Sounds amazing, I'm constantly being astounded by the level of depth this will have! Keep up the superb work and I can't wait!
Visually, the game on older devices will have some FX disabled. Regardless, we'll still have a settings panel in v1 or right thereafter.
Oh yeah! Loot areas come in a couple flavors. Natural areas like rocky caves, but also manmade like buildings, crash site, forts.
*facepalm* On the bright side... You guys dont know how excited i get to come home from school and see 3 pages of people talking on the forums. This means interesting questions, updates, and sometimes game changing ideas. Thanks ToonuvaGames and everyone on the forums. Keep it up!
While I don't know quite yet just which particular settings we'll tune for 512mb ram devices I can tell you that we have mobile versions of 1)sun lighting with sun shafts, 2) ambient occlusion, 3) motion blur, 4) lens dirt, 5)color grading and 6)water reflection for higher-end 1gb ram devices. Happy week to you. -Daniel
So does that mean that all those effects are going to be on the settings page, and can be disabled and enabled? Happy week to you too Toonuva
That's right. I'd like to have that out for y'all at launch, but if not at launch, then first update a week later.