there are three inventory category tabs: consume, wear, and hold (for each item type) in that screenshot, the "consume" tab is selected, and the two consumable items are on sort of a dropdown list from that tab, the peanut butter isn't actually under the "wear" category. or at least that's my guess based on the screen, and of course, my guess is as good as any. the ui looks great, though the stamina, hunger, and thirst text still needs to be centered if you haven't noticed that already
Peanut butter armor?! Haha heck no, dudewelcome is spot on. But seriously though, thanks for the good laughs. -Daniel
Dev update: enemies and ai Hey yall, So now that we have drafts of a) survival mechanics, b) first person experienxe, c) melee/ranged, and d)hud/inventory, we're moving straight into enemy ai. Best case scenario, by next Friday we have an ecosystem of deformed, wildlife and military. Minimally we have our sights set on stellar deformed behavior and animations.
No freemium, no IAP, just a great v1 at $4.99, and free weekly expansions after version 1.0 ships to App Store. -Daniel
I'm always hesitant when I see "Weekly Expansions" from devs. Most of the time they just can't deliver...
No worries buddy. We just have additional content that we definitely want to add to the world , but won't have time for the initial v1.0 build.
Final hurdles for version 1 Hey y'all and happy friday!! So we're in the homestretch of version 1 development!! As such we've got two main things to make great before we unveil v1.0 The Wild. So many survival games on Steam and App Store feature mind numbingly boring zombies so this phase is where it counts. First up we are going to implement the AI framework , and like we stated previously, this could mean seeing deformed runners, wildlife and military in next week, or minimally just fantastic deformed. (We have a good amount of info on AI on our first page post if you'd like to further understand what we mean by fanatic deformed enemies.) Secondly we are going to take some time and really hash out the game world- with the industrial scifi theme in mind- some surprises for y'all who have been following us since the beginning! Can't wait to get your feedback on the type of wildlife you'd like to encounter, but I think seeing the new scifi industrial world will help too! Happy weekend to everyone! -Daniel
Hey guys this sounds great! I know that this is quite a bit of stuff and you probably get this question a lot but when do you think v1.0 will be done and ready to be uploaded to the App Store? Im not rushing you because I personally believe when you completely redid the game was for the better of you and me. You because you won't get negative reviews from the players of the game and for me a really good game that I notice the devs put a lot of work and into! So far this game sounds absolutely incredible and a truly unique iOS game that will DEFINE iOS gaming. Oh and happy weekend guys.
Awesome Toonuva. The UI looks great and I like your focus on AI. Not to compare two different games but I can't play alot of iOS games because the AI is so stupid.
Been reading this thread for a while and must say this game is looking just incredible. Great work by the devs and thanks for making such an awesome game! This just looks amazing!
Thanks so much buddy! The game world and enemy ai are the last bits we want to implement and polish for a great version 1.0 launch!!
I actually haven't been keeping much track of this forum lately, and now I feel ashamed to have, there's so much news that has been added and I can't keep up no more! ##
This game looks AWESOME but will there be tamable animals? Like a pet dog to defend you, or a cat? Thanks, and good luck on the game! # I cant wait for it!!!!!!!!!!