Universal The Walking Dead: Assault (by Skybound LLC)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sotoro, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. GeekyDad

    GeekyDad Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    Games Journalist
    Read some complaints about the controls, but honestly, I'm not sure how they could have handled it better for the type of game they seem to have been going for. It feels a lot more intuitive than most other iOS RTSes. Other games that have tried to offer a full-on RTS have had little luck with this interface, and Assault is a really good compromise, I feel.
  2. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Agreed... I'm fully impressed with how they handled the gameplay and UI...
  3. Pooter

    Pooter Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    This game is great for just being released. I agree with you that the controls work well.

    That being said, I hope they switch the Hold to move team to Double Tap to move team. Or just decrease the time needed to hold because when things get hectic it becomes a chore. I rarely need a char to go solo.

    Just nitpicking :)
  4. GeekyDad

    GeekyDad Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    Games Journalist
    Well, having options never hurts. ;) So yeah, if they gave players the ability to choose between the two, that would be nice.

    As an aside, I tried your strategy, sbirksy, and it worked on the very first try. Thanks! Now to unlock whatever comes after hard mode.
  5. Den.RazoR

    Den.RazoR New Member

    Dec 7, 2012
    iOS programmer
    Game Impressions

    Smash & Trash! Nice thing, but initially it's difficult to manage Rick. 5 stars :eek:!
  6. volodoscope

    volodoscope New Member

    May 8, 2012
    This game is awesome. It feels like being in the comic itself, the flat style of black and white is mixed very well with 3D space. Very nice controls too. Things like the menus need little bit more polish, some buttons are awkward and don't match the style.
  7. mr ed209

    mr ed209 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    It's nice enough i suppose, but sadly I've had to dump it.

    I'd totally failed to pick up that it's real time. I thought it was turn based like Xcom. I really think it's kind of dull, sadly. It's far too hard to effectively manage the various different characters in busy situations, so I just end up constantly running away and firing, running away and firing running away and firing, then using Skills, then running away and firing. Occasionally I try to split the group up into tactical sub-parties and positioning them appropriately, then it all kicks off and it's easier to just go back to running the whole group away and firing again. And again. And again.

    Deleted, as the promise of the app versus the reality is just too depressing for me. At least it was less than the price of a coffee.
  8. defred34

    defred34 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    Can I confirm that this is a full-fledged RTS game? How does it compare to others RTS games on iOS such as Total War: Shogun?
  9. GeekyDad

    GeekyDad Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    Games Journalist
    No, I would not consider it a "full-fledged" RTS; it's more of an RTS lite. That being said, it's perhaps a better fit for iOS than almost any other RTS on the platform currently available. Micro-managing is streamlined majorly, requiring you to simply move single party members out of the way when they're overwhelmed or you want them to nab supplies, etc. But for the most part, it takes a similar approach as FFXII Revenant Wings on DS, where you're moving your entire party around with only minimal micro-management. It works really well and is enjoyable if approached in the spirit with which it was intended.
  10. defred34

    defred34 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2012
    Thanks man. Sounds interesting enough...but one last hurdle. I saw IAPs for the game's in-game currency...how does this ultimately affect gameplay, balance and strategy?
  11. GeekyDad

    GeekyDad Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    Games Journalist
    Well, you know how a lot of folks say, "IAP is totally optional" and yet it really isn't; well, here it truly is. They give you a lot of supplies each chapter, enough to pretty much buy everything you want as it's unlocked. If they gave you more, you'd get bored with the game, as it would get too easy too fast. The only thing that will be worth IAP are the additional chapters, which haven't been released yet.

    I'm actually considering erasing my file so I can start over again, since a lot of the fun is in unlocking stuff.
  12. Ausar

    Ausar Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    You find plenty supplies in every episode that the iap is not even necessary at all
  13. sbirksy666

    sbirksy666 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
    Do not erase your file.....

    I have already erased my file in hoping the kill 1500 walkers would unlock in Game Center (twice it hasn't unlocked now)

    And now none of my times which I have shaved minutes off are getting deducted off the leader boards.....I was 16th and should be at least 10th now :(
  14. Jake-gumbleton

    Jake-gumbleton Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2012
    Freelance concept artist
    Loving ths game! Bought it after Jonathan Ross tweeted it. I am a huge fan of the comics and am really enjoying it so far. The hook of being able to rotate the view to see different stuff is ace. Really well balanced too. Excellent work! Also really like the mechanic of not making too much noise. The special abilities are a really clever touch too...
  15. GeekyDad

    GeekyDad Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    Games Journalist
    Yeesh. Well, thanks for the heads-up.
  16. Ckaoz

    Ckaoz Member

    Jun 20, 2012
    Some challenges seem broken

    I am hoping I am doing something wrong, but I have tried everything I could and am at a loss. On the crossroads mission, the secondary objective is to bea the mission in under 4 minutes. I have beat it with multiple characters, solo and as a party, all under 4 minutes with my record of 3:05. This includes getting all supplies, and 0 deaths, and 0 damage. But I still have not unlocked the challenge completion, nor does the game recognize I beat it in under 4.

    Anyone have any guesses as to the problem, solutions, or the email address to contact the debs to report the bug?
  17. GeekyDad

    GeekyDad Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    Games Journalist
    Has to be a glitch. My record for that chapter is 2:58, and I've unlocked the reward for the secondary objective. I guess you could go to the description page on the App Store and see if they have a link for reporting bugs, or perhaps use the digital receipt Apple sends you to report the issue.
  18. Dan Boutros

    Dan Boutros Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Episodes are just packs of updated content, character and levels, with new features. Think of them as mini-sequels.

    RE: Those having issues with the Running Man achievement, there's a bug fix coming in a few days.

    iAP = COMPLETELY optional. You earn supplies by playing and they are the game currency. You can use iAP to simply speed up the unlock process.

    Hope that clears some things. :)

    Additionally, you guys should follow @robertkirkman, as he's setting challenges on the game daily until the 21st, where you can win some good stuff which we'll post worldwide.

  19. GeekyDad

    GeekyDad Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2012
    Games Journalist
    Any word on when those additional episodes are due for release?
  20. Dan Boutros

    Dan Boutros Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    No official word on Episode release dates.

    There will be updates in-between Episodes, so you won't be starved for new toys.

    I'm hoping they will come sooner rather than later but I know the boys are really focusing hard on raising the bar with each episode, so if there's a wait, expect it because they're focusing on getting the improvements right before shipping. :)

    If you have any desires for features, additions and so on. Share em here and I'll pass them on. :)

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