I dont have the luxury to own it pal Live in the middle of nowhere in third world country Actually i prefer Interactive Fiction than gamebooks But this app is great It will remain forever in my ios home screen Hope you find whatever you find enjoyable matey
I think emulation is a form of flattery I don't think they meant to make exact carbon copy There just using proven techniques that work with this style of game
Well I certainly don't care enough to dig through people's posting history. But if I had to sum it up in two words, they'd be "extreme disappointment". I loved Tin Man's first few gamebook adaptations - House of Hell has been a permanent fixture on my tablets for the last four years. They started to go off the rails a bit with Starship Traveller and Appointment with FEAR was a travesty but I actually had high hopes for this one. But it just sucks. And risible replies like "I think is harsh to rate with 1 star a game for not liking it" really do demand a response. But, you're right - I really should go to bed.
I am a 99% lurker because I don't give a shit about voicing my opinions to people on the other side of the planet, but here I shall make an exception. For the love of sweet 8-bit Isaac, stop posting here and get your head out of your ass. I want to read a normal discussion and impressions of the game, not 3 pages of your butthurt ego rants. Thank you.
This. Please stop the arguing. He doesn't like the game, that's fine. But please don't continue to post about how much you don't like it, it's ruining the discussion of the many people who are enjoying the game. You don't like that he doesn't' like the game? Don't respond to that, either. It's fine if someone doesn't want to like the game, trying to rebut or change his mind about it is just adding to the off topic. C'mon people we are better than this
Just want to add my impression about the game. Was sceptical att first. But looked up some vids and it was a insta buy. Really like the mechanic that builds the game world the more you explore. Reminds me of Bastion. The writing is good and the music is atmospheric. It builds the world wonderfully. What caught my interest was how the developers managed to recreate the feeling I got when playing this kind of board game back in the day. Really recommend it! Thinking about dropping some money in the IAP.
Can someone explain the IAP. I read the original book in the 80's and lived it. Has the story been adapted in anyway? Will end up buying this for nostalgic reasons eventually no doubt. More characters. Nothing more, nothing less. You can either pick up separate packs of 4 characters for $2.99 or the complete set for $7...and yes, the game has been changed here and there.
A 'free battle' or 'arena' mode would be pretty welcome to get some practice and test your skills against enemies you've already encountered. It sucks when you encounter enemies whose patterns you've yet to figure out, but since save points are few and far in between (and combat can be time-consuming), some encounters can take a huge chunk out of your life points. And when you're 'resurrected', you can be taken way back past several encounters. And since combat is somewhat randomised--different starting positions for the MC and enemies--there's no guarantee you'll make it to the same point in good shape. And it also doesn't help when dice rolls for clashes are sometimes not on your side :S
Purely aesthetic characters or with differing skills? Ps how did you reply directly in my own post???
You'd think 4 years after being made a mod, I'd notice to hit "Quote" and not "Edit". >_> Skills differ.
I have this already on Steam but stopped playing once I heard it was coming to mobile, as I felt that would be the perfect platform for me for this game. Can someone please however confirm if the game looks and works okay on the iPad Pro 12.9" resolution. Some new games don't have the UI and text screens lined up properly which can make the game unplayable. I just laid out $8 for Dungeon Rushers. This is going to be an expensive week for me lol.
The different characters have different skills which affects some of their choices and motivations for doing certain things - it also affects whether they can perform certain actions or use certain things. I played a character who cannot read so was unable to decipher what was on several scrolls, etc. Also, there are some achievements based on doing certain things or finding certain items or treasure depending upon which character you are playing.