proportional to the floor number
I very literally crush the dreams of my bitizens on a regular basis. I keep getting people who have dream jobs that match my my stores, but those are already filled with bitizens who have the same dream job and higher stats. But since I still want those 3 bux, I just temporarily make one of them jobless and give the newcomer the job, then evict them right away. It makes me feel so evil but it's surprisingly enjoyable and rewarding
Huh? I did exactly what you did for 3 freaking hours and got 30+ bitizens with the dream jobs I needed. Now, all but 1 of my store aren't filled with 3 dream job bitizens. But I swear it was a freaking pain in the head and thumb repeatedly buying and evicting bitizens.