I don't mind that as much as the bad reviews that state that the app in question won't work on their antiquated device and therefore it's bad.
Just finished Episode 5... It hurts knowing a game this great will take a long while to make a follow up to. I'm not going to keep it on my phone ... Ill just save my choices on my phone's notepad and go the other way next time. I still can't believe how bad the game tried to make me feel when I dropped that one guy.
Finished the 4th episode of Walking Dead. Pretty abrupt cutoff. Don't want the game to end already, damn. One more section.. Spoiler I'm surprised so few people let Ben die. The game does indeed try to make you feel like shit. I've been pretty surprised at times seeing how the decision polls turned out at the end of each episode of Walking Dead.
Wow, episode 5 of Walking Dead was incredibly short. I'm surprised it offered nearly no answers. Guess that's where the sequel comes in. The events in this last section were definitely all pretty predictable. Doesn't mean it wasn't a powerful and emotional ride though. Took about 10 hours to beat the whole game. I'll replay it all one day. Very happy I took the time to experience TellTale's Walking Dead. I haven't ran through a single-player game of this length so fast in years. Started it just last Friday.
Short but fantastic. The polls were surprising to me as well, I may have went about it all rather heartlessly but still, surely someone else dropped Ben.. Lol
I also thought Episode 5 was a bit short and not as satisfying as I thought it would be after going through the rest of the game. Still excellent though. I think it's kind of weird that they tracked the decision branches in the game. It seemed like what they were trying to do with the data from each episode was to make the later episodes more morally ambiguous, but it seems in most cases like they got farther away from 50/50 as the game progressed rather than closer. What I gathered from I saw was that most people made choices that had immediate positive moral repercussions. I think the developers probably should have made both choices appear more similar in that regard. As it stood, there was usually a logical choice and a moral one, for lack of a better description. The anomaly I found is that I think most people did not shoot the woman so that they'd get more time to raid the drug store. I'm also a bit curious about how representative the findings are because I'd suspect most people who play the game more than once are going to deliberately make choices they wouldn't instinctively make on additional playthroughs. For example, if 70 percent of people are charted as saving one person over another, does that really mean that 90 percent of people who only play the game once did so and the 20 percent drop is accounted for by experimental runs? When I play again, Lee's going to be one mean dude, that's for sure.
I lost the balls to be a hardass after some of the earlier decisions came back to haunt me. Sad, I know. Spoiler But I'm sure as hell glad I killed both of those damn brothers.
Don't know why everyone is saying that it doesn't work with the iPod 4G. I have a iPod 4G and it works just fine on it, sure it lags now and then but it is still very much playable.
I think it's all relative. I was leery about downloading it, but it plays fine for me as well, even on my iPad 1! Sure, it's a bit laggy in spots, but not terrible, considering. DBC
Hey, ..you and Mater Ows say that, ok. But...it is playble for all episodes, or just for the first one? Please answare, because i want to play this game..but till the end, not just the first episode.
Interesting news. According to Telltale writer Gary Whitta, It sounds like there will be some sort of interim Walking Dead additional content coming "to make the wait for season two slightly less agonising.
Anyone who has played at least a little bit of Telltale's The Walking Dead and says he doesnt like the game is a complete idiot and only has pixels for a brain. There... I said it.
There's really nothing to not like. Great game. It's feels good to know that my brain is more than just pixels
Hi just a question about the pricing. I live in the UK and want to purchase all the episodes. In iTunes the inapp purchase section says its £6.99 for episodes 2-5, but in game it just says $14.99 for episodes 2-5. I only have £7 left on my iTunes account and I'm afraid of being overcharged. Can anyone clarify for me please? Thanks a lot.