iPad The World Ends with You: Solo Remix (by SQUARE ENIX INC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by chaos_envoys, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. Galenmereth

    Galenmereth Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    I defeated the boss after the dog statue before I got enough of the controls. It was not an enjoyable experience for me as the challenge lay in me getting the game to accept the right motion gesture rather than the gameplay being challenging.
  2. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    Man, really, controls are fine, there isn't any problem with them. Just keep playing.
    You could say that driving "has bad controls", but just like everything in life it just takes some practice. This port was very well made, and I don't regret buying it.
  3. Galenmereth

    Galenmereth Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    It is a subjective matter, of course. In general I feel that people are too lenient with these iOS ports. Maybe for people who play a lot on touchscreens it's an acquired skill to see through your fingers and never miss a precise fling gesture; to me, who plays more games on Mac/PC and DS/3DS, it's horrible to control. I guess I'm just not willing to see this kind of stuff as an acceptable level of gameplay engineering.

    I recently also fell for SE's rerelease of FF7 on Steam, where they've botched half the midi music (how?) and it usually crashes when you save your game.

    I think they deserve more scrutiny for these rushed products they keep releasing.
  4. Atangerine

    Atangerine Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    So you should have like 5 pins. Have you read the description for each one carefully and set them in the correct order (this is important)?

    The only problems I sometimes get are from the pins involving obstacles. Also, for the flame pin, try holding a space for half a second before dragging.
  5. Galenmereth

    Galenmereth Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    Yeah I did. I have no problem with the basics of the pin system, I assure you. It's just that, compared to the DS version, the action in combat is extremely dependent upon luck; half the time when I slide, it interprets it as a touch. The action is fast paced, so you need to move out of harm's way. This is also a slide, but this time from your character and then to where you want to go. Combined with pin attacks that require slide, touch or hold, it's just a cluster��������. I'm sure you can master it - I'm not saying you guys are liers; you're probably doing very well with the control scheme - but it's not fun for me. It makes me want to play the proper product, the original design that the gameplay mechanics are so obviously designed for. It comes off as just a clumsy game of hoping for the best. I didn't lose one single fight, mind you; I never dropped below 70% health. Later on, if things get more challenging in this version, I'm sure I can farm and just outrank the enemies and not even have to worry about strategy, but come on; what's the fun in that?

    So this is my dilemma: The game is playable, but the gameplay feels like a complete waste of time compared to what I know and remember the original to be. I never played the original that much (can't remember why anymore, and I borrowed it), but even had I not played it it's obvious this is a port made as simply as possible. It could've worked very well on a touchscreen, but they just crammed the mechanics onto a touch screen with no regard for the size of fingers and their engine's apparent problem with recognizing motion properly. I don't have this problem in similar games, for example, like Battleheart.
  6. Atangerine

    Atangerine Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    I have never had problems with the controls. Neither has, apparantly, anyone else in this forum. It's too bad that you can't handle the "crammed" controls like everyone else.
  7. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    Hmmm I'm playing on iPad but I haven't had a single issue with the controls:confused:
    So long as you set up your pins in the correct order it works fine.
    And just to note I'm playing on hard also with my level halved and don't have any issues with dying, if your dying then you need to move with the quick swipe to dodge then attack when your clear of danger.
    Maybe it's also down to the setup of pins you use?
    Just thought I'd check in to say the controls were fine :D
  8. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Yes, you also should be moving around from time to time. If you stay in one spot too long eventually you'll get beat up. I also play on hard in the first play through with my level set at 15.

    I only die when there are too many powerful enemies or I forget/am not used to the Pins I have equipped.
  9. Brrobotix

    Brrobotix Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Under your bed
    @galenmerth, it seems a lot of the problems you have are not so much with the game as with the platform. Being unable to see the screen, complaining about gesture accuracy are common problems levied against iPhone gaming. I have never experienced the former, due to having an iPad, but the thing you have to realize is that touch inputs are very different from conventional buttons, and until you master them you will feel like you are at a disadvantage in many iOS games.

    The best analogy I'd say for this would be the first gaming console you ever played. Before you we're able to play any of the games, you first had to master the controller, knowing where each button was without looking at it, being able to find them precisely at the right moment in the heat of the action. The same goes for iOS. It's more intuitive, but it requires a mastery nonetheless. If it helps, the game is pretty good about displaying feedback when you're doing an action, for example rapid taps display little greenish blue x looking marks under your finger for a fraction of a second after you tap, and swipes display a trail of sorts following your finger. Use these as guides to what the game perceives to be what action.
  10. Galenmereth

    Galenmereth Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2012
    It seems you overlooked the paragraph where I explain that I've enjoyed other iOS games on this iPhone, somewhat similar in terms of control schemes, like Battleheart. I've also played a ton of Block Fortress, Dodonpachi Max, Super Hexagon, Kingdom Rush and Tabletop Racing. I don't have problems with the touchscreen controls in any of those, because they're all aware of the platform they're on.

