Omg this BlOWS the other screens out of the water! From the look a of this screen, it could easily damn well be he best ios shooter of it's kind to date.
That was a poor joke on my part, sorry. The War Z was a Day Z ripoff that came out last year for PC. It has since changed names.
Now that is a proper looking hatchet. Are we going to have the ability to build fires for warmth, and cooking on release?
Gonna try our hardest to get as much as possible out for our may release. Since Clay and I are all about doing weekly updates though, it will either happen on launch or right after. Either way, things like building a fire, harvesting meat will 100% be part of the wilderness update.
We're certainly launching v1 with campfires, survival shelter, barricades for buildings. We'll try for traps and wild-life for launch, or update the next week with em.
Quick Update: We will 100% have base building, camp fires and barricades for existing buildings implemented v1 launch. Hope everyone had a great week, and as always updated screens and a short gameplay video will be dropped later tonight on the forums (and as always updated to our first page). Stay tuned. -Dan and Clay
Are the enemies going to be continuously spawning? (And if so how is this going to work?) Or is there a set amount at the beginning?
Great question! We're not certain which measure will yield the best gameplay as of yet. There won't be specific spawn points necessarily as that will be randomized save for the underground bunkers (those will have great loot but high risk of conflict and many enemies). On the other hand, having a set amount could yield a sense of conquering the land- which I really like.
Not having set amount could mean that they may be somehow multiply? Like in an abandoned lab or something.