The Wild - Single Player "Rust/DayZ" for iOS

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by ToonuvaGames, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. Thewildfanboy6

    Thewildfanboy6 Active Member

    Apr 29, 2014
    Maybe you should read a little more before you comment, my good man..
  2. Darth Nihilus

    Darth Nihilus Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Pripyat, Mexico.
    Oh I didn't know you lived in an uncharted lost forest.

    How is that amount of fog unprecedented or unrealistic?

    Thank your for not adding anything new to my post lol

    Or maybe you were agreeing?

    Me too, the complaint of one person seems to be the amount of fog... Which is cuckoo.

    lol exactly

    C'mon, give him a break, can't you see he's still loading?
  3. Darth Nihilus

    Darth Nihilus Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Pripyat, Mexico.
    Are you really that alien to our planet to think that amount of fog is outrageous? Or that it only happens in tropical settings?

    Btw he's a pic of SH Shattered Memories...


    Vs The Wild, you can actually see farther here:


    People seeing this from a purely technical standpoint must not like story, mood and atmosphere.

    Fog is fine.

    If it's an artistic trait or part of the mood, then I sure as hell hope it's not optional.

    Because that'd be like asking the devs of SH for an option to disable the fog.
  4. Loading3

    Loading3 Active Member

    May 21, 2012
    hahaha. i did read all the thread. He's just giving his opinion just like all of you albeit being too critical. Also he apologized earlier, theres no need to drag out this thing again. besides the dev are trying to gather feedback whether its positive or negative, so they can improve the game even further.

    Just to stay on topic, this game is looking great! the fog surely adds the athmosphere but kinda hoping the fog can change depending on the weather like it clears out when its sunny (after the the dynamic weather update). Cant wait for tonight!
  5. Darth Nihilus

    Darth Nihilus Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Pripyat, Mexico.
    That would be pretty cool, I don't know if the fog is permanent given how we've seen screens with no fog, maybe Toonuva can answer this for us?

    It would make sense if there was only fog at early hours in the morning.

    It reminds me at how STALKER did the dynamic weather and lighting depending on the hour of the day.
  6. dylanfan007

    dylanfan007 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2014
    #2406 dylanfan007, Sep 27, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
    Oh ok then I should stop posting any opinions on an upcoming thread as they seem like 'rants' to 'you',Anyway I don't see how my posts have somehoe magically blocked all posts by the devs.Anyway if voicing your opinion is considered as disrespectful then you have disrespected me a lot as well.;)

    @Darth Sh is a horror game,The Wild is an open world survival game.Though I can understand it being used as an atmospheric effect from time to time I wouldn't like to play it like that all yhe time.Imagine playing any open world say skyrim or gta like that.
  7. Darth Nihilus

    Darth Nihilus Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Pripyat, Mexico.
    The fog isn't hindering your visibility at all and the draw distance isn't bad by a long shot.

    Besides, there have been earlier screens with no fog at all and a farther draw distance.
  8. dylanfan007

    dylanfan007 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2014
    Well it does seem rather distracting to me look at the 1st and the 3rd pic,You can't really see what's in front of you.While it might just be the weather effects but why all those pics have fog instead of on or two is worrying to me.I guess a gameplay video might clear that up(no pun intended).
  9. Darth Nihilus

    Darth Nihilus Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Pripyat, Mexico.
    Wut, are you serious? You really can't see what's in front of you in those screens? Sorry mah man, you're alone in that, I can't see past a good distance but I have no problem seeing what's in front of me in those screens.

    Lol at the non-pun.

    Yeah, a gameplay video would be nice (no pressure Toonuva, no pressure)
  10. Darth Nihilus

    Darth Nihilus Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Pripyat, Mexico.
    Btw Toonuva, I'm loving the grass when used fully like in the 1st 3 pics.
  11. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    What an utterly derailed thread just becasue one guy decides to spend the last seven pages arguing with everybody about one part of the weather effects.
    And then pretends its humour. Ridiculous.

    Read the first page.
    Get over it and move on.
    It's not even like the draw distance is bad with fog, it's actaully quite good.

    What an awful shame to derail it to such an extent just because someone can read some benchmarks and tech specs and then thinks that tells the whole story, that their right and everybody else is wrong.
    Without even any level of understanding of what it takes to code for ios and even how much front end memory ios 7 onwards takes up for example.
    Tech specs and benchmarks DO NOT tell the full story. Anybody who thinks they do is grossly ill informed and blind to the impact of software and coding.

