Tilted - A Tale of Refraction (A game about space prisms, lasers and portals)

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by arcanheim, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. arcanheim

    arcanheim New Member

    Apr 18, 2017
    Hello everyone!

    Our first mobile game is available currently in Open Beta on Android and iOS.


    Tilted: A Tale of Refraction is an exciting 2D Physics Puzzle game for iOS and Android that combines exploration and survival with real time physics. The game will test the playersÂ’ reflexes, skills, timing and high school physics!


    You play as Prizzo, an ancient spacefaring prism who is on a quest to save the universe by avoiding deadly hazards and refracting lasers. Prizzo must repel the darkness parasite and bring back the light to Lumenos.

    Refract and rotate your way through crystalline caverns and solve puzzles by using the laws of reflection and refraction, to complete over fifteen deadly levels before time runs out.

    The objective is simple: Do not die. Activate the portal. Go through.

    The game supports a touch control system, which is intuitive and easy to understand but hard to master. We wanted to introduce fresh and very challenging gameplay. The world has handcrafted environments which are enthralling to explore, hard to survive in and packed with secrets to find.

    Tilted: A Tale of Refraction is currently available (and completely FREE) on the Google Play Store.
    Coming to the App Store very soon. iOS build now available on Testflight, just drop us a mail on ask[at]arcanheim[dot]com

    Play Store Download link
    - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.arcanheim.Tilted


    Flick to move and overcome various obstacles,
    Pinch to rotate the Prism and bend light to activate Portals,
    Double tap to drop/pickup images and decrease/increase in size,
    Complete the level before the darkness takes over.

    Would love to get some feedback from all of you!

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