Tiny Bubbles Launching May 8th!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Pine Street Codeworks, May 2, 2018.

  1. Pine Street Codeworks

    Pine Street Codeworks Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
    Seattle WA
    #1 Pine Street Codeworks, May 2, 2018
    Last edited: May 2, 2018
    Hi Touch Arcade friends,

    I am super excited to announce we will be launching in 6 days - MAY 8th on iOS and Steam!! Our team is tiny, basically developed by one person (me) with some other amazing helpers. I am working hard to get the game done on time for you all to play, but I could use your help (see below).

    You can now Pre-Order on the App Store!

    Since our last post, we've made some great additions to Tiny Bubbles, including 35 achievements, leaderboards, Infinity Mode, multiple player profiles, lots of new puzzles and we're translating the game into 12 languages.

    Touch Arcade's amazing writers have talked about Tiny Bubbles HERE and HERE (thanks Eli and Rob!!!)


    If you are fluent in any of these languages, you can get free early access to the game on TestFlight and help us make sure all the text is correct! All you have to do is sign up HERE and write your language in the "source" field. We have a limited number of invites available per language.

    List of languages:
    Chinese (Traditional & Simplified)
    Brazilian Portuguese

    Thanks everyone for your support and help to get the word out!

    Cheers all,
    - Stu & Team Tiny Bubbles
  2. zamakli

    zamakli Member

    May 20, 2018

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