I don't believe there are going to be ARs due to the time period which they said was the early 1900s and any sniper rifles would pretty much just be the same as the bolt action rifle.
No AR's in v1 as we've balanced the game for brutal melee and power single shot bolt action and pistols. But that has us thinking about base defenses- perhaps we'll investigate heavy guns with low rate of fire but powerful at a base that must be deployed on mount- we're looking at the FLAK 38. Happy Friday everyone!
That makes zero sense. Not every game with ARs and snipers is CoD. Sorry in advance if I'm taking your post too seriously
More along the lines of the classic firearms- colt 1911, Mosin, Garand, springfield, etc. We are developing a rustic, brutal feel- this goes right through weapons into world design as well with thick fog in the distance, thunderstorms, industrial areas. We live in the mountains of Vermont, so it will have old growth forests too.
Could you guys please god make the red9 with stock from resident evil 4. That would fit perfect for the time that the game is set in. If you're u sure of what it is, just google it
Oh yes! Walking, running, sprinting, crouching, and prone! Feel free to ask anything you're curious about The Wild!
Prone? OMG. Seems like a first in iOS gaming. I'm so looking forward to this. I really can't wait! When is this expected to be released again? And when do you think you'll be able to throw up some gameplay teasers for us?
Prone is essential to survival! Lots of gameplay throughout april as we lead into beta gameplay then swiftly into release of v1.