Thank you very much for your kind words and support. Only with the help of you and the rest of this great forum will we make this product GREAT! For instance @geno11233 made a suggestion of a luger pistol which definitely adds value...which will also be shown in the updates screens very soon tonight.
We're definitely doing this for v1. In addition to having the loot scattered around the world, we'll have bodies and such scattered around- love the impact it will have on the atmosphere. Great remark!
So i was doing some reading, and i thought since you can get dehydrated, wouldnt it be kind of cool if you also experienced some of the real life symptoms of dehydration? Like fatigue, or maybe have your vision blur for a few seconds every now and then(sudden light headedness) just a thought. I cant wait for this game
Those 2 new screens are looking absolutely amazing!! Definitely giving me the hype I need for this game! #
Survival mechanics have been added - i.e. in narrative form in top right corner. In addition we've added a new abandon farm town that we'll scale to throughout 100km island. Last but not least we've added a screen showcasing the various consumable items. Hope you enjoy this friday night update! As always we've revamped the first page post- now there's an even better overview of The Wild in terms of screens. Happy weekend everyone! -Daniel
Ohhh yeah! Initially we'll have the gameplay fatigue. Visual effects are on the radar. Getting the entirety of the game 100% functional, then double down on sound and visual fx.
Omg that is what I've been waiting to see!! Fits so perfect into the game! It's so awesome how willing you guys are to hear our thoughts and that they will actually have impact in the game!! Thank you guys so much. Just a couple questions. Will we be able to customize the pistol with a stock? And will the character voice the survival mechanics taking place as he feels them? I also love the look of the buildings! Gives it a real remote island feel. I really hope to see some huts made out of some kind of wood too.
Player will eventually have a handful of sound and visual fxs to correspond to survival mechanics at play. i.e. hearing the shivering when player is cold, breathing hard when running for a while. When we get to the weapon customization update, this weapon will receive a stock.
Whoah! That's a lot more then I was expecting! The way you guys have been explaining your plans and additions has easily made this a top most anticipated game for ios #
Hey guys! Is it me or the hand model is like ten times better when he's carrying the torch than on the screenshots where he's holding a gun?
Good eye! Just testing out different resolutions, but it's mostly the warm glow of the fire that makes the experience so nice.
This.... I am going to take my mind off this game until the beta testing part come This suspense is really killing me! My last words until beta: I hope this game will become a editor's choice on the app store when the game comes out!