Wait, since when does everyone have money to go on a new apple device every year. I hate it when people with high end apple devices say things like- "you should restrict low end users from purchasing games," (that's a myth that flows around here) or when they worry about fragmentation of a set of less than 20 devices compared to the amount of android devices out there. Please, consider everyone, not only yourself when speaking on the topic. As far as I'm concerned, it has nothing to do with the devices as consoles are WAY underpowered, even the iPhone 4 rivals the XBOX 360 and PS3, it's more on the developer not knowing how, not being able to, or simply not caring on the implementation of games.
dev update: gameworld before and after Hey yall, Super excited to showcase some great progress from today's dev session! So here's before; And here's after; The design improvements make it feel like an N64 to xbox 360 upgrade- which is totally awesome!!
Hahaha I'm not even some elitist who buys the newest toy apple drops every year. I've NEVER bought an apple device even six months within its original release. But I am realistic enough to believe that it's unreasonable to go on every upcoming game topic, bring up a seriously outdated device (we're talking about an iPod touch 3G I'm pretty sure), and expect the developers to support it. Most of these games are by very small teams! Either way, if you're serious enough about mobile gaming to badger every developer trying to create something, then maybe you should find a way to at least get a minor upgrade every now and then. Heck, android tablets are dirt cheap any more. Don't like the way IOS restricts older devices? Swap!
The main problem with outdated apple devices are hardware limitations rather than operating system :/
I was using IOS as a general term referring to the devices. Not specifically blaming the OS for any faults.
I second this the last thing I want is to buy a 1000$ device then sell it for 300$ or something and sell it for a newer device and rinse and repeat.For that valur of money you can buy a very decent laptop that will last atleast 3-4 years same is the case with gaming pc,ps4,xbox one,3ds or vita.Saying stuff like you should upgrade even with relatively newer devices is very ignorant. Look at ipad mini less than 2 years old people who may have purchased it at launch paying more than 1000$+ and (in many places it's still sold) they can't even play Bioshock.,ipad 3 owners can't play it either.What's the point any android tablet can do mundane tasks like checking mail heck 50$ phones can do that perfectly. If I pay premium price then I expect premium quality and good support or else I'll buy cheaper and just as powerful lesser known brands.People here have too much money to waste,learn to use your device to it's potential instead of worrying about upgrading every 6 months,stupid trends nowdays.
Apple's new TestFlight app! Very excited for TestFlight! Check it out yall!! This is so exciting!! http://9to5mac.com/2014/09/05/testflight-appears-in-app-store-as-apple-readies-launch-of-its-beta-testing-service/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=pulsenews
Wow! The graphics looks amazing!!!! I cant believe you polished the game world OmG! AHHAHA NICE WORK TEAM!
Hey Daniel, how could you miss this upload that i have just found here? People, this vídeo has 2 commentaries, but we got some pics that i think some of you might never see. http://youtu.be/1uNBV17kGSI
You probably already know this (but from a couple of the comments I'm not so sure) but testflight is already available/compatable on ios it's just not its own app.
dev update: weekend workload Hey yall, We head into the weekend with a pretty good grasp of how to kill it with the natural landscape. Clay found us a great pack full of buildings and other interesting points of interests (POIs). It is therefore our mission to get the POIs and remaining areas of polish (more contrast in atmosphere, lightning) complete by end of sunday. -Daniel
dev update: a+ game world over the weekend Happy Saturday!! We're full swing into making the game world absolutely fanatasic to look at and play in! Making really good progress with buildings. We've got a nice variety- still going to be adding rail road tracks, more towers, fences and other various oppressive objects. In addition, tonight we're also going to be drastically improving the atmosphere. (far cry 4 has a great winter color palette that i've been in love with ever since I saw the teaser). -Daniel P.S don't mind the dev GUI and low poly wonky hand in the corner lol