The Xbox 360 Thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by jacksoncombs, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. Somerandomdude

    Somerandomdude Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Doing nothing of importance.
    Yeah man, I loved Fallout 3's soundtrack. I'm not typically into that kinda music at all, but I found it pretty catchy in FO3, and it fit AMAZINGLY into the atmosphere. I loved walking around with the patriotic music from Enclave Radio (although I ignored their false propaganda :D).
  2. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Bongo bongo bongo I don't wanna leave the Congo oh no no no no no
    Bingo bango bongo I'm so happy in the Congo I refuse to go

    I want to play FO3 now just to listen to that song
  3. Somerandomdude

    Somerandomdude Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Doing nothing of importance.
    Hahah, yeah man, I just want to play it because it was such an incredible game. Too bad my friend went and sold it... Ah well, I might as well just get New Vegas anyway.

    I hate my Xbox right now. I hate it a lot. I don't think you guys can even understand the levels of hatred I have for that malfunctioning piece of #*$& right now.
  4. Donovan1209

    Donovan1209 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
    United States
    Someone should get something that starts with a PS and ends with a 3. Just sayin, that the malfunction rate is a LOT lower. And a few small things like Blu-ray, free online, and better exclusives, but I'm just sayin, you won't regret it. :) ;)
  5. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    But it's so fat
  6. Somerandomdude

    Somerandomdude Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Doing nothing of importance.
    Y'know, I'd consider that option if I didn't have a crapload of games on 360 anyway. No way I'm going through the trouble of selling those for PS3 copies (particularly Dead Rising 2... no one other than me and one friend has touched that game so far), and I didn't still have a warranty on my Xbox. As is, though, I still have that warranty, a ton of Xbox games, and a bunch of friends on Live that I couldn't ditch for a PS3.
  7. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Send in your Xbox for repair under warranty, buy a new Xbox 250GB, sell the fixed one when it gets back, throw in a couple of old games to boost the price.
  8. Rocketman919

    Rocketman919 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Fixed it for ya.
  9. Masmo

    Masmo Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    In your pants
    Nah, it only starts with a P but ends with a C. :p

    If anyone's interested in PC games, Steam's having a big Halloween sale with lots of good games. (TF 2, RE 5, L4D)
  10. Donovan1209

    Donovan1209 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
    United States
    Bad online? The only thing we don't have is party chat/cross game chat. Other than that they're about equal. And PS3 has better exclusives, have you been living under a rock or something, and next year will have even better exclusives on the way. I could make a list of PS3 exclusives, but, I'd rather not waste my time. (and let's not turn this into a flame/console war)
  11. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    With the regular RB guitar and on the lowest difficulty level... easier than GH. It has basically the exact same setup as Guitar Hero, only takes it even further by adding the pro stuff at the end. Lots of tutorials, training sessions for every individual song, no-fail mode if you're desperate... yeah it's just better really. Then there's that tiny bonus of having 2000 songs to choose from.

    If I hear that ridiculous fanboy statement once more I'm gonna start ripping teeth out. If you think the online is bad, you just haven't used it and you're grabbing for straws in desperation. If you think the exclusives are bad, you're not a gamer 'cause you're missing out on some fantastic stuff.
  12. sammysin

    sammysin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2010
    Government Official.
    Swansea, UK
    Amen to part 2 of your post. Saying shit like that doesn't make you look clever at all rocketdude.
  13. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    I'm not sure he was really saying the exclusives are terrible, just changing it from 'better', which I agree with.
    But then that's a matter of personal taste. For me, at the time I got my first Xbox, the library was more extensive than the PS3, and there were simply more games for me to buy, at a cheaper price given the age of some of them.
  14. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    The 360 library was more extensive when I bought it too, by about 100% :p

    These days I just prefer having the reliability, Blu-ray and massive HDD. I'd die without Demon's Souls too, one of my favourite games ever.
  15. Donovan1209

    Donovan1209 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
    United States

    Nowadays PS3 has better exclusives, but back when it first came out the games SUCKED! But it's gotten REALLY good since then.

    He changed better to terrible which is horribly untrue. Most people I know who is 360 only or 360 + Wii don't even know what Uncharted is, sadly. 360 online is better with party chat and all the things that come with it, and if Sony would add something similar to PSN, XBLA would be worse in the end, I mean it doesn't even have an internet browser. But atm it all depends on whether you're willing to pay around $5 a month for one extra feature for online.

