this is the xbox 360 thread! this will keep you updated with News- Games- User reviews- Favorite games- (arcade and regular) Achievements- (points and listing) enjoy!
Okk... so, how do I send in my Xbox to Microsoft? I tried to find something on their site, but when I log in, it says that my Gamertag isn't connected to the account or something, and therefore I can't get any instructions. And I'm dying to get back to playing Bioshock and Fallout.
Toll free: (800) 4MY-XBOX or (800) 469-9269 or this: I think you said your Xbox RROD'd.
mine got 1 red ring....Error 68 meaning hard drive a stable machine Microsoft!!! The new one better not have these problems.
Yeah, that's finally what did my friend's Xbox in. He said that the RROD was on/off for him, but the Error 68 finished it off. I might pick up a slim if it isn't as defective as the regular 360. The only issue is that I don't know if it's compatible with the current harddrive... That, and I want to save my money for the 3DS (Snake Eater on the go... 'nuff said for me).
It's not, as far as anyone knows the new hard drives are much smaller, and go in the bottom not the top of the console. You could buy a transfer cable for about 20 bucks or just use a thumb drive to ferry data over to the new system though.
My plan for my xbox 360 was to send it back to Microsoft to get it fixed (thing can hardly read games/dvds). Then I'd sell it with the games. Things a piece of shit.
More of a great gaming console that has the possibility of turning into a piece of shit in 2 seconds flat. I love my 360, but I'm worried it'll die any second now. I'd be considering the 360 slim if it got it's failure rate below 10%, but I doubt Microsoft did or that'd be a huge part of their press release. Wish I could've been at E3 in the audience
Like being in the audience would help? Unless your like the team manager who is in charge of building the things I highly doubt Microsoft would listen to you. I'll admit that the Xbox 360 isn't as good as the original (I NEVER had these problems with the Original Xbox) but i do like their games. I just wish more games were backwards compatible with it. Aside from that it seems that every time Microsoft releases a new Xbox they screw us over with it's crappy hardware or software. (if not both).
If I were in the audience, I would've gotten one of the new 360 slims. Everyone that attended the conference got one, and I wouldn't have to worry about whether or not to get a new 360. But yeah, if it weren't for the fact that all my friends have an xbox, I'd be getting me a PS3 right now.
Agreed, mine has always had problems (second hand, bad decision, started acting up a few months after I got it). I x-clamped it and it worked for about a month, and has since died and been revived again about 4 times (with various methods, mainly overheating the CPU and GPU as safely as possible without a heatgun). It seems to be behaving now... but I'll probably end up getting a slim, want to wait for the cheaper model though, don't want 250GB of storage just for games
The main reason for the RROD was a processor issue. Bad processors would become defective, and then defect other parts of the system.
im posting pics of all my xbox live arcade games up on my profile now. im interested to see you guys's pics too!!
they are up! but heres a list of them- bomberman live, call of duty classic, castle crashers, family game night, geometry wars, hexic HD, marvel vs. capcom 2, N+, perfect dark, shadow complex, south park, splosion man, super street fighter 2 turbo HD, TMNT 1989 arcade, trials HD, turtles in time re-shelled
I have Castle Crashers as well, I've kind of grown tired of it because playing in a pub game is useless, everyone has all their characters at level 257 or whatever the max is so it's no fun, and the single player only entertained me for so long. Can't convince any of my friends to buy it, yet =P Would you recommend Shadow Complex? Been thinking about buying it for a while. Feeling a bit cranky today RttaM?
i just reasently bought it. it is great and i would highly reccomend it, its kinda like a 3D type of metroid but its stilla side scroller. but its 53% of so get it while you can!