Next update! Hi all, A new update should be available in the next couple of days. It includes a few things: - Fix for the issue where replayed missions don't get saved! - Added a re-spec feature! It will cost you 5 Justice Tokens to use. Re-spec will reset your talent tree, and also sell back (for full price) any weapons you've bought. (We do this because a reset character won't have the stats to equip the additional weapons.) Note that re-spec will reset the player's Token count back to what it should be based on the number of completed missions. So this will also fix your save game if you have extra tokens from the replay bug, enabling you to continue to future episodes at the intended character level. It should be available soon, so look out for it! With regards to the Justice Power, it's there as an option for players who want to use it. With the power, talents, etc, we've tried to make it so that there are multiple ways to complete the levels, and to make it possible for player to try different strategies as they get more familiar with the game. Because the Justice Tokens save between levels, it enables players who are struggling to charge the Justice Power over a few level attempts, and then use it to help them get through. You can definitely complete the levels without using them, but they are fun to use sometimes when it destroys a big group of enemies. Also, with the enemies that will appear in future chapters, players will not be able to rely on Justice Powers as much! (We didn't want to make Episode 1 too hard!) Thanks again to all of you for playing and supporting our game! Kevin
Awesome to hear about this patch coming so soon. I would say, imho that the mission replay bug is the only thing that was a negative about the game so far. Still haven't finished, I'm trying Vanilla Sky it and delay my pleasure # I will probably lose my awesome sword with this fix, but that's ok as god that sword is OP, can't wait to get the sniper next! Any chance on giving us a vague maybe round about time for when the next episode should be released?! I really really am having a lot of fun with this one and don't want it to end # Also, great idea about adding this other function for the justice tokens, well played.
Good stuff. Thanks for the update, Kevin! Finished episode 1 and really looking forward to 2. At least I have a few justice missions left to get through.
Thanks very much! We'll have more information soon... If you like, you can sign up to our mailing list to get notified when we announce the dates: In the meantime, here's a sneak peek at Doc and his Cannon Fist power!
Really enjoying this! Finished episode 1 without much of an issue, the balance is quite nice. While waiting for episode 2 redid some of the missions and got to 57/60 medals. What I don't like is that many of the objectives require the you use the justice strike and grinding it can feel more like a chore as using it to complete the objective requires no thought. I also hope that chapter 2 brings new board layouts, such as a bigger playing field, walls, etc. it would add needed variety at this point.
Interesting mechanics, but the dialogue is.... Horrendous, mother fleckers? What the fleck? I mean, just say what you're thinking lol
Yeah I guess slang in the future is really flecking silly! WTF? (which stands for "what the fleck", of course)
this is one of the most annoying things: "fleck"?!? really? you couldn't come up with a better alternative? At least useWhat the effe or what the F for example. It rolls better off the tongue (though this is probably a wording that should not be used...)
You guys have never watched much sci-fi, have you? Farscape, BSG, and I think Firefly did that: used a made up word in that way. Farscape was "Frell". BSG was "frack". No need to be so smurfy about this.
hehe farscape was frak loved this show! waiting for episode 2 to get released so i can start playing ep1 (i always do that with episodics)
Kinda wishing I had done the same, 2 chapters were just not enough at all for how fun and addicting this game is. I would much rather wait a little and play 3 episodes than play one at a time and left cold when I'm done in a week or less. Episode 1 just was not nearly enough...not at all.
I insta-bought this game and really liked it, got sidetracked by Death Road to Canada and Kingdom: New Lands, and then came back to it. I beat Chapter One today! =D I'm really excited for chapters 2-4 to come out. I think I found the overall battles a little easy to beat (I never really found out what happens when a character's health goes down to zero), but the battle goals instead offer quite a bit of challenge -- particularly time-attack challenges. Cheers! I think this game is a great mix of genres.