iPad The World Ends with You: Solo Remix (by SQUARE ENIX INC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by chaos_envoys, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Naturally. You dont have the license for the one that was changed into universal. You had the license for the pulled one.
  2. Malrulezzzu

    Malrulezzzu Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2009
    I know someone else above chastised one of you for not asking for your refund right away but IMO you have every right to expect Square to do the right thing with this title. This is one of their mostly critically acclaimed titles. No way in hell would they leave it unpatched for such a huge audience as the one that went to iOS 8 from 7. I can see maybe a few years from now they would want to move on from the title but if that was the case stop selling it quite a while before you stop supporting it. Again this is Square, not some garage freelancers trying to stay alive. I am glad they are in fact fixing the game though so I guess you did make the right move after all.
  3. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #1283 Intendro, Feb 3, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2015
    And thus there would be angry customers.
    And in the first place, making people buy twice if they wanted to play on both also makes angry customers.
    So, yeah, this whole "separate iPhone/iPad versions" thing isn't such a good idea.

    It really should be possible to combine versions of an app so people from both keep it. Is this too complicated to implement for some reason? Apple could make it so one app has two possible licenses instead of one (not really a serious idea, it'd be less secure). They can't combine them some other way? Surely it's possible. "People who had this app license are now licensed to own this other identical app instead." That's too complex to program into the store's system?
  4. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Apple already has a solid secure license system. Tweak a small part of that and it would mean changing the entire system. Unless it's a change they have planned for a long time, or is a proority, it wont happen anytime soon. It should however be possible, if they think it would be viable in terms of cost and returns.
  5. RoboWarrior

    RoboWarrior Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2012
    Is there a significant size difference between the iPhone version and iPad version? I know some developers purposely have 3 versions, a universal, iPhone, and iPad version due to size differences. Granted at this time and age such size difference usually doesn't matter especially considering the resolutions of newer devices. Back when the 3GS and iPad 2 were still around such size difference did occur so this could have been a byproduct of such difference. Most developers today would dare not make a universal version.
  6. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    Now that we have established that customer service is not a source of any real information, can TA staff help us with other iOS 8 oddities like Ghost Trick? Obviously we could mail Capcom together and get a negative response (or no response at all) but then Eli would come in with the patronizing, "don't we all feel silly now".
  7. Shaun Musgrave

    Shaun Musgrave Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2013
    Freelance writer, teacher, business owner
    Ibaraki, Japan
    I've requested an update on the situation from Capcom Japan. I'll let you guys know if/when they get back to me.
  8. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    Thanks! :)
  9. chaos_envoys

    chaos_envoys Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    Medical Doctor
    Pokke Village, Indonesia
    I love you Shaun!!! TA is really the best palace for ios gamer!!!
  10. slamraman

    slamraman Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Aug 27, 2011
    whilst it's neither really here nor there, I just got this from Square Enix

    'Thank you for contacting SQUARE ENIX support,

    We do apologize for the trouble and misunderstanding. At this time the development team is working to resolve the compatibility issues on the new iOS update but unfortunately we do not have an ETA on a fix. We do recommend keeping the game updated whenever possible as a fix will most likely be pushed through a patch.

    Thank you for contacting the SQUARE ENIX Support Center.
    For additional assistance with this issue, you can reply to this email directly. For assistance with a new issue, please visit the SQUARE ENIX Support Center at http://support.na.square-enix.com.'
  11. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I wish it didn't take this long. I wonder if they even asked anyone to fix it since the fix is actually something that can be done in less than 5 minutes...
  12. Shaun Musgrave

    Shaun Musgrave Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2013
    Freelance writer, teacher, business owner
    Ibaraki, Japan
    Well, at least they temporarily pulled it from the store so no one else buys a (currently) broken game.

    If I had to guess, just from what I know about big game companies, the process goes like this:

    Customer notices game is broken, reports to support. Support reports to supervisor, supervisor reports to producer. Producer meets with financial people to request funds to produce an update, likely told to roll certain other features into the same update for cost efficiency. Producer then has to reach out to outsourced company, as they're probably the only ones with the actual source code and it's professional courtesy to allow them to continue work on the game anyway. Outsourced company is probably not free at the exact moment, as if they were, they'd be in dire financial straits. Outsourced company gives SE an estimate for when they will be free and available to work on the update. Negotiations are made for payment and so forth.

    -time passes-

    Outsourced company has an open spot in their schedule, produces the update. Update goes to SE for approval through seventeen layers of hell. Depending on various things, it might need to bounce back forth between SE and the outsourced company before it's finally ready to be submitted to Apple.

    Big companies suck at moving quickly, especially when the work needed to be done isn't going to bring in enough money to just dam the torpedoes and spend whatever it costs to make it happen immediately.
  13. Shaun Musgrave

    Shaun Musgrave Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2013
    Freelance writer, teacher, business owner
    Ibaraki, Japan
    Alright guys, no clue what is going on here, but as we all saw, they pulled the App more or less without warning from the App Store. I thought it was to keep people from buying it while it was broken, but now the NA side has posted this:


    Which looks a lot like they're saying TWEWY is dead and buried. I'm following up with the person at SE Japan who answered my last query to see what's going on here, but who knows at this point.
  14. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
  15. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Wow. I'm officially pissed. So now I have to jb to get this thing working? I'm offended that we got multiple different answers and finally this happens. I thought they were just taking their sweet time. Maybe some big wigs said "f this game it's done. Freemium 4 lyfe."

    Someone please post this on reddit / other news sites like before. We need to call SQE out on this. Again.
  16. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #1296 Intendro, Feb 19, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
    Technically they could still fix it and put it back after "discontinuing the service," but...

    Ugh. They better do that. Seriously?

    "We aren't putting in the simple fix the fans figured out."
    "Yes we are."
    "No we aren't."
    "We haven't even figured out if we are or not?"
  17. chaos_envoys

    chaos_envoys Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2011
    Medical Doctor
    Pokke Village, Indonesia
    This needs to be front paged!!! So sad..... Just a simple fix and it's seems so hard for them...
  18. Shaun Musgrave

    Shaun Musgrave Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2013
    Freelance writer, teacher, business owner
    Ibaraki, Japan
    It will be going up on the front page. I encourage everyone to *politely* let SE know what you think about all of this.
  19. zergslayer69

    zergslayer69 Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2010
    So they say it's discontinued, then say it's not true, and now say it's discontinued again. Good job square.
  20. Hambo12

    Hambo12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2012
    on the internet
    this is ridiculous. bought iPad and iPhone version of TWEWY. I'm sure square makes enough money. One little fix isn't going to hurt them is jt

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