    So in the end the consoles nearly equal. It all comes down to what you're looking for in your console.
  16. Rocketman919

    Rocketman919 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    I have used it. Many times. I actually own a ps3, two actually, and they make great blu Ray players. That's it. First of all, the fact that no ps3 systems come with mics doesn't allow for decent online play. Also as mentioned above, no cross game chat. Secondly, exclusives are an opinion thing. Sure, ps3 has uncharted, killzone, god of war, etc. But I think half of those are overrated and the other half can't hold my interest. Why play uncharted on my ps3 while I can be playing gears of war 2 while talking with my buddies who are playing halo reach? Thirdly, the ps3 controller is terrible and is awfully shaped, and that is universally agreed upon, so any game that is multiplat I will get for the xbox. Also my friends all have xbox's, and none have ps3s. Finally, XBLA is huge, 8 out of ten games on there are great (braid, castle crashers, n+, super meat boy, toy soldiers, PvZ, etc.) and 90 % of those aren't available on ps3.

    So yeah, call me a fanboy, whatever, but I have facts and proof to back up my claims. And exclusives are subjective to the person, if you'd rather play God of war by yourself while I play Reach with my friends, be my guest.

    And that other guy should know not to bring up PS3 in the xbox thread, because he knows he will be flamed.
  17. Hmar9333

    Hmar9333 Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Book Salesperson/Student
    Melbourne, Australia
    He makes a decent argument.
  18. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    First things first, what's your PSN ID? Now to business. It doesn't come with a mic. Huge freakin' bonus. This helps to dramatically cut down on the whiny kids on multiplayer games. They're still there obviously, but the fact they need to spend money in order to speak to anyone means that the majority of them either can't afford it, or don't think it's worthwhile. Plus, when you do decide to buy the PS3 headset, it's by far better than the crappy one you get free with a 360.

    Lack of cross game talk is a negative, we've given you that, but it's not the end of the world. Why on earth you'd want to play Gears 2 (decent for one or two runs through career) and talk to a buddy on Halo (amazingly overrated) when Gears is co-op anyway is just bizarre. To be brutally honest, I didn't use cross-game chat when I was on my 360 anyway, I was usually on MSN/AIM/Skype/this forum at the same time.

    If you "just happen" to dislike every PS3 exclusive you either have bad taste in games, an extremely narrow taste in games (just as negative really) or your unreasonable hatred for PS3 is actually influencing your opinion and you're determined not to find anything good with them just to convince yourself you've made the right decision. I suppose there's also the possibility you're just lying about ever having played them, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

    That the PS3 controller is badly shaped is ridiculous. For a start: No, it absolutely isn't universally agreed on. It's universally agreed on by 360 fanboys that a "great" argument against the PS3 is it's controller. Sony have stuck with what works, because that's what the fans wanted. It's been used for no less than 16 years now, and if there was a problem with it, someone at Sony would have noticed. Secondly, the more you use a controller, the more you grow accustomed to it's shape, like a new pair of shoes. If you hold a NES, SNES, Genesis, Saturn or N64 controller now, it'll feel incredibly uncomfortable, yet back in the day we all thought they were perfectly adequate and in using them grew comfortable with their shape until they felt natural. A large number of 360 fans have held a PS3 controller for 60 seconds, thought "this doesn't feel like the controller I'm used to" and then their tiny fanboy brains have turned that thought into a completely different situation altogether.

    There are definitely some great games on XBLA, which is why I own a 360 as well. Eight out of ten is pushing it a little, only two of the ones you listed give me any interest, and I'd assume that if you genuinely like 8/10 games on XBLA your gaming taste would be wide enough to enjoy a bigger spectrum of PS3 exclusives as well, yet seemingly is isn't. Strange coincidence.

    You have a couple of facts there, and a couple of bent truths, which just goes to prove my point. They're both good consoles, and I'm happy owning both. You'll notice that your argument was based on proving the PS3 was a bad console, whereas mine was based on proving they both have positives and are worth owning. I think one of us is being a lot more biased than the other. Lastly, we should be able to mention PS3 in the 360 thread. That we might get flamed just proves there are total idiots on the internet, we know that, but there are also those of us who own more than one console and sometimes the conversation just naturally leads to the other.

    Oh, and you can keep Halo, but don't worry, you'll grow out of it.
  19. Lombardo

    Lombardo Well-Known Member

    This. I also prefer the PS3 controller and I have a 360 and PS3. 360 broke like a piece of shit, PS3 has had 0 problems. And for xbox live games being better: 1- who cares that much about downloadable games, 2- PS1 games.

    Obviously this is a matter of opinion.
  20. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    I really don't see the point of having an internet browser on a home console. If we were talking portables, it would be a different matter, but the fact that I either have to buy a keyboard peripheral, or use the onscreen keyboard, seems pointless when I could just grab my laptop.
    Someone has clearly never played MNC. Or any other decent XBLA game.
    But being able to download PS1 games is cool, not that I can think of any I'd really want (except maybe LSD). You can download original Xbox games though.

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