    For the love of whatever deity one worships, move on, seven derailed pages on one screenshot is enough already.
    Allow the very decent developer to get back in and be the focus, not some ridiculous argument over fog that will be null and void once dynamic weather of version 1.1 make it in there anyway.

    Feedback is one thing. And useful. Seven pages of misinformed opinion and misunderstanding of device capabilities is quite another.
  12. dylanfan007

    dylanfan007 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2014
    #2412 dylanfan007, Sep 27, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
    Yeah a gameplay video but no hurry or pressure.;)

    @Rip73,calm down,I'm just giving honest impressions not holding anyone at gun point,Soo much drama.Seriously if you don't like this thread or other opinions then you should rather 'get over it' yourself and be somewhere else,It's silly telling people to move on just because they think differently and just because you say Hardware doesn't matter doesn't make it so not atleast when you don't have any proof or facts to show for.

    It's simple if you have something to say then say that and if you find something wrong then say that too,Don't tell people to get over themselves cause that's none of your business.

    Now shall we get back to discussing the game now or do you want to argue how 'wrong' I'am about everything and how illiterate I'am compared to you and your 'vast' and mysterious knowledge of inner workings of game development?
  13. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    I'm perfectly calm.
    I used to come to this thread to get updates from the developer, not your opinion on what devices "should" be capable of because you've read some benchmarks and looked at some tech specs.
    At this stage I'm just a bit tired of you derailing the thread for the last seven pages.
    You're point has been made.
    Move on.

    It's also a bit ironic that you've spent the last seven pages on your fog "point" and you're telling me to clam down after one post.
    Maybe you should accept you've made your point and calm down yourself.
    And I most certainly need no apology from you. I simply want you to stop derailing the thread. End of. I'm out.
  14. dylanfan007

    dylanfan007 Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2014
    #2414 dylanfan007, Sep 27, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
    Yeah I suspected this kind of 'all your fault reply' only if you understood the simple process of 'replying to others' is not the same as derailing the thread but Whatever suits you man you've tired me endlessly with your empty arguments and I have no desire to argue anything with you.So yeah 'peace out'.:rolleyes:
  15. Fangbone

    Fangbone Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Michigan, USA
    Lol you guys crack me up! While reading this I had the song from The Lion King playing in my head. "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?".
  16. greenleaf

    greenleaf Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2014
    Charlotte, NC
    I really like the fog. I guess I'm a fan of forests, so I was starting to imagine what it would be like playing this game, trying to survive, trying to avoid other players and the deformed in this atmosphere. I could see this landscape really amping up my awareness and paranoia. I really wasn't too sure about the desert landscapes we saw earlier, mainly because I think settings like a tundra or a forest provide more natural cover. I also think there are more opportunities for the deformed to sneak up and scare us in this environment, which is good :)

    Say I'm getting chased by the deformed through a foggy glade or forest area. They are right behind me. So, I lead them towards a fog-covered military base that I remember passing a while back. Before you know it, a battle is erupting and I can slip back off into the fog. Or doing this to some people when in multiplayer later on! It's really exciting!

    I just wanted to say thanks to Toonuva. I have been on this thread, lurking for a while. A month or two ago a lot of people, including myself, was upset that deadlines weren't being met, we hadn't seen many pictures, we really had no idea of progress. Now, we are updated a couple times a week and we are getting fantastic and diverse biomes that could all exist in the same world together. And the developers have taken in feedback from the folks here and changed the game because of it (ex: not liking the desert and wanting a forest landscape, reworking the HUD icons and menu, putting in landmarks, including a bow and arrow, etc.) Some of these changes they may have planned on making anyway, but Toonuva have been really open to feedback.

    tl;dr: Just want to say thanks to Toonuva for working on this game during there free time and trying to give us a great and immersive gaming experience. I'm sure they want to get the game into our hands just as much as we want to play it :)

    - greenleaf

    p.s. - sorry, I'm long-winded :D
  17. swimmingcub

    swimmingcub Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2012
    #2417 swimmingcub, Sep 27, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2014
    Quick question: is the world randomly generated In v1 or will it be an update or what?

    Also about the fog I honestly don't really like it. I like the ability to look off a mountain and see a large forest or plains or whatever else might be down there and having the fog there might just kill it! :) nonetheless it looks extremely beautiful and fun! :D
  18. geno11233

    geno11233 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Aren't there just going to be certain places and times that the fog appears? Or were your intentions to have it everywhere all the time??
  19. Anonomation

    Anonomation 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Wow, when the true sides of people come out on the internet...
  20. lainsxp

    lainsxp Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2014
    It is still not submitted #

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