Universal Tiny Tower: 5th Anniversary Edition (by NimbleBit)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. senorian

    senorian Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    Maybe It's just me but I feel like i'm not getting as many Tower Bux for having fully restocked floors. I had one session where I had like 7 floors fully stocked and not one Tower Bux did I get. I know it's based on randomness but I wish it would happen more frequently. Especially since I have to save up so many for that new elevator.
  2. Cloverfield

    Cloverfield Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    No it's not just you. Others including me believe the same but the dev shot it down saying it's still random. Oh well...
  3. eeenmachine

    eeenmachine Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2008
    Independent Game Developer
    San Diego, CA
    The mean dev SHOT down your claims with a sneaky lie claiming that they hadn't changed the random chances for earning bux. WE ALL KNOW IT IS A CONSPIRACY!

    The chance is 1 in 6. Please start recording every time you fully stock a floor in the game and whether you get a bux or coin bonus. Note that you will need a sample size of at least a couple hundred to have your findings be statistically significant.
  4. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    And you guys honestly wonder why NimbleBit chooses to post on Something Awful instead of here? [​IMG]
  5. mehware

    mehware Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2008
    Loving this game for days. I play this game before I go to bed, and when I wake up, and even when I wake up in the middle of the night! I bought 100 bucks out of respect to the true hard work of fellow developers. And it helped me upgrade my elevator.

    @Hodapp - sweet platypus!
  6. senorian

    senorian Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    I don't think there's anything wrong with me expressing my opinion here. I'm not saying anything bad about the dev just wishing that the tower bux for fully stocked floors came up more frequently.

    I also in no way think this is some type of conspiracy. I understand about the randomness and 1 in 6 chance. It makes more sense that this needs to be taken into a bigger scope rather then a small sample size. And since i play it throughout the day my chances of getting tower bux will vary greatly.
    I have no problem with donating money to help the dev which I will once I hit 399 so that way I can make the $5 donation and get my last 100 tower bux. i'm just soooooooo far away that it feels like it's going to take forever for me just to get to 399. I can't upgrade my floor levels or speed up my stock cause I'm trying to save up every tower bux I get.

    That's why I was hoping that the TB would pop up more frequently.
  7. toythatkills

    toythatkills Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Thames Ditton, UK
    I get something like 20-30 Bux a day from restocking bonuses alone. They really don't need to be any more frequent.
  8. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    To go from 0 to 499 bux will take you around 24 hours of actually playing the game, so you're right that it's a significant investment, but, really, for a game that many will still be playing a year from now, insignificant in the bigger picture as well.

    When the game came out and I was playing a little too much of it, I was getting well over 100 bux a day. Even after I slowed down to just "keeping up" with the stocking, I was still getting at least 50 bux a day. So, unless you're now like me and just checking in whenever you feel like it without obsessing over the game, it's still less than 2 weeks for anyone seriously playing, hardly much of a wait.
  9. PixelKind

    PixelKind Member

    Jun 22, 2011
    if you dont update your businesses you can earn more Bux because you can restock them more often and faster. but it depends a lot on how you play. upgrading them makes the game more "casual" because you dont have to check on it so much while still making money from your businesses. but if you play a lot then i wouldnt spend too many Bux on updates so you can often fully restock a floor to get the chance for a TB
  10. midnightdreams

    Aug 10, 2011
    I'm not getting VIPs like I used to. :confused: (or it maybe because elevaqtor trips are longer..)

    I haven't received a reshipping dude in days and I finally got a construction guy & real estate dude after a few days. 1 or 2 celebrities a days and I play it for good amount of time
  11. toythatkills

    toythatkills Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Thames Ditton, UK
    It's not really a time you can categorically state because it depends how many floors you've got. With eighty floors I'm getting 20-30 Bux a day from restocking alone, and that's just checking in every hour or so. If someone's got two floors, it'll obviously take substantially longer.

    Also, I just played with the lift for about ten minutes and didn't get any VIPs. THIS IS A SCANDAL. I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION. I WILL BE WRITING TO MY MP ABOUT THIS.
  12. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    Waldo mission comes at about every 6 minutes on the dot no matter how many floors. So, that's 10 an hour right there, or 240 of the 499 in my 24 hours of game play.

    As for the fooling yourself that "you're just checking in" to get those 20-30 bux a day, I'd actually time yourself. Because I am down to 20-30 minutes across the whole day and, what do you know, about 10 bux a day stocking bonuses, waldo missions, and all. If I plan on seeing the new elevator before September I'm going to have to step up my "game".

    I'm not saying it's 24 hours on the nose, random chance and all that, and you are right the potential is there with higher towers to earn more stocking bonuses, but unless you're sitting there with the game running several hours a day with your 80 some floor tower, it's not making up for things that much because I've got an 86 floor tower and the potential increased stocking bonuses don't matter if you're not baby sitting things enough to actually get them more than 5-6 times a day. 18 hours or 24 hours, it's a lot of time on a game, but not that much time for a game like this.
  13. ranitas

    ranitas Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    I meant tower bux. I had over 120 and after the update i had only 59.
    Anyway, my lift upgrade is now very far.
  14. ranitas

    ranitas Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    I meant tower bux. Before the upgrade I had over 120, but after i had only 59.
  15. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    Ok well I was talking about something else too.

    Nimblebit has always said you could twitter them for more direct help, maybe you should do that since I really wasn't answering your question.
  16. ranitas

    ranitas Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    Thanks for your comment and confidence. I meant tower bux.
    Until now, I can tell the difference between bux ands sales per minute.
    Also, I am aware that a hundred people are already complaining about the drop in their sales rate... i wouldn't be number 101.
  17. Taeles

    Taeles Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Aug 5, 2011
    Well I've been holding off long enough on 1.0 heh. Upgrading businesses = win. Thanks nimble, keep the updates coming! Stuff :

    1, Where's our elvis costume for the wedding chapel :)
    2, Is the ability to get all the costumes for free by visiting a friend who already has them a bug or a intended feature to 'add purpose to the friends list'? I have all of them now thanks to friends who got them from friends who got them from friends and so on.

    Thanks again for supporting my favorite game :) -makes t.bux purchase to return the favor-
  18. ranitas

    ranitas Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    Yes, my total reserve on bux went from 120 to 59.
    At first I thought that I may had spent over 60 bux by mistake to hurry a business. But it is not possible because i have no such large business and also, the app asks to confirm.
    That's why I wonder if it was due to the upgrade. But since it has only happened to me, as it seems, it may be something else.
  19. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    My idea for a costume:

    I named my Travel Agency Travelocity and I would like 3 gnomes staffing it! Maybe they will even pay an endorsement fee!
  20. Captain Bob

    Captain Bob Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
    Richmond, BC, Canada
    That's why I tried correcting him, because he assumed you meant coins when you said bux and I assumed you actually meant bux.

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