Not of the top of my head but heres a good list:
Yes, I could not agree anymore. You need to play this game. It's for sure 1 of my favorites of all time.
Dead Island GOTYE is on sale for $20 new at GS right now. How about it? The reviews were pretty good. Looks like I'll have to grab RDR GOTYE when I can.
Well I have seen that list but just looking at it I can't tell what is good or not and I was hoping to get a personal perspective as well. Also doesnt list games that are also on PS3 but not on PC. Thanks for the recommendation. Definitely not a PC release so I think that is a good place to start .
Alright I get ya. I'll try to dig through my collection. Also even if you don't like them I highly suggest you play halo or gow for the story, They were a blast. EDIT: Can't believe I forgot about this one! Go get Castle Crashers! I had a blast with that game! Me and a friend of mine wasted probably 100 hours of our lives on the multiplayer. Highly recommend it.
Snoopy Flying Ace is actually a pretty great Xbox exclusive XBLA game. Fun, though short, single player and can be played co-op locally or online. And good competitive online (though the people online are pretty damn good. I tend to get slaughtered). I forget how many it allows, but I think 16? You can also play versus bots, and mixed with real people. We mostly play private matches with 3 or 4 and bots using 2 Xboxes. And Dance Central 1, 2 and soon 3. Those game are really pretty fantastic. If you have a Kinect they are must-haves.
Thanks for the suggestions. Red Dead Redemption GOTYE and shadow complex are at the top of my to get list. The snoopy game looks pretty good and I might bite on Gears since i found the first two come packed together and GoW3 is $15 right now. Any thoughts on Castlevania Lords of Shadow?
We finally get a 1 vs. 100 replacement! Kind of! Actually this looks way more fun. "Happy Wars". If I'm understanding what it is, it's online castle siege battles. Looks like fun and, like 1 vs. 100 will be a benefit for Live Gold members as it will be free: I hope it allows multiple local players to play (together online), but I'm not seeing split-screen in the video, so probably not.
I'm enjoying Rock Band Blitz a lot. After playing one song I wasn't sure, but then by the time I'd played the 3 demo songs I was hooked and bought the game. Then after playing all the included tracks, I exported tracks from Lego Rock Band for it, and I ordered Rock Band Track Pack Vol 2, and now it's got me thinking of finally picking up Rock Band 3, but then I'm not sure if I like Rock Band as much as I do Rock Band Blitz. Apparently you can't export Rock Band 3 tracks - it would require a non-existent RB4 to do the export, and there is no planned RB4 so that's not going to happen. That makes getting RB3 less appealing. I like Rock Band, but it's more fun with friends and no local friends of mine play the game and my kids have little interest in it. I do like to play it solo sometimes, but it's not as fun. Hopefully they update Rock Band Blitz to have an export feature to allow exporting RB3 tracks, but it's not there now.
Look what's out today: ..along with FIFA 13, DoA 5, and PES 13. NBA 2K13 and RE6 next week. The week after that: Just Dance 4, Dishonored, XCOM, Fable: The Journey. It's that time of the year again. Positive reviews for Dishonored have now popped up everywhere across the web! Looks like this'll definitely be one to get.
Yup. I played it last night for some 6 hours. And I really like it. Funny thing is I didn't know anything about it apart from the title and that there was going to be some dude with a terminator mask. It has all the good elements from all the good games. A well executed cocktail of Half-Life, Thief and Bioshock.
XCOM and Dishonored look really good. I'm only going to get one more console game this year, I think I'll save that for Halo 4 though. Damn this holiday season and minimal cash.
Forza Horizon and Medal of Honor: Warfighter are both coming out tomorrow for consoles. Another awesome release week. Next week? ASSASSIN'S CREED III and Need for Speed: Most Wanted. The week after that? HALO 4. Enough said.
I'd really like to get X-COM. I like the demo and think it's my cup of tea. I never finished the last Forza game, so I think I'll get back to that before getting Horizon.
Dishonored is awesome no doubt about that. It's something different and it's just epic! Got it realease day and beat it in 2 days. I will say that it's quite short. Epic anyways!
This release week isn't all that worth for. I mean for forza yes but for Medal of Honor its something I would need to try out. Who knows it might be epic.