All true. It'd just be even better if I could play at home with my wife. Ah well, I guess one of us will play from a computer...?
DoW does seem to have an odd multiplayer policy; no argument there. Small World: local; no multiplayer; Ticket to Ride: multiplayer; no local; Memoir '44: PC/Mac only; no iOS at all. Three huge properties ... three different ways of doing things.
What? There's no hotseat? A board game that forces you to play online? WINNING! Insta ignore! I will give credit though to 'pirate's cove'. It's a DOW board game, not an app, and it's great. One day, I hope to see it as an app that you can view upside down and spin and only play online. It's a whole new category!
Ugh, I so wish they would produce this and Small World for the iPhone... Interface concerns on such a small screen? Aboslutely... but I'm sure they could pull it off...
That would work just fine. Keep in mind that you'll need separate DoW accounts, though, so that the game can tell you apart (or maybe you'll be able to reach it through GameCenter? I'm sort of speculating here ...). I've played TtTR this way a number of times I'll be on the big computer, my wife will have the laptop, and we'll be sitting in the same room. It's certainly an odd way to accomplish it, but the fun factor is exactly the same. The game itself doesn't change at all.
Played it many, many, many times. It was the first app I ever downloaded for my iPad. And I do not disagree: I think it's a curious decision, at best, to leave local multiplayer out of TtR. (I do think it will be added, though, as I mentioned in a post above. I just have no idea of what the timeline might be.)
Crap I spent like $15 buying this java version to play on Mac maybe four months ago or so. Evidently I'll have to use it though to play one of my kids while theyre on the iPad.
Out in the US!!! The three expansions are on sale for $0.99 each: Ticket to Ride Europe Ticket to Ride Switzerland USA 1910 This is going to be hewg.
Played about 5 games. So far I'd have to say I think this may be the best translation of a board game I have played on the iOS. Presentation is great, with nice sounds and animations. Online gameplay is very smooth. The only thing I'd say is it's a little difficult to pay attention to what cards the opponents grab.
Probably the three .99 expansions? I would buy this in a second if it had some type of local multiplayer. I just don't know how often I would play this solo or online.
You are right. Special price is for the packs. I will wait for comments on the AI first. I took Gold last week .... Just to find out the AI is crap