But will it need to emulate? Seems to me they are just going to upgrade to newer versions of the stuff they have now. On a PC that wouldn't stop you from playing (most) older games. So hopefully BC is in. I loved the XBLA Tomb Raider game (name is escaping me, but not 3rd person). Problem is I don't know if I'll like a traditional TR game. Will try the demo.
That's kinda how I was hoping the PS4 would work out as initial supports suggested it would be more or less the same but more powerful. It didn't happen though. I don't think the underlying framework is close enough to PCs yet for upgrading to be that simple. That's before taking a new OS into account, even PC games get bricked with new Windows versions. Plus there's also the possibility that they just don't want us getting two consoles for the price of one.
After spending 90 minutes with Dead Island GOTYE, I cannot say I'm impressed. It's like Far Cry, but without the fun.. Fetch quests.. Not going to bother touching it again. Probably going to start Deus Ex: HR instead when I get the chance to play XBOX again. Really need to get to playing that. Old game.
Tried 30 minute of Deus Ex. Stealth games just are not for me. Always confronted like every enemy in the AC games and Dishonored, meh. Might just play through ME and ME2. Got them almost a year ago right after finishing the third one.
Stealth games are basically trial-and-error games. The people who are good at them aren't just naturally good, they get caught a lot while figuring out the perfect method. I must have restarted the first mission on Deus Ex about 50 times trying to get an amazing run, but when I finally did it the rush was awesome. Same goes for Hitman Absolution, the feeling you get when you walk calmly through a mansion, taking out or avoiding enemies with impeccable timing and precision like the most professional badass on the planet is like a heroin rush or something. Don't do drugs, kids. Get high on gaming,
Anyone played Fallout 3 or nv,Witcher 2 and Arkham city? In terms of gameplay, replayability or content which one will offer me more time to play while enjoying the game without the repititiveness in it?
Witcher 2 by far it last about 40 hours the first playthrough, then h can go back and make everything different for another good 25-30 hours.
I wouldn't say "by far". If you plan to 1000/1000 Fallout 3 without save manipulation it'll take about 70-80 hours, and that's before starting any of the five DLC add-ons.
http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/03/27/metal-gear-solid-v-the-phantom-pain-debut-trailer-1080p?utm_campaign=ign+main+twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social MGSV. Holy shit.
Finally started Borderlands 2. Played through the first two hours of Borderlands 2. Pretty sweet stuff. It certainly feels VERY similar to the first one though. Can't say I like the menu interface any better though. It's even clunkier now in some ways. My roommate and I did something pretty stupid too. Lost all the progress we made today, lol. Oh well, will use a new character next time we start again!