iPhone Ticket to Ride - (by the devs of 'Small World for iPad')

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, May 17, 2011.

  1. BazookaTime

    BazookaTime Well-Known Member

    Maybe quote his entire message next time, I think he made a valid point.
  2. caltab

    caltab Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    #62 caltab, May 18, 2011
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
    I just don't think a game like this with lots of hidden information would be very fun with pass and play. If you are locally with someone the actual board version would be vastly superior. Sure it would be nice to have a portable version to carry around, but I honestly don't think it would be very fun as pass and play. I think it would take a lot longer to play because you couldn't plan your moves without the ipad.

    I think if people pass this one up for not having the feature they are missing out on a really great game. The comparisons to Small World aren't really very good because that game released with no AI and no online. This is totally different and can be very much enjoyed by yourself with bots or online ranked play. In my opinion, this rivals carcassone as the best ipad adaption of a board game.
  3. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    But that wouldn't have been as funny.
  4. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member


    More truth.

    And some more.

    Not to mention that anyone wishing to play a "local multiplayer" game already has all the tools they need to do so. Hint: use that thing you sync your iPad with.
  5. Wasgo

    Wasgo Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
    This would make it my ultimate game.
  6. BazookaTime

    BazookaTime Well-Known Member

    I will just say that what I have most enjoyed about the iPad is that I can play dice, card and board games (one iPad) with family and friends. What the ipad offers is the ability to take your games with you and more importantly takes out all of the pieces and set up. Even if I own the actual board game, I will rarely play it if I have an iPad version of it.

    I play iPad games online but a board game is one game that I am not sure I can see myself playing. (still haven't decided if I will buy or not). It would help if my experience with their first release was handled better, although Ticket to Ride looks fantastic.
  7. pka4916

    pka4916 Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2009
    Is there a gameplay video?
  8. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    The game itself has extensive tutorials and easy-to-read rulebooks.

    There's also a cheesy "family having fun" video at the DoW site:


    And there's numerous linked videos collected at BGG:

  9. Shatner's hairpiece

    Shatner's hairpiece Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2009
    I don't own the board game and have no intention of buying it. Half the point of my getting an ipad was to finally be able to buy board game adaptions that I would normally never buy as board games. (Carcassone, Neuroshima Hex, Samurai, etc) I'm tried of shelling out $60 for actual board games. The best part is when you try a failed adaption, like 'small world', and end up deleting it, you at least didn't waste $50 on buying the board game version.
  10. BazookaTime

    BazookaTime Well-Known Member

    Agree with you 100%. My iPad is loaded with dice, card and board games that I have never owned nor would I buy due to the price. For someone to suggest that playing an iPad board game with family or friends is sad is mind boggling.
  11. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    This game is fantastic, but I'm among those that wish it did have pass-and-play. Would it be perfect? Nope. Would it mean that your opponents can see stuff they wouldn't in the normal game? Well, yes and no. When I'm playing the board game with my kids, I'm lenient with details on what I'm doing and they are with me. And even with adults, as long as everyone's cooperative, it can work, especially if they hide your cards and such when passing. Also they could have a button you press (or hold) to toggle showing destinations and such on the board, instead of showing that info all the time.

    But then, you may ask, why don't you just play the board game? Well at home and whenever possible I will, of course, but we are taking a longish train ride this summer and I'd really love to be able to play TTR with my kids without having to lug along the board game (if it would even fit on one of those snack tables - I don't know if it would). Plus I don't yet own Europe or Switzerland, so this is a bargain and I have it now.

    So, yes, I really hope they'll reconsider and add pass-and-play to this game.

    None-the-less this is a fantastic implementation of the game and is a must buy. I will get a lot of value out of it. Tons of value. I just wish it also had pass-and-play because that would be even better.
  12. pka4916

    pka4916 Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2009
    I looked at the video's. Thanks for that.
    I am not sure if I am going to like it...
    It seems that all it is is going from A to B. and then it's game over.
    Or is there a campaing in it also?
  13. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    I'd say this is possible, bordering on likely, in the short- or medium-term future.

    There's already a precedent: Small World. Way back when, SW was originally released as a 2-player only game — no AI whatsoever. Then, after some minor updates, the first major update was released, and it had ... you guessed it ... AI opponents.

    This is sort of a pattern with everything DoW does: a huge initial splash, some minor additions, then (finally) a major upgrade.

    So I wouldn't give up hope; I think hotseat play will be added down the road. Until then, I'll keep repeating the easy solution for TtR: one person uses the iPad, the other uses a computer. I've done it dozens of times. Easy-peasy.
  14. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    I understand it completely. MY comment was more like, once the game is considered nice ... it is much better to play the board version in a group than a passing ipad one.
  15. cprloe

    cprloe Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2009
    Katy, Texas USA
    I am really enjoying TTR on the Ipad. I do have one complaint, however. Does anyone else think that the game speed of the AI's moves is too fast? Sometimes, I have a hard time following the moves the AI is making because they go by like a blur. In a future update, I would appreciate being able to adjust the game speed.
  16. Mythbuster

    Mythbuster Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2008
    In the middle of nowhere
    +1 :d
  17. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    It IS zippy; no question about it. Perhaps a bit too much for newcomers. DoW will need to add a slider in a future release, it looks like.

    It's a bit of a no-win situation for them, however. Experienced players are always complaining that the game (meaning playing online via PC/Mac) isn't fast enough and that everyone "plays too slow."

    There should be a happy medium in there somewhere. Adding an adjustment slider seems like a good first step.
  18. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Yeah. There ought to be a speed setting. However, partway through my first game I didn't find it a problem any more, but I've played the board game before and that may help.
  19. pka4916

    pka4916 Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2009
    So, looking at one of the comments, this game doesn't have an AI ?
  20. ojtitus

    ojtitus Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2010
    Canton, Ohio
    #80 ojtitus, May 18, 2011
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
    Look at the rest of the comments, there is an AI in this game. You either play offline against the AI or online against people.

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