Thus far into development we've hit great strides. We're looking good to have a draft core experience by end of April/ early may. Then we'll see. This week we're ensuring solid framework for looting and inventory UI. extremely important.
The game looks good but less than 6 months of development doesn't seem like a lot of time to give enough quality to a game of this scope. Specially if made by only two people.
You gotta think bigger picture- unity game engine, assest store for code and content. Everything is procedurally generated for placement and loot spawning. You'll be pleasantly surprised.
You mentioned assets store and I searched about that. Holy shit I was completely ignorant to the fact that you can go to the Unity store and actually buy assets. Yeah, that certainly should make things go much faster. It's pretty brilliant, even if eventually it might make some games look very "samey". I assume you can make changes to the assets too, right? You should totally buy that $20 Velociraptor and include in the game, haha.
The Velociraptor was hilariously awesome- though not for The Wild. Thanks for your support and enthusiasm. Be sure to stay tuned for our weekly updates. Happy week to you heringer!
I cant waitt This has defiantly taken my top spot for the best game on "Upcoming" list. Im sorry forgotten memories, my patience has run out. You have my full support "The Wild" P.S. pardon my english..Im from Sweden.
I like how you guys are very responsive and cooperative with us, and update us with new screens every week. That's what keeps me coming back to this thread.
Yay!! Alsoo, are there any plans on making mechanics like sleeping? Is there anything like exp or skill sets in the making? Im not trying to make it an RPG, im just wondering.
Everyone's kind words and encouragement really do mean a ton to us! It's got us working day and night to make this happen!