Universal Ticket to Earth (by Robot Circus Pty Ltd)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. mshchekotilov

    mshchekotilov Member

    Sep 5, 2017
    #301 mshchekotilov, Sep 7, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2017
    There is no easy way to grind for cash - after you complete the mission and all of the goals in it, successive runs will yield really small amounts of money. You only spend money on weapons and powers, so:
    1. Don't buy useless powers.
    2. When you have money for the best weapon (and enough talent points to fulfil requirement), reseting talents for the character will automatically sell all of his weapons for original price except the starting one. Then you can distribute talent points again and buy just the best weapon for him/her.

    Good powers:

    Hand - Core Strike, Vital Strike
    Eye - None (didn't try Blade Storm, but doubt it's good enough to waste action point)
    Heart - Shield Alpha looks Ok, didn't try yet
    Mind - Path of War

    Hand - None (leave PBS)
    Eye - Ricochet
    Heart - Shield Alpha and Tranquiliser Shot look Ok, didn't try yet. Still have First Aid bought in first Episode.
    Mind - Path of Action

    Hand - Critical Focus
    Eye - Berserk Charge looks promising, just bought it
    Heart - Regen Pulse
    Mind - Path of Healing

    In the end (I'm at Floor Six, suspect there are just 2-3 missions left) Doc is a significantly stronger character than Rose, so I now always chose Wolf+Doc for missions.
  2. mshchekotilov

    mshchekotilov Member

    Sep 5, 2017
    BTW, Doc's Fatal Blow talent is just laughable and a complete waste of points. A possible way to make it somewhat useful is to make it accumulate probability each time it didn't proc or was not required due to Doc making a killing blow anyway.
  3. ThisIsXerxes

    ThisIsXerxes New Member

    Sep 6, 2017
    #303 ThisIsXerxes, Sep 8, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2017
    Blade Storm is one of her best powers imo! It can deal about 80 damage on a single target, or spread across the board. Frenzy Alpha is really good combined with it too...
  4. mshchekotilov

    mshchekotilov Member

    Sep 5, 2017
    Thanks for the information! I'll give it a try then. It might make Rose worth using again. :)
  5. Paradroid90

    Paradroid90 Member

    Mar 18, 2017
    Does anyone have the dope on nitrium farming? I recently got to the point where replaying missions for purple, black and red nitrium was possible and decided to do some farming. After effectively looting a couple of levels by first opening the nitrium crates and then hoovering up all the contents with the Harvester passive skill, I started to notice that levels can stop giving nitrium of a particular colour.

    My guess is that they become depleted and stop giving you any more nitrium on subsequent replays if you collect all of the crystals of a particular colour in the level before completing the main objective. I suspect, but need to investigate further, that if you leave at least one crystal behind, then you will be able to return for more. I have no idea how crystals taken by enemies count.

    My current situation is that I have lost the ability to replay levels for black and purple nitrium before filling the quotas I had set. I have a cloud save that possibly could help if I revert to it. Hopefully I had not started this farming run before that save.

    Anyhow, if anyone has figured this mechanic out for sure, please illuminate.

  6. Paradroid90

    Paradroid90 Member

    Mar 18, 2017
    Another strange thing regarding nitrium: I believe that normally, you get one nitrium shard in the Forge stash for every crystal you pick up during a mission, but I got the feeling at one point that my inventory of purple nitrium went from 0 to 13 at once.

    Maybe there is a bonus for getting all of the nitrium in a mission on the first playthrough?
  7. mshchekotilov

    mshchekotilov Member

    Sep 5, 2017
    I'd guess that'd be a rather weird mechanic, I'd expect rather the number of shards to be fixed, so that you can redo missions until you collect all of them and they stop appearing. We can compare the final number of shards for different players here. I've ended up with this:
    W: 28
    R: 55
    O: 45
    Y: 42
    G: 46
    B: 30
    P: 20
    B: 30

    Not counting 5 bonus Reds, which were spent on a Coagulant Crystal anyway. Meaning I could only make one Life Leech Gem and that's it. I ended up 10 shards short of Kinetic Dampening Gem.
  8. ThisIsXerxes

    ThisIsXerxes New Member

    Sep 6, 2017
    Yup, there's a fixed number of shards for each level, usually 5, 10, or 15 of each colour. Shards are only claimed when you pick them up and win the level, so enemies gobbling them up, or you leaving them on the board at victory means shards go back in the crates for next time.
  9. mr_bez

    mr_bez Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    My final count seems to show the following, once I add in the totals for all the gems/crystals I’ve made.

