The Weight Loss Thread!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by JBRUU, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Figured it'd be nice to have a joke thread after all the RR3 conspiracy theory ones :)

    Any of you guys have some extra pounds you want to lose? Ever dashed down the sidewalk after a notorious bank robber and had to stop and catch your breath while he zoomed away? Embarrassed to go to the beach? Hate sitting down and feeling that blubber settle in folds?

    Introducing the Cee-Food Diet! The revolutionary, patent-pending dietary program. No more adherence to boring old diets and rabbit food programs that have you eat lettuce and turnips. No more trips to the gym! Get that six-pack with no effort at all! The Cee-Food Diet has you covered!

    The Cee-Food Diet was created with fundamental human nature in mind: namely that no one can resist food when on a diet. But how about a diet where no food is off limits? That's right ladies and gentlemen, the Cee-Food Diet has one condition: cee food, eat it!
    Order now: call 1-800 EAT-LARD. That's 1-800 EAT-LARD. Order today!

    *note: the Cee-Food diet could lead to rapid weight gain, hair loss, high blood pressure & cholesterol, heart disease, sidden death, alien abduction and a bevy of other illnesses. To see if the Cee-Food diet is right for you, consult your local doctor.
  2. If you thought the above post was spam, dial 1-800-SPAMMED

    If you didn't, dial 1-800-CLEVER-GUY

    No rewards whatsoever on your part, we'll just charge you $15.99! Thats right - $15.99! Imagine what great thing you could buy with that, and then waste on dialing those numbers! So what are you waiting for? Get calling now! Our bank-robbing system is on the line

    On a side note, it'll be funny seeing us forum members trying to make our own fake spam
  3. I get mad about videogames.
  4. Primoz

    Primoz Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    I like cats, too.

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