I actually enjoy the wolf among us much more than the walking dead. The theme is far more interesting. Zombies are way too overdone and I am kind of tired of them.
Played on iPod touch 4th gen? Just asking because that would explain much of the slowdown and technical issues you're having. And you have it listed as your device.
Except some slow downs on iPad 3 and the short length, this game is perfect. Are the other chapters as short as the first?
There are slowdowns in frame rate in fast moving scenes, and it stops alltogether when it is saving for a couple of seconds, this in on an ipad 4
I don't think they've released on any platform yet. If they are the same length as the first, I'll be ok with getting them all. $20 for the whole thing seems alright to me.
I agree, but still I hope the first chapter is some kind of tutorial and the rest is longer, like Ace Attorney.
great new but tell me if i delete game from my iphone and whan ep2 out do i need again play ep1 or i can play only ep2?
Just purchased the multi-pack IAP to unlock episodes 2-5. Episode 1 is too short in my opinion, but what Telltale is doing here is something I really feel I have to support so I can dream with new adaptations of Vertigo's graphic novels.
It's fun so it seems like it goes by fast... ? I think an hour or a little less if you're doing a second run through. Probably 1.5 - 2 on your first go around... I might be a bit off, I didn't time it at all. Should be around that though.