Cloud Support is coming. It was the one thing that we couldn't nail straight away and one thing you cant fluff up! We'll do a how to drift video that shows some skills for Ice Stage. That's my personal fave but because it totally changes how you attack a level. City is narrow but again we made the levels to not just look but feel different. We dont expect people to master it first day (we hope not) but get better over time so we have time to work on updates! haha Engine sounds yes. We might add 1-2 but cant customize for every car. Career mode with set tracks. I think we'll get a daily challenge where everyone plays a set track before that. First priority thought is adding another dozen+ cars. They are being polished (pun intended) as I type. Thanks for support and feedback. Toucharcade Forums are a great place to have "real talk" on a game and get constructive feedback and suggestions. cheers Ash @ SMG
Oh we also have daily and top highscores to show on the levels select screen. That will help give people something to aim for each day. ANd unlocking the ice truck. Anyone know the secret?
Yes, any engine audio would be welcome imo. The cars sound great as they roll up. I understand the concept you guys were going for with it being pure arcade and not sim but it would be sweeter if the cars lost a bit of speed when going 90° in a drift. Would give a very small window to prepare for next turn which would lend to the feel of just a tad more control resulting in runs being a tad longer and ultimately more satisfying. Control is spot on and the game is ridiculously fun, but I believe it could be tweaked for the greater good. Just my thoughts. Thanks SMG.
Oh please share this secret - I'm so close to having all the cars. Assuming it's to do with the ice level?
Have you tried using inverse controls? It will feel a bit more natural - swipe right to turn right, swipe left to turn left.
Cloud supported awesome! I can't wait to see a drift video on the ice stage. I absolutely suck lol. I posted to Twitter earlier if you want to take a look. @wgreklek I would ABSOLUTELY love a daily challenge track. Hell yes to this. This is an awesome idea. Please do this! The game definitely needs the engine sounds. 1-2 sounds is fine although for the hovering car you really should have a wooshing engine sound. This will be great for immersion. I can't wait. As to the city map. I get what you are saying, however all I'm asking is to take away some of the pylons. Nothing else. There's simply no way to avoid them most of the time. It's making me not want to even play the map and that's actually one of the cooler looking maps. If you took away some of those pylons it would be awesome. I like the narrow and quick juts and jukes. 12 new vehicles? That's awesome! I can't wait. I'm stockpiling coins now hehe. I love Touch Arcade too. This place has shown me games I would have never seen. I've gotten to talk to and meet developers such as yourself and players from all over the world. I really do love Touch Arcade. Billy
I wish you could take like 2 or 3 hits of damage against the fence until your car explodes, or at least if you sideswipe it a bit you'd survive. I actually prefer that there's no engine sound.
On the other hand, i play at max sensitivity with reversed controls for a pseudo-vstick type of handling and it works well for me.
shortcut On the first phase... is that thing on the left a short cut? Any one had success using it? How?
shortcut My shortcut best attempt so far! And I don't think it's a shortcut anymore:
I'm thinking this is how you unlock the ice truck. Time to get on this. Going in! Thank you for the video! Billy You know what's missing from this game? The General Lee car from Dukes of Hazzards. Lol. That car should be in this game!
I've managed to get inside only to crash into those cows with snowman on their backs and I've screenshotted a few but it seems like I cant attach a file from the iPhone 6S with the latest ios? And no, I havent unlocked the icecream truck. Can anyone confirm that its unlocked by unlocking all cars?
It's definitely not. I unlocked every car yesterday. I then went and played with every single car. So there's mileage on every vehicle. It's not unlocked. I have over 2k coins sitting here now. I'm stockpiling for those 12 new cars hehehe. Billy
Hmm I see. Is there way to fix this attachment problem? Id really like you guys to see how I went inside the snowman-carrying-cow area, but led to nothing exciting at the end. 2k? Yikes I better get my thumb busy again.