Wouldn't it be neat if it snagged "death replays" of your top 3 friends and you'd pass them (and see them wipe out) at their records if you passed them? (I'm thinking like the ghosts in Extreme Road Trip 2 here...)
Congrats on being an Editor's Choice! Liked the comic. Really liked that you used the "Tiny Wings on crack" quote.
Hi guys! Composer for the game here - glad to hear you guys are digging the soundtrack! It's funny so many of you are mentioning the Turrican soundtrack. When Kumobius first contacted me that was one of the first things they sent to me as reference material for the kind of music they wanted. I guess it rubbed off on me pretty well! Amazing OST.
Hey there! Great job on some awesome music! Any chance it might wind up on Bandcamp, like the Bean's Quest OST did? Looked for it a few days ago, but nothing came up. Thanks!
This is another game that the community loves, but just doesn't click with me at all. I played for 30 minutes or so, and deleted.
First one to reach rank 150? Edit: Darn, after all that I'm a little disappointed with this pet (but I've only used it on hell zone). I didn't think it would cost 200 cakes per run, but cheaper like a reward for completing 150 missions. While playing hell zone solo, I saw quite a bit of magnet bonuses, but with the robot they were much more sparse. Just unlucky? I ended up blowing out 2000 cakes with this thing and my best run out of them all was 700 m worse than my best score (solo). Lastly, the Japanese Robot notification that pops up every time I obtain a magnet totally messes with mah wave-shreddin' flow, brah. Worth noting: Lucy in the sky with diamonds, smoke monster. Yeah!
Congrats for the Silver Award review by Pocket Gamer. http://www.pocketgamer.co.uk/r/iPhone/Time+Surfer/review.asp?c=47704
Can someone please explain how iCloud works with this title? I spent a good 2 hours with this game on my iPad and decided to give this a spin on the iPhone a few hours later. Nothing seems to carry on however... icloud is enabled on both devices. What am I missing?
Almost deleted this game, guess i was to much into Tiny Wings. It doesnt have this 'round' or 'homogeneous' feeling i got with TW. Well, on the other side, here is way to much going on and that's a good thing, because i cannot stop playing, finally. The only downside (for me) is the soundtrack. It just does not click and now i'm searching my whole library for a fitting title. Despite this, i only can recommend this brilliant game.