Universal Timelines: Assault On America (by Strategy First)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    The generator makes building and unit training faster.
    It's not possible to build a second base, or to have machine gun bunkers anywhere but around your base. If you look at the bottom of the screen, where the green text is, that's where most of the info is. Just select whatever you want to build/train/select and the green text explains almost everything.

    What I can't figure out is how the radio system works. It says commander units can help "order" other units to attack in some way.
  2. 4Flash

    4Flash Member

    Feb 19, 2015
    if a commander built with radio, and the surrounding armed units also built with radio, the commander can give orders to them. two order possible:
    - go attack
    - repair yourself

    if a unit finished with the order (enemy killed, or unit fully repaired) he tries to moving back to its original position if possible.

    attack can be sent only to unseleced agressive armed units.
    repair can be sent only to unselected armed units, who lost more than 50% hp.
    selected units are under the players control all the time.

    with auto order feature you can build semi-automatic defense line, and you can contentrate to other areas on the map.

    the commander is the eye & brain of the army.

    i hope i was helpful enough :)
  3. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    #43 CalinR, Feb 19, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
    It is actually, thanks a lot. So the commander basically works as an AI for the units to do exactly like you said, create static defense points. That was my suspicion after my internet search this morning, but thank you very much for confirming it.

    It's a very interesting mechanic, I need to spend more time with the game in general to see how well it works, but I like it a lot so far.

    You guys should get in touch with the editor of touch arcade and see if he'd do a feature article on the game so it gets more publicity. I think it's a very brave business move to bring an actual full real time strategy on a mobile console, and I'd love to see this game get more exposure and encourage more developers to do the same. Great quality, especially for the price. I think a lot of people are going to be suspicious at first since a lot of ipad games promise to deliver what you guys did, and don't, so some good publicity would help a lot. Best of luck.
  4. Delta256

    Delta256 New Member

    Jan 11, 2014
    Cool, so you can eliminate some of the micromanagement by having a Commander and radio-equipped units? So, if units are close to dying, they automatically get sent to be repaired? Seems neat, although I don't quite know why it happens only when they're not selected. Some other RTSes like Warzone 2100 (PC) had an auto return-for-repair command that was quite handy, and one of its best features was that you could manage a group of units and not have to manually send each one back, they would return for repairs, and come back to your army group once they were repaired.

    But, from the looks of it, the Commander unit is more for a defensive role, around the radio towers perhaps, and not for interfering with what's already selected.

    What I'm sort of confused about is how the Commander unit influences other units' attack. From what I've seen, they'll automatically attack anything within range even without a commander, so how does a commander influence this further? You mentioned that it works only when units are deselected, so I assume the Commander gets the units to all focus on one unit as opposed to whatever is closest? Seems pretty useful, especially with artillery perhaps?

    Oh, and just another quick question, does, say, the T26 Pershing have better overall durability over the T57 Heavy, or does the T57 have less HP, but more front armour? It seems odd for the slower, heavier tanks to also be less well defended than their faster, cheaper counterparts, but maybe that's not the case.
  5. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    I'm also slightly confused as to the difference between a unit set in aggressive stance versus a unit set in defensive.

    Way I understand it, a unit set to aggressive will automatically attack an enemy IT sees (which naturally means a reduced sight range because that's the gimmick right? Commanders allow meaningful LOS) and follows it until either it dies, or the enemy dies, after which it remains where it was when the enemy died.

    In defensive, it'll still attack the enemy it sees, but won't chase it down, and will eventually return to its location.

    In the case of a commander unit, it seems like it offers the best of both worlds, allowing units with an aggressive stance to fight till the win or die, and then return to the spot they were standing in, for repairs.

    So my conclusion is that there's never a situation where it'd be a reasonable decision to 1. Not have a commander and 2. Have a unit ACCOMPANIED by a commander in the defensive stance.

    If all of that's correct, and this is a small criticism of the commander system, it seems that the commander itself is basically a way to make the fog of war and LOS mechanics be the most determinative factor in the game. Taking that line of thinking one step further, the radio system then becomes slightly more than a gimmick, but slightly less than a meaningful mechanic. Either way, it's neat, and I like it. Makes the combat tense and fast.
  6. The Infamous E

    The Infamous E Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    Anyone finding the game too easy? It's supposed to have dynamic difficulty and I never see it turn up, even when I'm completely steamrolling the ai in campaign. 10 of 12 missions completed, all 5 starred except one, when it finally tuned up the difficulty at the end. I wish there was a manual setting for difficulty because the dynamic does not seem to work well...

  7. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    Mine went to yellow, or middle, or whatever once during the third campaign mission. Haven't played all that much though. I'd like a manual switch too, AI's not aggressive enough.
  8. The Infamous E

    The Infamous E Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    Yeah, first time it turned up for me was mission 9, only one I 4 starred. I was playing a normal strategy, being somewhat conservative at points, until I realized I could push with no resistance.