    W: 25
    R: 63
    O: 41
    Y: 41
    G: 45
    B: 31
    P: 16
    B: 33

    This seems to suggest that everyone isn’t seeing the same number of shards, which surprises me. I’ve definitely replayed some levels to only find a couple of shards left in the boxes.
  10. cevinius

    cevinius Active Member

    Mar 21, 2014
    Chiming in on Nitrium!

    Hi all,

    I'm one of the devs on Ticket to Earth, and wanted to chime in on the Nitrium discussion.

    Before that, thank you all again for playing our game. We love seeing the discussion here.

    What ThisIsXerxes said is correct, there is a fixed number of shards in the levels, and you can collect them until you get them all.

    We wanted to thank you for all the posts about Nitrium counts! Some of the numbers posted surprised us, and lead us to look into it further, and we found that there were some situations where a bug in the game would let you collect more shards than intended, or cause the color of the collected shard to be different than expected. (The bug would never cause players to miss out on shards. It only allows getting extra shards.)

    The iOS update we put out yesterday fixes this, so there should not be any unexpected colors collected, and the max shard counts should be consistent for any new players.

    The update also includes a few minor tweaks. For example, we added a short-cut button from the Nitrium Forge screen to the Weapon Equip screen. Also, we did some optimisations to improve performance on older devices.

    OK, back to working on Episode 3!

  11. Paradroid90

    Paradroid90 Member

    Mar 18, 2017
    Maybe I'm a bit late saying this, but better late than never I guess.


    For fixing the Nitrium and generally for making a great game. And also for listening to your players, unlike some developers I could mention.
  12. Paradroid90

    Paradroid90 Member

    Mar 18, 2017
    I'm probably one of the last to complete Episode 2. I still think the game is brilliant. Robot Circus, please finish the rest of the episodes.

    I saw that the fix for the Nitrium bug also added a reward screen after missions, informing about how much Nitrium was harvested during it. This is appreciated, it makes the game even better. I have a suggestion how to make it even better than that. Whenever I had finished a Nitrium mining mission lately, I would always go immediately to the list of replayable missions to see if this run depleted the mission in question, or if there was more Nitrium to be had from it from further replays. It would be nice if the reward screen also informed about this.
  13. Tychaeus

    Tychaeus Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    The added AR mode is neat n all, but...eh...whats that "Tomb of the Mask" arcade video on the app store page lol?
  14. coolpepper43

    coolpepper43 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Aug 31, 2012
    On the toilet
    A crossover? LOL
    Tychaeus likes this.
  15. hazmatte

    hazmatte Member

    Jan 16, 2014
    Another Republique in the making...

    I really loved this game when it came out, it really created an interesting take on the genre... but what is taking so long to get the remaining episodes out the door? It's reminding me of the interminable wait for Camouflaj's Republique, which started with a bang but ended on a major fizzle wayyyyy too long after the original episode was released.

    This is why I avoid episodic games... I'd really rather just wait til the whole thing is done and enjoy the whole experience rather than waiting around months and months (and months) to jump back into the game which I've already moved on from.

    Let's get cracking on those remaining episodes guys.
    sebgo likes this.
  16. Son of Anarchy

    Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2015
    Shadow Runner
    Episode 3 added and now available. A lovely little early Christmas present.
    sebgo likes this.
  17. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    Thanks for the headsup!
    Time to reinstall. :)
    Son of Anarchy likes this.
  18. HelperMonkey

    HelperMonkey Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2009
    Just noticed the update.
    This game is excellent, and I’m excited that the devs have been able to continue with it.
    sebgo likes this.
  19. hustlertwo

    hustlertwo Member

    Sep 2, 2017
    Glad they’ve slowly made it the game we were promised at launch. Did much better sticking with it than the Galactic Keep people did.
  20. dukat111

    dukat111 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2010
    Bought Ticket to Earth on launch day years back, never got far, don't recall why not.
    Revisited today after seeing the 3rd episode launch.

    What a wonderful game, great/unique gameplay, nice graphics and greatly appreciate supporting 60hz+ and new iPad Pro screen sizes.

    I'm glad I didn't play much when it first launched because now I can enjoy all 3 episodes as a continuous experience.

    Many thanks to the Dev's for their continued support/enhancement of the game. Developers like you are why premium games on iOS deserve support.
    ZS77 and HelperMonkey like this.

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