Thinking of making a switch

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Mr. 8-Bit, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. Mr. 8-Bit

    Mr. 8-Bit Member

    Sep 19, 2011
    Hey everyone,

    So I've been thinking about trying out an android phone (specifically the experia play). Now I love my iOS devices but I have 3 of them already; I have my personal phone (iPhone 4), my work phone (3Gs), and my new kidney (iPad 2). As you can see, I'm not really losing anything from tossing my personal phone.

    So what do you guys think. Should I go for android, how's the gaming market there, is there another android phone that can use buttons to play games (ex: keyboard) anything I should lok out for?

    I know I'm being somewhat vague with what I'm looking for in your responses but I'm not looking for a specific answer either.

  2. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    #2 Adams Immersive, Sep 19, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2011
    First, of course, check reviews—multiple reviews, to avoid the risk of “fan” reviews. (A lot of Android device reviews gloss over problems because of the author’s emotional bias. Find out the good and the bad and then decide.)

    But the most important info to get may be another question: what games are on Android that you want, that aren’t on iOS? If Sony has enough that are good enough, then there’s your answer!

    Android has enough problems that I’d need a good reason to use it—it would have to be a LOT better than iOS in some real, massive, day-to-day ways; not “open” buzzwords, nor small specific UI features, since iOS has its own advantages in that department.

    So far, I haven’t seen such a huge reason to give up iOS’s advantages. And my Android fans put up with huge problems I could never stomach on my phone—like being unable to get calls on two different Android models, after a full year of trying; and poor battery life, and lost emails, and tons of crashes. Why do they put up with that? What are they getting in return? Nothing except avoiding the evil “Apple conspiracy.”

    However, not everyone has that same level of Android problems, especially if you spend enough time educating yourself and tweaking/tinkering—things I’m delighted not to have to worry about with iOS, but then again, some people enjoy fixing their car/PC/roof/whatever! Problem-solving itself is a fun hobby sometimes.

    So if certain awesome games are Android-exclusive, better than the many iOS exclusives, then an Android device could be tempting! I can certainly see wanting to have more different types of devices in my tech toybox. I’d rather have an Android game machine that didn’t interfere with my phone, though. An Experia/Android iPod Touch-alike could be cool, and then the problem-solving hobby would not impact core functions like phone calls and email (none of which work when your device has crashed or run out of charge). Plus the malware concerns on Android are real, and I’d prefer to keep them on a game-only device, separate from anything important like my personal info.
  3. ultimo

    ultimo Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    The other OS out is Bada, I am not sure about any games tht kick a$$ on tht or droid for that matter, but as you mentioned a keypad, I think you are looking for a Sony Xperia play.
  4. ackmondual

    ackmondual Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2009
    U.S.A., earth
    Did you mean to post this in the Android section, as opposed to Nintendo Switch? Assuming yes...

    AFAIK, the games are mostly the same. There are some things that are Android only, especially since a developer doesn't want to pay $99 a year for a dev account that doesn't earn him any money (more of a hobby thing).

    On the flipside, you have Apple users who just say "Windows is evil", without ever trying it. Some Apple users even say Windows 10 is not too shabby, or they wish they could stick with OSX, but not at 2x to 10x the price.

    With Android, people end up switching to that because they like not being locked down in Apple's environment and "walled garden". Buy a mid to top line phone, and performance will be phenomenal.

    For gaming and as a Nintendo fan, I would recommend you get a Switch ;)

    Me, I still get games for iOS (more so they're on sale there), but my phone is my workhorse. If it dies, I lose a lot of it... phone, GPS, txt-ing, internet. Most of the time, I have a spare battery I can just swap in that may not be needed, but still, you still get paranoid about battery life. My Ipad and Ipod Touch have been relegated to gaming devices, so I don't care if they die on me

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