The pace at which you guys work at is incredible as well. You deliver us what we want every 7 days to keep us in our seats, compared to other developers who give us little snipets every other month. I applaud your fast-paced hard work.
We will definitely support controllers! I just personally wish we ios gamers had a nice quality selection of controllers!
Development Questions! Question #1: How is the development going? Question #2: Do you guys have a ETA (Rough Or Exact) on beta?
We're on track for a great update tomorrow night for y'all! We've got full looting system working, in addition to polishing the survival mechanics. Definitely screens up tomorrow on first post and maybe if we can polish the movement for tomorrow we'll throw a video on the forum. Happy week to everyone!
C'mon, man, can you relax on the beta inquiries a bit? They've already said multiple times that beta will be around the end of this month. Nope.
I know obviously that this is gonna be single player when it's released which I'm fine with but do you guys ever plan to maybe have a kind of option to play multiplayer OR single player in the future? Cuz that would be awesome XD
I was looking over the pictures on the first post and I noticed that the one with the food items said the character was feeling faint. So I was wondering can the character pass out and if so when he's being attacked by soldiers if he passes out is there a possibility of him being locked in a prison or will he just be killed?
Oh yeah multiplayer would be awesome! And we'd absolutely love to add it later on in development! The overall plan looks like this. A) kickass single player -> b) content and features updates like crating, wildlife -> local coop -> multiplayer.
Sounds perfect! Just one more question: is it gonna be more like rust where you build an actual kind of camp or more like dayz with constant movement and scavenging?
Great question and even better idea for the future! Currently we're having a high risk factor to be looted and or killed- depends on how hostile you were before you passed out. I'm putting the idea of being thrown into prison on the white board when we do a update pass on the combat experience. Thanks Anteye for the awesome suggestion!! P.s great update to the forums coming tonight.
This looks like a premium game, price it accordingly! I see a lot of people asking about the cost; if this is as good as it looks, I really hope you guys put it up for a premium price instead of going the full-blown F2P route. I think Four4ken media have hit a great balance in this regards. I've paid for all of their games, and pitched in a bit through in-app purchases, but I've never felt like I had to.