    On a side note, it's really discouraging how many people are playing this. I saw the Game Center leaderboard has a little over 800 people on it. Everybody here seems to say this sort of thing is what they want and then nobody shows up. I mean it's a fully featured RTS for $3 with online multiplayer, competetive and co-op! I would have payed $10-15 for this game. It needs a feature on TA or the App Store. I think the old school PC lobby multiplayer setup hurts the multi because nobody wants to sit and wait for some one to join. A matchmaking system would have helped. And I mean help the masses, I don't mind the current setup, but can see how it discourages those who aren't used to the old way, and haven't been playing online "before it was cool"

    As they say, this is why we can't have nice things...

  9. The Infamous E

    The Infamous E Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    Well, it took until mission 12 to get the challenge I was looking for, but it's partially due to not being able to find the AA guns that need to be destroyed at all. They don't show on the map and don't seem to be at the locations the briefing shows them to be. Anybody finish the mission, or devs, any input?

  10. jForsythe

    jForsythe Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2013
    Ever tried the Harpoon series I loved those.

  11. CalinR

    CalinR Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Criminal Defense Attorney
    #51 CalinR, Mar 3, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2015
    I'm surprised to say ive never heard of it, I'll look into it though. Thanks a bunch.

    Edit: the screenshots look super complicated, I love it. Never got into naval warfare, so now I'm less surprised. Any recommendations as to which one to start with? With RTSs, eventually one out of a series gets everything right, and despite more recent ones coming out, the community agrees "x" game is the best. Which harppon's that one?
  12. kopicha

    kopicha Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015

    Agree this game needs to be featured. Not many people would know this game even existed unless they are someone who follow gaming news / site like Touch Arcade. In fact the week when this game is out, it's not even shown in the best new game section. So how would one even know there is such a game? I think this is also part of AppStore's flaw where they do not actually have a proper section that list ALL the new games. Unlike in PlayStore where you actually have a New Top Paid / Free section where people can actually browse the newly release stuff of the day. Apple definitely needs to change things up a bit in the way people look for Apps / Games on their store.
  13. Greyskull

    Greyskull Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l
    Fort Lauderdale
    Ditto on the manual. So few games come bundled with a .pdf manual I can print out. It is possible.

    Arrr /long-time rant
  14. The Infamous E

    The Infamous E Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    #54 The Infamous E, Mar 6, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2015
    Quoting myself because I solved my problem. The guns are quite close but not exactly to the briefing map locations. When you see them they do not show special on the map in any way (even as an enemy unit), and your units will not prioritize firing on them over enemies that are close. They are very small tripod mounted guns. Overall this was the best mission, even with its problems.


    The enemy base is in the top left corner, and seems to always have a healthy stack of money, even if you control all the radio towers. You must attack the base to slow their production or you will never win. Approaching the base from the very top seemed to work best and provide quickest access to unit producing buildings to destroy. After the aa guns are destroyed, you have to completely destroy the base to finish the mission.

    Put your units in attack mode when near an aa gun to fire on it more often and help destroy it.

    If the enemy captures the point in front of the capital building bombs start dropping on it automatically even without a commander there. It's the only one they need to capture, and the only one you need to prioritize defending.

    Hope it helps,

  15. The Infamous E

    The Infamous E Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    I actually found out about it initially through pocket tactics, and they haven't reviewed it either.

    We should start a grassroots campaign to get the game to the top of TA hot games by replying to each other till it hits the top, lol

  16. Baracus

    Baracus Well-Known Member

    HAHA, let's try :)
    Although I think the hot list ranking is also based on how many views the page gets, not just number of replies. I've seen threads without that many comments come to the top. So we might need to change the title to "sexy girls riding tanks in real time battle starring Lonnie" or "pixel RPG tank attack collectible battle monsters" as well :)
  17. kopicha

    kopicha Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    I think this game is a good start for a full RTS experience on iPad. I have always felt that RTS is definitely one genre that works well on a tablet since control usually evolves around hotkey binding and mouse clicking which can be done fully on a touch device. And this game shows that it can indeed be done. Not perfect yet I would say but definitely a good start. :)
  18. The Infamous E

    The Infamous E Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    And so it begins, I will check throughout the day on my phone to see if I need to reply, I'll reply to anyone that posts.

    Maybe "Metroidvania roguelike CCG with match 3 elements" would also work, lol

    This may get us banned, but if this type of game does not get featured or reviewed at all, I don't want to be here, lol

  19. mzinn

    mzinn Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2014
    I couldn't put this down. Played through the first 3 missions & enjoyed every minute of it. I love any kind of good war game & this one jumped to the top of my play list.
  20. The Infamous E

    The Infamous E Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    Help it get recognized, reply to this post!

    Legit RTS on iPad for $3! Come on!

    Let's get it on the top of the hot games list!


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