Used 6MYYY3XX9EMM. Thank you sooo much! ## It's a good game, I have played the first 8 levels, but you know the app crashs when you tap the green Plus icon on the top right screen? I use a iPad Air 2, with iOS 10.3.2.
It's great that you like it. Thank you for informing me about the game crashing issue. I will check and fix it ASAP.
New codes are here! - X3T7YLWMWFER K3RMYPHH4HJF JHHJP37E7MHN J97T364JPXXW 4W3TT7ALM39E - Please leave a message if you took one of the codes.
Took J97T364JPXXW, the last one was taken already... get some play time in today and will leave some feedback... the mega man looking bots drew me for sure!
Yeah, It's Friday! Happy weekend to everyone! We've just released the latest update of TD2. The update brings various bug fixes, performance improvements, and known issues. Here are new Promo codes. Please leave a message if you took one of the codes. LYWRYPJJ3TLA 4WTJFH6RFMN9 E9477H69649M 3667J4PMTRWX 77TLM9MY9L6A WFE39JWAT9KT J36KJXTY99YP JEWXP6F397J4 YRKKK34WANTM 79XH6TMNJXWK Enjoy