One more thing guys, please don't release a lot of games. The reason I say this is look at ammonite design studios. They have like 100 apps but they are are awful and never get updated. They have an app called PlagueZ and it looks like this game would be if it were given 3 hours of work. Just make sure before moving into bigger and better things, you perfect the apps you already have, and also if you do make more apps never forget the old ones.
We are pouring our blood, sweat and tears into making The Wild. This game is everything. It's the reason we dropped everything else in our lives and decided to make The Wild - the product of our dreams, and it's the reason why you see us on here day and night working and discussing the product with all of you. Thanks for your continued support LazerGuy17!
We have some exciting plans with ai system. The hostility will give us the emergent gameplay that lots of fans have been asking for- faction war, dynamic combat, change in behavior if you kill chieftains (this goes for the deformed, militia, and to some extent the wildlife). So the idea of friendlyness is directly tied to the hostility sensor. All in all we have big plans for the ai system- getting the basics right, then adding depth to the amount of variances and such that can occur.
Just an inspirational quote. Slow progress is better than no progress. Take your time on this. I would love a nice outcome later than a worse product now. Thanks for producing What is going to be a great game.
Take your time devs. Even if it means doing a 'death road to canada' Seriously, this game looks amazing.
Can't wait Hi, this is the game I've been waiting to come on the App Store for ages. I am a massive dayz player and being away on holiday means I am craving something like dayz to play on my ipad. Game looks amazing and you've done so much hard work. Will it be released on app stores internationally at the same time? Think you've got a big hit on your hands here. keep it up!
All of it sounds incredible,this could be the game I was waiting for dayz/fallout style survival game but there is no multiplayer is that right? Is it planned for an update? A game like this seems to be tailor made for multiplayer.
Dayz and rust have poor npc experiences, this is where we're starting. We strongy believe that we can develop a great single player experience. Then after we will absolutely look into co-op and larger multiplay.
Very good to hear. Some of us would love to play DayZ and Rust but don't really care about playing Multiplayer, but would rather focus on the exploration and survival. Really looking forward to this!
DayZ Feeling I already know thats there not gonna be a multiplayer yet, but is it planning to come in a update? and what kinda world is it, is it a russian, abandoned island, or just a unknown selfmade island?
Really glad you asked about the world. Have a look at a place called Nanga Parbat, it's in Pakistan, and it's got everything we've been looking for- rocky dry areas, grasslands, and forests. In addition we're loving how the warm and cold areas meet. We literally just discovered this ourselves about 30 mins ago. Just as an example, when we add in the sleep mechanic we want to have there be a probability of winter weather changing the landscape, more importantly the temperature since this is a hardcore survival game.
Freaking cool! i just looked at the island, and this may be weird to ask, but will there be roads added? Imagine, me sitting there in the cold suriving the awful winter
Shaping! Wow! I love how the game is shaping up to be! One thing is bothering me which is are the devs over promising the features? Like in Star Command, where the devs had promised a lot of features but never got the features in the game at launch!
Hey 3mry5, it's on the way! We're currently putting finishing touches on the world, making sure enemies take on impact damage, and working out a bug with the base building. Then we'll get the gameplay vid out. Milestone moment is soo close! After this it will be downhill as we'll have draft core experience for the pillars of The Wild- survival mechanics, looting, base building, combat.