Universal Tiny Tower 5th Anniversary Edition Beta Thread

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by eeenmachine, Apr 14, 2016.

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  1. AtomicKitsune

    AtomicKitsune New Member

    Jul 27, 2014
    Loving this so far!
    Only bug I've noticed has already been resolved, invisible keyboard for renaming.

    Friend code: 1134

    I've gone through the thread and added everyone here.
  2. PrincessBaby

    PrincessBaby Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2015
    I knew it was something easy! Thanks vicsark����
  3. KYFan 821

    KYFan 821 Member

    Apr 17, 2016
    Pocket planes/Tiny Tower Bit books

    Don't know if this is a bug or just an incentive to get people to play pocket planes. I've noticed a couple of times my bit book for Tiny Towers should have been on Pocket Planes. The most recent one said. "LOL, this totally happened on my flight here." Another time it said, "I know angels are watching me. I was sitting next to a cutie on my flight."
  4. huttican

    huttican Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2012
    Video ads seems to work now, didnt see any landscape towers since last update.

    You plan to work on bitizen tabs? I dont really see how its sorted and finding anything is really hard. Some options or filters would be nice.
  5. Lorena

    Lorena Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    I've problems with the mobile data usage. I only use ads with wifi and this month the new update use 550 mb. How can I solve this?
    Also there is a lag around 3 seconds with the game freezed when it connects to gamecenter.
  6. baldeagle86

    baldeagle86 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    I had checked mine and had 177mb used without ads either, my solution was to just turn the cellular data off. Game runs offline perfectly, and I just save any 9 stars I don't need till I get home to see if I can send them anywhere
  7. eeenmachine

    eeenmachine Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2008
    Independent Game Developer
    San Diego, CA
    Wow, I never even thought of suggesting that to people, thanks! Much more convenient than having to remember to toggle ads off and on and restart the app.
  8. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    The TT app uses now more than 300 Mb in storage for docs and data!
    I suppose it's the ads.
    Isn't there an easier way to get rid of the video ads in the cache than to delete and reinstall the app ?
    Hopefully with your cloud sync, it's easy to recover one's save.

    It's not particularly a TT problem, I have this issue for a lot of the freemium apps that use ads, the Google apps that keep a lot of cache, or the news/tweetbot apps.
    I regularly have to delete and reinstall to get rid of the hundreds of Mb of cached data. :x
  9. eeenmachine

    eeenmachine Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2008
    Independent Game Developer
    San Diego, CA
    I don't know of a way, and am not sure it would even be useful if you could since it would just fill right back up unless you outright disable the video offers. Sorry! I wish we lived in a world where we could just rely on upfront pricing or even IAPs alone and didn't have to muck around with advertising but that isn't reality :(
  10. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    I totally understand that, and you even offer a disable ad button.

    I hope ads still pays enough nowadays, with 10 million app installed, even if a third of those are updated, it could easily be the biggest revenue driver for you in the long run.

    I guess we won't have as many ads after the launch though? I haven't counted but I have had more than 20 a day when playing often.

    Anyhow, since the missions reward go up every 10 floors, the 20 Bux per ad progressively becomes unappealing later.

    On the storage front, I just wish Apple would offer an easy and global way to get rid of all this cached data that use up a huge amount.
    Or at least an option to erase the cache without deleting the app entirely.
  11. eeenmachine

    eeenmachine Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2008
    Independent Game Developer
    San Diego, CA
    I would hope that the ad networks are using cache policies that free themselves when space is tight. Might be wishful thinking though!
  12. baldeagle86

    baldeagle86 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    No problem! The tricks you learn when you want to play most F2P games without purchasing an ad removal option. Funny enough, I always end up supporting the devs who have it manual or no ads at all, like you guys!
  13. KiwiRed

    KiwiRed Active Member

    Oct 28, 2011
    Christchurch, NZ
    Something I was wondering about with golden tickets, floor stock, bitizen stats, and dream jobs. As best I understand it, stats for bitizens on a floor combine to reduce the cost of restocking items on that floor. And hiring somebody to their dream job doubles the amount of stock that can then be sold. But when a floor has a golden ticket used on it, restocking becomes free and instant - does this render the stats on bitizens working on golden floors (even when it's their dream job) irrelevant?
  14. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    You're correct for the stats and double stock.
    And I guess you should be right that stats don't matter for golden floors.

    Anyhow, the most important thing is to have 3 dream jobbers per floor, as you get twice the stock. The stats discount is nice but it's always better to have a 0 stat Bitizen on a dream job than a 9 stats random bitizen.

    To NimbleBros, I found a small error in the costumes screen :
    Mine says 136/142 and I counted 10 costumes that I don't have (blacked). :?
    I haven't counted how many costumes were available in total to check though :p
  15. eeenmachine

    eeenmachine Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2008
    Independent Game Developer
    San Diego, CA
    Yeah, I think there is a costume or two that gets inserted twice in the player's internal list of unlocked costumes somehow.
  16. PrincessBaby

    PrincessBaby Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2015

    Is there some way to be more specific with our Bitizen requests? Sometimes you need a warm body to staff a floor and sometimes you really only need a highly skilled one (level 9 only) to be helpful. I feel bad booting an 8 (that someone has kindly sent) when it doesn't improve my staff. Does this make sense? Maybe we could say "any" if it really doesn't matter? Having fun, but getting new floors takes way too long (4+ days? Really?!?)
  17. Bpn

    Bpn New Member

    May 12, 2016

    I played this game once years ago, now that they have introduced rebuild, I have some question:

    when should I reset(rebuild) my tower for the first time?

    when it is at lv 50?

    and also what stays when I reset the tower?

  18. baldeagle86

    baldeagle86 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Not sure when this was implemented, but the greying out of bitizen dream jobs if you don't have that floor is genius, GENIUS!!

    No more wondering and skimming and searching. That might be part of the fun for some, but not for me. Now I can either evict or send away to someone, this is awesome!!
  19. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    And they're not greyed our if one of the floors in construction is their dream job ;)

    Anybody still playing the beta? I haven't received Bitizens in a while. Not sure if my requests go through :?
  20. Lorena

    Lorena Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    I'm still playing the beta and didn't received any one for a while.

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