Man I really hope, it just seems to be taking soooo looong, especially with no dev communication here wutsoever
Yeah I've all but written this off. Kind of a rip, if that's all the content we end up getting. Really good, but really short.
I have faith. The game has only been out for three months and they're also trying to release a pc version. I'm not sure how many people are on their team, but quality like this takes time.
Yeah it's a little early to lose hope yet, although the developer did sound very optimistic about getting the rest of the game's content out the door at launch. I'm pretty sure those comments are here in this thread. This really is a great game and hopefully will be complete with tweaks along the way. If you're reading this post, give it a try. It's like Dungeon Raid and Final Fantasy Tactics had a baby, and the visuals and interface are incredibly professional. It has great music, too.
Yeah i know lol, and they posted on their steam green light forum weeks before that in tesponse to me directly putting their feet to the fire and said the exact same thing to me. I am on their mailing list, special "VIP" community etc etc and I have MAYBE seen ONE newsletter since mobile launch, and that eas just about getting greenlight official lol. I mean, they HAVE been working on this game already a long time. Their original post and announcement on TA forums was almost 1& 1/2 years prior to ep. 1 launching
I hear ya man, i really do. When this finally came out it was allllll I played...from mobile, PC, ps4, 3ds....forsook them all to play through and ended waaaay to abruptly # Friggin love the game, really hope after they launch the other episodes maybe some copy cats make similar games with diff worlds/stories etc, core play is inovative for sure and a whole mess of games could be made just like it (core idea/mechanics) and it would be the new mobile fad I swear. I can only hope....though..I felt the same exact way about Might n Magic Clash of Heroes...which is friggib amazing semi similar mechanic originally on the DS, then updated back in the awesome mobile premium hayday for ios.....yet NO ONE has tried to emulate that kinda core play either...if I was a mobile game dev this and the M&M: CoH's type would be my template for like the first 2-4 games I made lol. And id make a fortune
Pity ... Thought episode 2 would be bound to be released after the game got back in the Hot Games list Seems it's just a slow week
The new chapters have been "coming soon" since the game released. I've lost interest and hope for the new chapters to be released.
I intentionally paid full price for this because of how good it looks and how good it plays. If you like strategic RPG's and/or matching puzzle gameplay, this one's definitely worth a couple of bucks. The overall presentation and production values are incredibly polished and professional.
Well, the game launched on Steam two weeks ago so Im hoping they were busy on the PC version and can now get back to Episode 2. Better be on mobile first!
Dev posted a minor patch for the Steam version July 14. Said in the patch notes: "In other news, we're continuing to test and balance Episode 2, and will be announcing a date for its release soon." I guess that's an update? Proof of life, at least.