    This game is not. You're playing on an iPad, where my concerns really do not count since the screen is that much larger. But on a 4S, the game is more trial and error than anything. And that's not my main gripe; my main gripe is that it seems they understood this, but instead of working with it and tweaking the mechanics, they gave you tons more health to play with so that it's fine for half your input to be wrong. That's a bad solution in my opinion, and it makes the gameplay boring.

    To the people that seem to think I'm complaining because I lost to the game; I didn't lose once until I stopped playing. Never went below 70% hp. My complaints are that the game's controls, while certainly possible to get used to, dumb the whole game down. And I think they could've done a better job, but of course that would requre bigger changes that would probably also offend other fans of the original.
  11. Atangerine

    Atangerine Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    Uhh no they did not. I'm also on the iPhone and I've never had problems with the controls, like I have repeatedly stated. Also, you aren't dying because you're only playing on normal, which is so easy. Once you get ultimate mode things become a lot more unforgiving.
  12. ktern

    ktern Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Galenmereth: If the controls (and the port in general) were shoddy, we'd all be having problems with them. I've seen a few pins that don't work too well (the scratching ones, in particular), but for the most part, the game works great for me and most others in this thread.

    I know some people here aren't giving you enough credit re: the amount of experience you have with iOS gaming. It's likewise unfair to assume that everyone else here is somehow too blind to see flaws in a game and you alone have enough insight and experience to do so.

    Sorry that the controls aren't clicking for you, though. I'd suggest looking at what pins are less messy for you to control, and just building your deck around that.
  13. Brrobotix

    Brrobotix Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Under your bed
    @galen well, I really don't know what to tell you. Unfortunately you seem to be one of the only ones not enjoying this game. I'd suggest giving it another try if you ever get an iPad, but other than that you are entitled to your opinion, and if you don't like it so be it.

    Anyway, does anyone know what the best pins to use with Holy Field are? I've been experimenting with yoshimitsu, and so far that is what I've been having a lot of success with. Also lightning rook isn't bad, but unless I focus on timing my cool downs, which is pretty annoying, I'm often left with waiting a long time for either Joshua or my lightning rook to reboot, which sucks.
  14. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    ^ have you put the pin that increases your pin usage to your line up? The name escapes me but i think you know what I'm referring to. I have that in every set if I'm serious about winning. Otherwise I just use random pins and try to master them.
  15. Brrobotix

    Brrobotix Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Under your bed
    #1075 Brrobotix, Aug 12, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2013
    Speed factor?

    Holy Field is a 5-pin set that when used together makes cross combos 3x as powerful, and greatly increases your sync rate, as well as giving you 4s of invulnerability per each cross combo. If I used a non-attack pin in the 6th slot, I wouldn't be able to cross-combo (since I'd have no attack pins), so it would be a pretty useless set.

    No, I'm looking for something with decent damage, but more importantly something that's easy to get CCs, with a lot of uses and a short reboot time.

    Edit- yoshimitsu is a beast, especially because you can use the same gesture to activate it that up you use to activate Joshua. I've been doing around 200 per cc hit with the shockwave, and Joshua's do around 70. And just about every other wave I can use Joshua's level 3 fusion because the holy field boosts my sync charge rate so much, and because yoshimitsu has 16 uses before a reboot. I don't know if there's actually a better pin to use with it, but I'm sure there are a lot of good combos.
  16. ktern

    ktern Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Try Rhyme, maybe?
  17. Atangerine

    Atangerine Active Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    The best pin to use with the Holy Field would be Yoshimitsu and your partner should be Joshua (keep swiping down for CC's with Yoshmitsu), like you stated earlier.
  18. Brrobotix

    Brrobotix Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Under your bed
    Not a huge fan of rhyme, I find it hard to target on just about anything that isn't sitting still. Worth a shot though.
  19. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
    I'm confuse, I'm on day 2 but still scratch my head what the hack is that game?

    I only know how to use some of the pins, fire, lightening and etc.

    But my parner is not appear to help at all, the icon is there, but what should I do to call her?
    No parner that's mean I cannot use combo.

    After each battle I got ton of stuffs, book, abilities and etc; but I never can preview them, switch them or do something useful.

    I'm just confuse, it is not addicted at all with that simple touch battle, what am I missed?
  20. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    #1080 L.Lawliet, Aug 13, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2013
    Ah okay I get it now. I've gotten about 70% of all the pins and just got to the end of the game so I haven't seen them all. In fact I don't have a full set of the special pins yet :\ I'm taking the game as slow as possible like a well cooked steak lol..

    Hmm.. I think your first partner is summoned by tapping rapidly? But I haven't used her for a while so I can't remember exactly. Someone else can verify this maybe.

    The books, etc. you can view in your "item" menu under the "?" section (look at the tabs). It's not too important that you see them. They're mostly tips on how to play and then powerups (atk,def,more special attack) for your characters.

    I think play around with it more and it'll be more enjoyable. When you get new pins they'll all have different stats and abilities. It's kind of like Pokemon, you have to collect them all! Hopefully that helped.

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