iPad The War of Eustrath - a tactical SRPG

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. dssed

    dssed Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2009
    so if i have a 2nd gen ipod touch, should i buy this game or wait for an update that fix the crashes?
  2. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    If you're on 4.0 I would wait. If you're on 3.x, you're probably okay.
  3. ChrisL

    ChrisL Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    Get it now before the price goes up since it's currently at an introductory price. The price is supposed to be changing today, so I would hurry.
  4. Exold

    Exold New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
    Just finished the game, and there is something wierd with the ending.
    Well,i got to stage 37 "At the end of a delusion", beat wenceslas, he changed his gear, beat his powered up gear...and thats it, there was an epilogue showing what happened to every character etc.
    The thing is, i have read that the final boss is actually ascard, but i have never fought against him.also read that there are 39 stages,not 37,so, how can this be?
  5. Eduku

    Eduku Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    Dude, spoilers.

    Some minor gripes I have with this game so far:
    -Healing seems to be completely ability-based, but not everyone has healing abilities, and as far as I know, there's no way for units to heal others, just themselves. This means that those without healing abilities are pretty much screwed when they reach low health, as they'll either have to avoid combat to avoid dying, or die in combat anyway.
    -Older device specific problem: the combat animation seems to 'skip' sometimes (e.g. Luke doesn't draw his swords, he simply seems to headbutt the enemy). In some cases, my unit didn't even move at all, the enemy just...exploded. Also, the 'ability' menu and the 'tactics' menu take quite long to come up after being selected, which breaks the whole flow a tiny bit.
    -I'm not sure if this is something with the game or just bad luck, but I'm experiencing a worrying number of misses when my hit percentage is 95%. It's cost me the mission on a one or two occasions. Why is the max 95% anyway, and not 100%?

    Not game-breaking problems by any means, just something that could be considered in an update (apart from the RAM/memory leak on older devices), I'm enjoy the game massively nonetheless.
  6. Balu`

    Balu` Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    There will be units later that can heal others (I had 3 or so in the end)
    It's just you. I think I missed like twice in the whole game with 95%.
  7. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    The issue with older devices is memory related (I'm almost sure) and should probably go away once they find a way to reduce the game's footprint. On the two other issues:

    * There is a general healing ability -- you just haven't gotten it yet. It works remotely so that you can heal any character in the battlefield, regardless of how far away they are. If you take the longer route to your home base (not over the mountains), you will encounter Evelyn: she has the ability. Not sure when you get it if you take the shortcut, but I know that some of the other guest GEARs have it.

    * If your will is low in comparison to that of your enemies, you'll find that you'll have "bad luck" more often (or, conversely, your enemies have good luck). Not sure how the formula works, but it's not supposed to be an exact science, which is why it's accounted for in the to-hit percentage.

    I actually like the fact that you never have 100 chance of hitting -- feels more realistic. After all, in the real world, even at point blank you can trip, your gun can malfunction, etc.
  8. November's Chopin

    November's Chopin Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    Did anyone already contact the developers about the game stalling when opening windows/combat animations/random iDevice restarts on older devices? Don't want to send the same message if they're already aware of it. I only played one mission and can't really continue due to the random restarts, can't wait for them to fix it.
  9. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
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    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    The developers have already appeared in this thread and are already aware of the problems thanks to CommanderData and his consultation ;)

    I get the random reboots and crashes but the game does an EXCELLENT job of keeping track where you were. I've never lost more than 2 turns due to a full reboot (it was two enemy turns)

    It's actually surprising how I don't mind the restarts. Since I got the game I have ended up losing 1-2 hour blocks because I'm so focused on it, they're more like reminders for me to take a break.
  10. Kunning

    Kunning Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2009
    Almost finished on my second playthrough! :D

    First time I got Yudenthile (that blonde girl) and Zeebow (Robin) as new character units when I chose to go through the plains, and Fraghion (Ellion) came to my side in the later stages. I accidentally killed Luke's brother-in-law or whatever though.

    Second time I got Darmthir (Elvin) and a wind GEAR (Robin) as new character units when I chose to go over the mountains, and it seems that Phalarinx (Millia) is going to help me out once I start fighting Duran.

    I wonder if I'll be able to somehow get Duran and that nerdy guy if I make different choices? Hmm...

