That must be the case, because I had the same thing happen with a construction worker while I was saving up to buy a new floor.
It seems like they only go away if the game restarts. i.e. when u open the app and u get that TINY TOWER title screen
I was thinking about this a little and I wondered why you might want to keep the real estate person around that long. Even the construction worker. Say you have to keep them for over a day and that clogs up your elevator for that time. In that time you could be shuttling residents up and down pretty consistently and surely you would get the 3 bux you save with the construction worker - and then use them on the last 3 hours; or 5 bux for the residents and move some in yourself! In fact you might get way more, and probably will, during that time that you can use on other things. So I don't see a benefit to this strategy, just a risk you will lose them as the game resets itself periodically too.
Possibly, but I don't play the game that often so the 10 bux I'll get from placing the dream jobbers will far outdo what I would get by getting tips from random bitizens and the off-chance that one of those random guys would move into my new apt and want to work at a floor I already have. It seems that the Real Estate VIP always brings in guys that want to work at shops I already have vs randoms that never do. He did stay well over 30 minutes, also. I kept him around for about 48 hours before the little sucker decided to go move people into someone else's tower!!
Depends what floor you are on and how diligent you have been about getting dream jobbers to this point I suppose. I was always sort of on top of it - if someone moved in and had a dream job that was filled they got the boot. I only kept ones I needed for existing or floors I didn't have yet. That way when my last floor was built I had three people ready and waiting! So I guess yeah if you don't have many dream jobbers then it might make some sense but the way I did it, the real estate person would move in either low numbered people or people I didn't need so it wasn't as useful to me.
Update 1.5 is out Has anybody leaped and installed it? - NEW MISSIONS ... - GIFTING ... - Added star graphics ... - NEW FLOORS AND COSTUMES!
Just a heads up for anyone considering updating: if you are stocking a floor and accidentally click on something that is already stocked, there is NO WAY to cancel. You must either spend bux to sell or gift the stock, or completely close the app and restart it. Not good!
+1. The next dialog window gives you the cancel option. Kind of annoying to have to go through a second dialog window to cancel though. I tap on things already stocking all the time.
Ah, I'm glad that isn't true. I didn't want to click on either of the options to find out, though, as the floor I had accidentally clicked on needed 27 bux to do either! I agree that it would be better if we could still just click the big red X right there on the first dialogue, though.
PERECT timing. I just built floor 145 a couple days ago. When I noticed this morning that the update was out, I had about 200,000 left over after building floor 146.
Is this a bug or an intended feature: I accepted the mission 'Award Night' which requires 450 Haircuts and 5400 Teeth Whitenings. I didn't have any Haircuts in stock so I stocked them and as soon as I clicked to stock them, they were accepted into the mission. Everything's working great. However, I have 2500 Teeth Whitenings still sitting on my shelf that were there before I started the mission. Do I have to wait for them to sell (or force sell them) then restock them again so they'll be accepted for the mission?
This got me at first, too. I only clicked on one that required 2 or 3 bux to quick sell so I figured I could burn them and gift them to myself or something. Found the 'cancel' button on the next screen. The only thing missing from this game that's been asked for at least a million times is the ability to quickly shoot to the bottom of the tower. Other than that, I am absolutely loving this game! While I'm asking, what about a way to gift Bux to other members? For example, I have over 1000 but my daughter only has 20 or 30. It would be nice if I could send her a few. I understand that the Bux is your revenue stream so this might not be a welcome feature but it would be pretty nice.
Stock is only applied to missions when the floor is actually "stocked" and you can only gift items, not bux or coins.