Help please Hi everyone I just downloaded this game and I love it! But I can't get my pub to open, I've hired the employees and it's stocked. I have an orange exclamation point that says it wants my attention, but I can tap on it until my face turns blue but it won't open so I can make some more money. I even deleted it and built a new one, it gave me another pub that still won't open. What are your thoughts? Thank you in advance for any help/suggestions.
I'm not sure what to make of this. I don't think anyone else in the topic has spent even half that. Good to see Nimblebit getting some money though! Dude you're the one messing around with reinstalling. Make your mind up and play the game. Someone never owned a virtual pet. I can only assume it's the entire genre you don't understand.
Are you sure it's stocked? The orange exclamation is for businesses with no stock. Are any of the little icons to the left of the floor name lit up?
VIP Construction Worker If you do not have a new floor under construction, what do you do with these guys while waiting for your coffers to fill? If they sit in the elevator, then new customers cannot take advantage of your fabulous store offerings.
This sounds extremely stupid but how exactly does the elevator work? I can't get my bitizens to exit the elevator...
I just realized I have 0 friends in gamecenter. Please add me if you play this game cause I could really use some friends on this ID - Asianness Thanks
All but the VIPs have little speech bubbles that show the floor number they want to got to. Take them there, and they will get off in a second.
It's a chore.. an unfun game mechanic in a game (games should be fun). It's only in there so they could offer you elevator upgrades to help make the chore a little more bearable. Even Tomagachis could die. There was conflict. Keeping it alive longer was actually an accomplishment. In Tiny Tower, you can't lose -- the worst you can do is to simply progress slower.
I'm stocking again now, maybe I overlooked it and didn't stock it like I thought I did. If I did I'm going to have a *headdesk* moment and will laugh with you all when you laugh at me. Aaaaand there it is...I didn't have it stocked, I thought that I stocked it while in the tutorial, but I apparently didn't. Thank you so much for your help!!
I do think the inclusion of some disasters (fires, storms, etc) and more incidental events would be nice. I was thinking this would be more like Sim Tower. Not that i'm disappointed.
So I downloaded the game this morning and it was working fine. Try to go into it now and it'll open for like 5 seconds then close. I've tried like 5 times and the same thing keeps happening. Anyone else been having this problem? Guess I can just re-install and see if that works.
I haven't had it done, but in the previous page(s), they suggested to sign out and sign back in to Game Center.
Dream job doubles the stock you get (i.e. effectively a 50% discount PLUS doubling the storage capacity for that business) whereas their aptitude rating at most yields a 9% discount. Getting a 9 for the relevant dream job would certainly be nice, but not a big deal. Just deliver them anywhere, they'll get off, no bonus is achieved, and you'll get a fresh passenger in a bit. Not exactly rocket science.
The absolute worst you could do is not play the game because you don't understand it Yes Tamagotchis could die, but that has no effect on your reasons for playing the game. You play purely to observe the progress, just as you do with Tiny Tower. The elevator is definitely a chore, it's supposed to be. It's the one, small amount of work you do in exchange for playing this free app, it's another subtle hint that you could bless the developers with some change and get some extra bux to hurry up the slightly more tedious portions of the game. I find it amusing people are complaining about the intentionally slow parts of the game. They've been put there on purpose as little nudges towards the IAP. The devs are kind enough to provide the game for free, but they still need money. You have to provide the small amount of patience required to play it if you don't want to spend the cash.