    All in all, awesome game. Will probably play a third time.
  11. funguy12

    funguy12 Member

    Jul 25, 2010
    well....i'ma w8 till people see how to get to 50lvls+
    so for now i stop
  12. ChrisL

    ChrisL Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    There are several different paths to take and several different endings which adds up to 50+ stages, so I don't think it's possible for anyone to get more than 50 stages.
  13. funguy12

    funguy12 Member

    Jul 25, 2010
    no i mean thow to get to the endings
  14. weipeng

    weipeng Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    graphic designer
    Taipei, Taiwan
    I played twice. The first time was 37 stages, the second time was 39 stages. Depending on my choice of paths. I haven't face Ascard yet (still didn't know how to satisfy the condition). Both time the final boss was Wenceslas, and the last stage was "At the End of a Delusion".
  15. weipeng

    weipeng Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    graphic designer
    Taipei, Taiwan
    As far as I recalled, there will be two teammate who could heal. Sarah and Eve (if you choose going Plain in early stage). Eve has healing ability at first. Sarah will also get healing ability at later stage. About healing abilities, there are two kinds of healing, please see thread on official site forum.
  16. Kylescorpion

    Kylescorpion Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2010
    The game is now $5.99 guys. I'm sooo glad I got this last night for 2.99 =}
  17. articulate

    articulate Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    As much as I wanted to comb through 30 pages of thread, I could only do 14 til' I surrendered. So bash me all you want but please give me my answers too if you have them.

    What do the stats do exactly?

    Well of course I know HP is HP and armor, and mobility and all that. But Barrier? Energy(does it reflect will or energy)? And does power actually equate damage?
  18. Exold

    Exold New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
    #298 Exold, Aug 3, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2010
    Here is what i think:
    HP is HP,no need to explain here.
    Energy is the amount of max energy a gear has. energy is needed to launch some attacks, such as Tinarex's Thunder pulse. On the map,the energy is represented as a yellow bar under the red HP bar.
    Barrier is the additional "HP" you get in a fight. i think it is the orange bar, but it can be the purple bar,or both.
    Armor is harder to explain, by one explanation, it acts like barrier and is the purple(or orange) bar in the battle. others think it's the amount of actual defense you have, meaning higher armour results in lower damage after enemies break through your shield.
    Power is your attack force,more power means more damage on average.
    Mobility is how much you can move.

    In battle, the attacks also has "power". it doesn't equates damage, but is some sort of "base" damage. the more the power,the higher the damage will be eventually.

    *Beware Spoilers*
    I didn't like the ending, the storyline and character design was awesome but the ending had too many loose knots. like, wth is wrong with Ascard(why does he talks funny? what happened after the outburst that destroyed 1/4 of the continent? why is his gear so powered up, and what is the real reason he wanted to beat Wenceslas?), Another unexplained thing is about Tia, what was the favour she wanted to ask Luke? and also, why did harvey need to die? that was so unexpected...he was my favourite character in the game. Also the epilogue made some loose ends...Tia and Luke disappearing after reconstruction,for example. I hope the developers did this for a possibility of launching a sequel,but i will be disappointed if not.

    After some searching, i have discovered that WoE wasn't designed for iPod/iPhone/iPad at first. It was actually a computer game(or a game for other consule),it was called "Battle of the Youstrass", and it was made by Team Darkland, which i read are the same people from iQubi.
    Anyway, the graphics at the computer game are worth than the iPhone once, and most of the names are different, BUT, as far as i know, the storyline is the same. there was a guide written for the computer game:
    http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/581703-battle-of-the-youstrass/faqs/31264, which,in one section, shows the decisions you need to take in order to get to all of the different endings.
    Note: The mission names are also different, but still have some connection, for example,"Wenceslas, the Azure lord" is called "Whiskreet the Heaven", and "A Wail of the Dragon" is called "The Crying Dragon".
    This is really helpful for anyone who wants to enjoy the game to its fullest,and unlock everything.
  19. Eduku

    Eduku Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    *Alright, I'll have to wait till I get it later on (I went through the mountains). Still, early on in the game it kinda handicaps you, which is worse in the early game where getting XP for certain units is crucial. At least in other SRPGs you get items to use or a single cleric to last you for the first batch of missions.

    *Still, if will does have that much of an affect, it should probably be fully accounted for in the hit percentage. At the current rate, on each mission I can expect at least 1 or 2 95% hits to miss, which isn't exactly 5 out of every 100 hits. Still, could be really bad luck.

    I guess I'm more used to the Fire Emblem style combat, where you're told exactly what chances there are of hitting and being hit, the exact damage you'll do and be dealt, etc. Sure it's not realistic, but gameplay-wise it allows for much more precise strategy.
  20. Chopsticx

    Chopsticx New Member

    Aug 4, 2010

    Hey guys I found out how to fight ascard...I don't remember all the paths I took but I have ellion on my side...I remember takin the plains..going into the grove with only Luke...powering up tianerx...and maybe takin the detour on the way to kradion.
    After I beat wenceslas on the last stage "end of a delusion" ascard showed up saying that his GEAR the legnus was also an optimus and that his was the optimus to seal the power of tiana's optimus. At this point I was given the choice to either fight him or not. I choice not to and tiana instead of craving more power and becoming evil gave up the power of tianerx and went to help people with her power. This leads me to think that fighting ascard will make you evil.

    Btw PM me if you need help on last stage I have a great tactic

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